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The Regulatory.ProductSafety container is used by the seller to add product safety related information to a listing. One of the following elements is required to complete the product safety section of a listing: Pictograms or Statements. The third field, Component, is optional (not required to complete the product safety section of a listing).

Fields that apply to product safety are contained in different APIs. See API field relationships for details.

Note: The values contained in this topic are subject to change. Use the getProductSafetyLabels method in the Metadata API for the latest supported values.

API field relationships

The following table contains the related fields from the Trading API, Inventory API, and Metadata API. Use the Metadata API to retrieve the available codes for the marketplace/site, and the Trading API or Inventory API to set the codes for the listing.

  Metadata API Fields Trading API Inventory API
Code Description URL
pictogramId pictogram
pictogramUrl ProductSafety.
statementId statement
Not applicable ProductSafety.

Product safety pictogram values

If your product shows universal product safety or compliance symbols, use the code corresponding to the product safety pictograms for display in the product safety section of the listing. For each listing, add up to two pictogram codes using separate Pictogram fields.

Code Description URL
EBPSP101 Not suitable for young children$_1.PNG?set_id=8800005007
EBPSP201 CE marking$_1.PNG?set_id=8800005007
EBPSP102 Contains coin battery$_1.PNG?set_id=8800005007
EBPSP103 Keep out of reach of children$_1.PNG?set_id=8800005007

Product safety statement values

If your product shows universal product safety or compliance warnings, please select the values corresponding to the product safety statements for display in the product safety section of the listing. For each listing, add up to eight statement codes using the Statement field.

Code Description
EBPSS101 Not suitable for children under 3 years old.
EBPSS102 Warning: Please keep out of reach of children.
EBPSS103 Warning: Product contains a button or coin battery.
EBPSS104 To be used under the direct supervision of an adult.
EBPSS105 Warning: Use with equipment protection. Do not use on public roads.
EBPSS107 Toy inside. Adult supervision recommended.
EBPSS108 To prevent possible injury from entanglement, remove this toy when the child begins crawling.
EBPSS109 Only use in water where the child can stand and is supervised by an adult.
EBPSS110 To be used under the direct supervision of an adult.
EBPSS111 This toy does not provide protection.
EBPSS112 Contains fragrances that may cause allergies.
EBPSS113 Only for domestic use.