eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

GetTaxTableResponseType ( AbstractResponseType )

The base response of the GetTaxTable call.

Call that uses GetTaxTableResponseType:


LastUpdateTime ( dateTime ) [0..1]
The last time (in GMT) that the tax table was updated. Only returned if the user previously created a tax table and if the site has jurisdictions. LastUpdateTime is useful for synchronization. If you cache the user's tax table, you can use GetTaxTable to check if it has changed and whether you need to update the cached tax table.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use LastUpdateTime.

TaxTable ( TaxTableType ) [0..1]
A container of tax jurisdiction information unique to a user/site combination. Returned as an empty container if no Sales Tax Table information exists for the seller's account and no DetailLevel is used. If DetailLevel is not specified, information is only returned for the jurisdictions for which the user provided tax information. If DetailLevel is set to ReturnAll, tax information is returned for all possible jurisdictions, whether specified by the user or not. ShippingIncludedInTax and SalesTaxPercent are returned but are empty.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use TaxTable.