eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

GetVeROReportStatusRequestType ( AbstractRequestType )

Retrieves status information about VeRO reported items you have submitted. You can receive the status of individual items you have reported or, by specifying VeROReportPacketID, you can retrieve status for all items reported with a given VeROReportItems request. You can also retrieve items that were reported during a given time period. If no input parameters are specified, status is returned on all items you have reported in the last two years. You must be a member of the Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) Program to use this call.

Call that uses GetVeROReportStatusRequestType:


IncludeReportedItemDetails ( boolean ) [0..1]
Set to true to return reported item details when you specify VeROReportPacketID in the request.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use IncludeReportedItemDetails.

ItemID ( ItemIDType (string) ) [0..1]
Unique identifier for an eBay listing reported for alleged infringement. Applies to items reported with the VeROReportItems call or by other means (e.g., through the Web flow).
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ItemID.

Pagination ( PaginationType ) [0..1]
Contains the data controlling the pagination of the returned values: how many items are returned per page of data (per call) and the number of the page to return with the current call.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Pagination.

TimeFrom ( dateTime ) [0..1]
Limits returned items to only those that were submited on or after the date-time specified. If specified, TimeTo must also be specified. Express the date-time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, and in GMT. (For information on how to convert between your local time zone and GMT, see Time Values Note.) Applies to items reported with VeROReportItems or by other means (e.g., through the web flow). Infringement reporting data is maintained for two years after the date of submission. This field is ignored if VeROReportPacketID or ItemID is specified.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use TimeFrom.

TimeTo ( dateTime ) [0..1]
Limits returned items to only those that were submited on or before the date-time specified. If specified, TimeFrom must also be specified. Express date-time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, and in GMT. (For information on how to convert between your local time zone and GMT, see Time Values Note.) Applies to items reported with VeROReportItems or by other means (e.g., through the web flow). Infringement reporting data is maintained for two years after the date of submission. This field is ignored if VeROReportPacketID or ItemID is specified.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use TimeTo.

VeROReportPacketID ( long ) [0..1]
Packet identifier associated with the reported items for which you want to retrieve status. By default, reported item details are not returned when you specify the packet ID in the request. Applies only to items reported with the VeROReportItems call.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use VeROReportPacketID.