eBay Trading APIVersion 1379


This type is used to set/display details related to VAT (Value-Added Tax) and Business Seller features.

Note: VAT is not applicable to all countries, including the US. Sellers must be registered as Business Sellers on the site they are selling on in order to use the Business Seller-related fields.

Types that use VATDetailsType:

Calls that use VATDetailsType:


BusinessSeller ( boolean ) [0..1]
This field should be included in an Add/Revise/Relist call and set to true if the seller is registered on the selling site as a Business Seller. This field must be included and set to true if the RestrictedToBusiness field is also included and set to true. The RestrictedToBusiness field is used by German (Site ID 77), Austrian (Site ID 16), and Swiss (Site ID 193) sellers who wish to restrict sales of their item to other users registered as business users.

This field is returned in 'Get' calls only if set on the listing, and the person making the call owns the listing. However, other Business Seller-related information will be returned to all users in 'Get' calls under the SellerInfo and BusinessSellerDetails containers.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use BusinessSeller.

RestrictedToBusiness ( boolean ) [0..1]
This field must be included in an Add/Revise/Relist call and set to true if a German (Site ID 77), Austrian (Site ID 16), or Swiss (Site ID 193) seller wishes to restrict sales of their item to other users registered on eBay as business users. If this field is set as true, the BusinessSeller field must also be included and set to true. This feature is not available on any other eBay marketplaces.

This field can be included and set to true only by Business Sellers registered on one of the three sites above, and only if the listing category supports Business-to-Business listings. The GetCategories call can be used by the seller (using one of the Site IDs above) to see which categories support Business-to-Business listings. A B2BVATEnabled boolean field will be returned as true if a listing category supports Business-to-Business listings.

This field is returned in 'Get' calls only if set on the listing, and the person making the call owns the listing. However, other Business Seller-related information will be returned to all users in 'Get' calls under the SellerInfo and BusinessSellerDetails containers.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use RestrictedToBusiness.

VATID ( string ) [0..1]
This is the unique VAT identifier associated with the Business Seller's account. This field will only be returned to Business Sellers who own the specified listing.

Non-Business Sellers will not have a VAT identifier associated with their account, so this field will never be returned for those users.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use VATID.

VATPercent ( float ) [0..1]
This container is used in an Add/Revise/Relist call to set the VAT (Value-added Tax) percentage rate that will be charged to buyers when an item is purchased from the listing.

VAT is not applicable to all countries, including the US. Allowed VAT percentage rates can vary by region/country, so sellers should be aware of the rates they are legally required/allowed to charge, and they are responsible for charging the correct VAT rate.

If VAT is charged on a listing, the seller can choose to print an invoice for the buyer that shows the item's net price, the VAT percentage rate, the VAT amount, and the total price.

This field is returned in 'Get' calls only if the listing is subject to VAT.

Note: Previously, up to three digits beyond the decimal point were allowed for this float value, but now a seller can include only one digit beyond the decimal point (e.g. 12.3) when using an Add/Revise/Relist call to set this value. An error will occur if more digits beyond the decimal point are specified.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use VATPercent.

VATSite ( string ) [0..1]
This string value is the Site ID value of the eBay Marketplace where the VAT is applicable and where the seller is registered as a Business Seller.

The eBay sites that support VAT (and their corresponding Site IDs) can be found in the Value-added tax (VAT) topic.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use VATSite.