eBay Trading APIVersion 1379


This type is used by the ItemBidDetails container that is returned in GetAllBidders. The ItemBidDetails container shows a few details about a user's bid on an auction listing. An ItemBidDetails container is returned for each bid that a user makes during the life of an auction listing. An ItemBidDetails container will only be returned to the seller of the auction listing or to an actual bidder for the listing.

Type that uses ItemBidDetailsType:

Call that uses ItemBidDetailsType:


BidCount ( int ) [0..1]
The total number of bids that the user has placed on the auction item.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use BidCount.

CategoryID ( string ) [0..1]
Unique identifier of the eBay category that the auction item is listed under.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use CategoryID.

ItemID ( ItemIDType (string) ) [0..1]
The unique identifier of an item listed on the eBay site.

Since a bidder's user information is anonymous, this tag will contain the real ID value only for that bidder, and the seller of an item that the user is bidding on. For all other users, the real ID value will be replaced with the anonymous value, according to these rules:

When bidding on items listed on the US site: UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID. For example, if the UserID = IBidALot, it might be displayed as, "I****A".
Note that in this format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for every auction.

(GetMyeBayBuying only) when bidding on items listed on the US site: UserID is replaced with the value "a****b" where a and b are random characters from the UserID.

When bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the value "Bidder X" where X is a number indicating the order of that user's first bid. For example, if the user was the third bidder, UserID = Bidder 3.
Note that in this format, the anonymous bidder ID stays the same for a given auction, but is different for different auctions. For example, a bidder who is the third and then the seventh bidder in an auction will be listed for both bids as "Bidder 3". However, if that same bidder is the first bidder on a different auction, the bidder will be listed for that auction as "Bidder 1", not "Bidder 3".

(GetMyeBayBuying only) when bidding on items listed on the UK and AU sites: UserID is replaced with the string "High Bidder".

(GetBestOffers only) - all sites: The last part of the user ID is replaced with asterisks for users that submit best offers on an item. The seller of the item will be able to see the full User ID.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ItemID.

LastBidTime ( dateTime ) [0..1]
This timestamp indicates the date/time at which the user placed the last bid on the auction item.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use LastBidTime.

SellerID ( UserIDType (string) ) [0..1]
The eBay ID of the seller who listed the item.

This will be returned with the anonymous value "Seller X", where X indicates where the seller falls in the sequence of sellers that the user has purchased items from. For example, if the seller is the third seller that the user has purchased items from, the value "Seller 3" is returned.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use SellerID.