This type provides information about the created document ID.
Types that use CreateDocumentResponse
Not used by any types.
Calls that use CreateDocumentResponse
The unique identifier of the document to be uploaded.
This value is returned in the response and location header of the createDocument and createDocumentFromUrl methods. This ID can be used with the getDocument and uploadDocument methods, and to add an uploaded document to a listing. See Adding documents to listings for more information.
This value is returned in the response and location header of the createDocument and createDocumentFromUrl methods. This ID can be used with the getDocument and uploadDocument methods, and to add an uploaded document to a listing. See Adding documents to listings for more information.
The status of the document resource.
For example, the value
For example, the value
is the initial state when the reference to the document has been created using the createDocument method. When creating a document using the createDocumentFromUrl method, the initial state will be SUBMITTED