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APIs to manage Best Offers, translate listing titles and descriptions, and to ensure that active listings are compliant with eBay policies.

Name Description API Reference Release Notes
Translation API (beta) Translate common commerce content, such as the title and description of an item to help present marketplace listings to buyers in different countries or regions. The Translation API takes foreign language search queries from the buyer and translates them for the target marketplace, as well.
Compliance API Provides tools for validating listings to help sellers keep their listings in compliance with eBay’s policies.
Recommendation API Returns information that sellers can use to configure Promoted Listings ad campaigns.
Identity API Retrieve account profile information for an authenticated user.
Best Offer and Second Chance APIs The calls in this group are used to place an offer on a listing, to create a Second-Chance Offer, to get and respond to Best Offers, and to retrieve buyer interest leads for classified ads.
eDelivery International Shipping API Allows Greater-China based sellers to create, manage, and track international shipping orders.