eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

GetStoreRequestType ( AbstractRequestType )

This call is used to retrieve information on a seller's eBay Store, including detailed information on all customized Store categories that the seller has set up.

Call that uses GetStoreRequestType:


CategoryStructureOnly ( boolean ) [0..1]
Include this field and set its value to true if you wish to restrict the call response to only the store category hierarchy data.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use CategoryStructureOnly.

LevelLimit ( int ) [0..1]
This field allows the seller to limit the number of levels of eBay Store categories that are returned. To return only top-level eBay Store categories, the user can include this field and set its value to 1 (and not use a RootCategoryID value). To retrieve a specific eBay Store Category and that category's child categories, the user could specify the unique eBay Store Category ID in the RootCategoryID field and then set the LevelLimit value to 2.

If LevelLimit is omitted, the complete eBay Store Category hierarchy is returned, or all of specified store category's child categories. eBay Stores support only three levels of store categories.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use LevelLimit.

RootCategoryID ( long ) [0..1]
The unique identifier of an eBay Store category. This field is used if the user wants to isolate the category hierarchy data to one particular eBay category (and its subcategories if applicable). The LevelLimit value will determine how many additional levels of categories are returned.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use RootCategoryID.

UserID ( UserIDType (string) ) [0..1]
The eBay user ID of the eBay seller that owns the eBay Store to be retrieved. This field is only needed if the user wants to view the eBay Store information owned by a different seller (than the seller associated with the authenticated user token). If this field is omitted, the eBay Store information for the seller associated with the authenticated user token is returned.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use UserID.