eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

Call Index

This API Reference describes the elements and attributes for each call in the Trading API.

The details in this Call Reference apply if you are developing applications with the supplied WSDL or Schema (XSD), or if you are using one of the eBay SDKs. If you are using an SDK, note that there can be differences between the calls outlined in this reference and the calls in the SDK. For details, see eBay SDKs.

Call Summary Samples
AddFixedPriceItem Defines and publishes a single or multiple-variation fixed-price listing. View
AddItem Creates a fixed-price, auction, or classified ad listing. View
AddItems Defines from one to five items and lists them on a specified eBay site. View
AddMemberMessageAAQToPartner Enables a buyer and seller in an order relationship to send messages to each other's My Messages Inboxes. View
AddMemberMessageRTQ Enables a seller to reply to a question about an active item listing. View
AddMemberMessagesAAQToBidder Enables a seller to send up to 10 messages to bidders/potential buyers regarding an active listing. View
AddOrder Combines two or more order line items into a single order, enabling a buyer to pay for all of those order line items with a single payment. View
AddSecondChanceItem Used by the seller of an auction listing to provide a Second Chance Offer to one of that auction item's non-winning bidders. View
AddToItemDescription Adds additional text to an active listing's item description. View
AddToWatchList Adds one or more order line items to the eBay user's Watch List. View
CompleteSale Enables a seller to perform various tasks with a single or multiple line item order. View
ConfirmIdentity Returns the ID of a user who has gone through an application's consent flow process for obtaining an authorization token. View
DeleteMyMessages Removes selected messages for a given user. View
EndFixedPriceItem Ends the specified fixed-price listing before the date and time at which it would normally end (per the listing duration). View
EndItem Ends the specified item listing before the date and time at which it would normally end per the listing duration. View
EndItems The EndItems call is used to end up to 10 specified eBay listings before the date and time at which those listings would normally end per the listing duration. View
ExtendSiteHostedPictures This call is used to extend this expiration date of pictures uploaded to the eBay Picture Server (EPS). View
FetchToken Retrieves an authentication token for a user. View
GetAccount Returns a seller's invoice data for their eBay account, including the account's summary data. View
GetAdFormatLeads Retrieves sales lead information for a lead generation listing. View
GetAllBidders This call is used to retrieve bidders from an active or recently-ended auction listing. View
GetBestOffers This call can be used by a seller to retrieve all active Best Offers, all Best Offers on a specific listing, a specific Best Offer for a specific listing, or Best Offers in a specific state. View
GetBidderList Retrieves all items that the user is currently bidding on, and the ones they have won or purchased. View
GetCategories Retrieves the latest eBay category hierarchy for a given eBay site. View
GetCategoryFeatures Returns information about the features that are applicable to different categories, such as listing durations, shipping term requirements, and Best Offer support. View
GetCategoryMappings Retrieves a map of old category IDs and corresponding active category IDs defined for the site to which the request is sent. View
GetChallengeToken This call retrieves a botblock token and URLs for an image or audio clip that the user is to match. View
GetDescriptionTemplates This call retrieves detailed information on the Listing Designer templates that are available for use by the seller. View
GeteBayDetails This call retrieves the latest eBay feature-related metadata values that are supported when listing items. View
GeteBayOfficialTime Gets the official eBay system time in GMT. View
GetFeedback Retrieves one, many, or all Feedback records for a specific eBay user. View
GetItem The GetItem call returns listing data such as title, description, price information, user information, and so on, for the specified ItemID. View
GetItemsAwaitingFeedback This call retrieves all completed order line items for which the user (buyer or seller) still needs to leave Feedback for their order partner. View
GetItemShipping This call takes an ItemID value for an item that has yet to be shipped, and then returns estimated shipping costs for every shipping service that the seller has offered with the listing. View
GetItemTransactions This call retrieves details on one or more order line items for a specified eBay listing. View
GetMemberMessages Retrieves a list of the messages buyers have posted about your active item listings. View
GetMessagePreferences Returns a seller's Ask Seller a Question (ASQ) subjects, each in its own Subject field. View
GetMyeBayBuying Retrieves information regarding a user's buying activity, such as items they are watching, bidding on, have won, did not win, and have made Best Offers on. View
GetMyeBaySelling Retrieves information regarding the user's selling activity, such as items that the user is currently selling (the Active list), auction listings that have bids, sold items, and unsold items. View
GetMyMessages Retrieves information about the messages sent to a user. View
GetNotificationPreferences Retrieves the requesting application's notification preferences. View
GetNotificationsUsage Retrieves usage information about platform notifications for a given application. View
GetOrders Retrieves the orders for which the authenticated user is a participant, either as the buyer or the seller. View
GetSellerEvents This call is used by a seller to retrieve changes to their own listings that have occurred within the last 48 hours, including price changes, available quantity, and other revisions to listing. View
GetSellerList This call is used to retrieve an array of listings for the seller. View
GetSellerTransactions Retrieves order line item information for the seller for which the call is made, and not for any other user. To retrieve order line items for another seller's listings, use GetItemTransactions. View
GetSessionID Retrieves a session ID that identifies a user and your application when you make a FetchToken request. View
GetShippingDiscountProfiles This call retrieves all shipping discount profiles currently defined by the user, along with other Combined Invoice-related details such as packaging and handling costs. View
GetStore This call is used to retrieve detailed information on a seller's eBay Store, including store theme information and eBay Store category hierarchy. View
GetStoreCategoryUpdateStatus This call is used to retrieve the status of an eBay Store Category hierarchy change that was made with a SetStoreCategories call. View
GetTaxTable This call is used to retrieve information on the seller's Sales Tax Table. View
GetTokenStatus This call is used to get the current status of a user token. View
GetUser Retrieves data pertaining to a single eBay user. View
GetUserContactDetails This call is used to retrieve contact information for a specified eBay user, given that a bidding relationship (as either a buyer or seller) exists between the caller and the user. View
GetUserPreferences Retrieves the specified user preferences for the authenticated caller. View
GetVeROReasonCodeDetails Retrieves details about VeRO reason codes for a given site or all sites. You must be a member of the Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) Program to use this call. View
GetVeROReportStatus Retrieves status information about VeRO reported items. You must be a member of the Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) Program to use this call. View
LeaveFeedback Enables a buyer and seller to leave Feedback for their order partner at the conclusion of a successful order. View
PlaceOffer Enables the authenticated user to to make a bid on an auction item, propose a Best Offer, or purchase a fixed-price/Buy It Now item. View
RelistFixedPriceItem Enables a seller to relist a fixed-price listing that has recently ended on a specified eBay site. View
RelistItem Enables a seller to relist a listing that has recently ended on a specified eBay site. View
RemoveFromWatchList The call enables a user to remove one or more items from their Watch List. View
RespondToBestOffer This call enables the seller to accept or decline a buyer's Best Offer on an item, or make a counter offer to the buyer's Best Offer. View
RespondToFeedback Enables a seller to reply to Feedback that has been left for a user, or to post a follow-up comment to a Feedback comment the user has left for someone else. View
ReviseFixedPriceItem Enables a seller to revise a fixed-price listing on a specified eBay site. View
ReviseInventoryStatus Enables a seller to change the price and/or quantity of one or more fixed-price listings (single-variation or multiple-variation). View
ReviseItem Enables a seller to revise a listing on a specified eBay site. View
ReviseMyMessages This call can be used to mark one or more messages as 'Read', to flag one or more messages, and/or to move one or more messages to another My Messages folder. View
ReviseMyMessagesFolders This call can be used to add, remove, or rename a custom folder in My eBay Messages. View
RevokeToken Revokes a token before it would otherwise expire. View
SendInvoice Enables a seller to send an order invoice to a buyer. View
SetMessagePreferences Enables a seller to add custom Ask Seller a Question (ASQ) subjects to their Ask a Question page, or to reset any custom subjects to their default values. View
SetNotificationPreferences Manages notification and alert preferences for applications and users. View
SetShippingDiscountProfiles This call enables a seller to create and manage shipping discounts rules. View
SetStoreCategories This call allows you to set or modify the category structure of an eBay Store. View
SetTaxTable This call allows you to add or modify sales tax rates for one or more tax jurisdictions within the specified site. View
SetUserNotes Enables users to add, modify, or delete a pinned note for any item that is being tracked in the My eBay All Selling and All Buying areas. View
SetUserPreferences This call allows an eBay user to set/modify numerous seller account preferences. View
UploadSiteHostedPictures Uploads a picture to the eBay Picture Service and returns a URL of the picture. View
ValidateChallengeInput Validates the user response to a GetChallengeToken botblock challenge. View
ValidateTestUserRegistration Requests to enable a test user to sell items in the Sandbox environment. View
VerifyAddFixedPriceItem Enables a seller to test the definition of a new fixed-price listing by submitting the definition to eBay without creating an actual listing. View
VerifyAddItem Enables a seller to specify the definition of a new item and submit the definition to eBay without creating a listing. View
VerifyAddSecondChanceItem Simulates the creation of a new Second Chance Offer listing of an item without actually creating a listing. View
VerifyRelistItem Enable the seller to verify that the data they plan to pass into a RelistItem call will produce the results that you are expecting, including a successful call with no errors. View
VeROReportItems Reports items that allegedly infringe your copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights. You must be a member of the Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) Program to use this call. View