eBay Trading APIVersion 1379


GetCategoryFeatures returns metadata that lists the set of features supported by the category tree of an eBay marketplace and the default values for those features.

Each eBay marketplace arranges its selling categories into a hierarchal tree structure, and the structure and features supported by a category tree can vary by marketplace. While you can retrieve the category hierarchy for any eBay marketplace using the GetCategories call, you must use GetCategoryFeatures to retrieve the list of features supported by a given marketplace and their default values.

The root node of each category tree has a set of feature and value settings that define the top-level defaults for the site. Each child category in the tree inherits its settings from its parent category, so the defaults set at the root node flow down through the rest of the tree. That said, there are some categories that "override" the root settings, which means that some categories have default settings that differ from the defaults set at the root node.

Usage Details

A call to GetCategoryFeatures returns one or more of the following containers:

Note on return policies: The response values for the return policies differ from the values returned for the other features in that the SiteDefaults and Category containers list the allowable site and category values, and not the actual "default" values for these settings. With this, the SiteDefaults container lists all the return policy values that are supported at the root node of the specified marketplace and the Category container lists the allowed return policy values if (1) the allowable values for the category differ from the values allowed at the root node of the marketplace (in the case of any category IDs supplied in the request) or (2) if the allowable values for the category differ from those of their parent category. This exception pertains to the following domestic and international return policy flags: ReturnsDurationValues, ReturnsAcceptedValues, ReturnsShipmentPayeeValues, and RefundMethodValues. In addition, the FeatureDefinitions container is not currently populated for the return policy values.

The containers returned from a call to GetCategoryFeatures depend on how you configure the request. GetCategoryDetails has several parameters that give you control over the response: DetailLevel, ViewAllNodes, AllFeaturesForCategory, FeatureID, LevelLimit, and CategoryID. Configure these parameters to produce the results you need as described below.

Although you can configure the GetCategoryFeatures parameters in many ways, a few combinations provide the most useful information. The most common queries return the site defaults, the durations for a specific listing format, or the features settings of a specific category.

Use GetCategoryFeatures in combination with GetCategories to check whether a site and its categories support various features. For example, you can check which categories support the Best Offer feature, or you can check which categories support 10-day listing durations for fixed-price items. Specify the features you want information about by passing FeatureID values in your requests. If you do not specify a FeatureID value, GetCategoryFeatures returns information about all features.

Obtaining the Site Defaults

The most fundamental use of GetCategoryFeatures is to return the complete list of features along with the default feature settings for the site. To obtain this response, call GetCategoryFeatures with the DetailLevel set to ReturnAll and AllFeaturesForCategory set to true. Here, eBay returns the details for the root category node.

Obtaining the Settings for a Specific Category

Perhaps the most useful call for GetCategoryFeatures is the one that returns information on one specific category. Set ViewAllNodes to true, DetailLevel to ReturnAll, AllFeaturesForCategory to true, and specify the desired category with CategoryID. eBay returns the definitions for the category features that override the site defaults, along with the default site settings and feature durations. If you need information for more than a single category, repeat the call with a modified CategoryID value.

If you input specific category features with FeatureID fields and set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, eBay returns just the requested feature settings for the specified category, regardless of the site defaults.

Obtaining Listing Durations

If you need to determine the possible listing durations for a particular listing format, any call to GetCategoryFeatures with DetailLevel set to ReturnAll returns the site's ListingDurations container.

Obtaining Feature Settings for the Entire Site

The most comprehensive response from GetCategoryFeatures is obtained when you set ViewAllNodes to true and DetailLevel to ReturnAll. If you do not specify a CategoryID value, eBay returns the settings for the entire site. Here, the response includes listing durations, site defaults, and Category containers for every category that overrides the settings inherited from its parent node. Beware, the result from this call can be quite large: eBay starts at the root category node and returns category information for every node that has any feature differences (overrides) from those that it inherits from its parent node. For the eBay US site, the response is over 15 thousand lines.

If you supply a CategoryID, eBay returns the listing durations as well as the default site settings. eBay also returns the details for the specified category and any of its children categories that have overrides. The response from this call can be considerably smaller than the one where CategoryID is not specified.

Obtaining Settings for Specific Features

If you only work with certain features, you can retrieve data more quickly by specifying a FeatureID value for each feature in which you are interested. In this case, the call returns the categories that override the inherited settings for the features you specify.

If you want to inspect specific feature settings for a specific category, set the FeatureID values, the CategoryID, and set AllFeaturesForCategory to true. This call returns the settings for the specified features, regardless of the site defaults or overrides.

The Listing Durations Feature

Use GetCategoryFeatures to check the listing durations allowed for a given listing format before you specify the duration in AddItem. Listing durations are also returned by GeteBayDetails, however, whereas GeteBayDetails defines all possible durations, GetCategoryFeatures shows which durations are applicable to each listing format. To find the durations allowed for your type of listing, match the value for the SiteDefaults.ListingDuration type with the values given for the durationSetID in the FeatureDefinitions container.

Note that GetCategoryFeatures does not return 1-day duration settings, even if the listing type allows them. A seller must meet several requirements before they can list an item for a 1-day duration, including the seller's feedback score, the auction format, and the category type. Check ListingDurationCodeType to see if the listing type supports 1-day durations.

Working with the Response

Due to the large number of eBay categories, the response from GetCategoryFeatures uses an inheritance override model to keep the size of the response as manageable as possible. In some cases, you need to interpret the response to get the information you need.

For example, suppose you want to see the category settings for BestOfferedEnabled. The figure below shows that Best Offer is not enabled for the site (BestOfferEnabled=false). Because eBay returns a Category container only when the associated category overrides the settings it inherits from its parent, Category containers are returned only for categories 112, 21 and 2111 because they override the settings inherited from their parent category.

Note that if you set CategoryID to 2111, the response for that category will not include BestOfferEnabled information because it is the same as the site default. However, if you set CategoryID to 21, both 21 and 2111 will contain BestOfferEnabled settings: 21 overrides the site default and 2111 overrides the setting inherited from its parent (211).

Best Practices

GetCategoryFeatures returns a lot of information and its information changes infrequently. Because of this, eBay recommends that you call GetCategoryFeatures a few times per week and that you refresh any database of feature details you maintain only when the CategoryVersion number has changed.

See GetCategoryFeatures Samples for more details.

Testing GetCategoryFeatures

Even though GetCategoryFeatures is supported in the Sandbox, the call does not modify item data and you can run GetCategoryFeatures in the production environment to see true site results. To verify that you're correctly using GetCategoryFeatures, try these following tests:

Related Information

See Categories.


See also Samples.

The box below lists all fields that could be included in the call request. To learn more about an individual field or its type, click its name in the box (or scroll down to find it in the table below the box).

See also the Deprecated Objects link above. Fields presented in this color are deprecated, and fields presented in this color are (or soon will be) non-operational.

The XML prototype does not include requester credentials. This is a documentation limitation only (see Standard Requester Credentials for Making Calls).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetCategoryFeaturesRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
  <!-- Call-specific Input Fields -->
  <AllFeaturesForCategory> boolean </AllFeaturesForCategory>
  <CategoryID> string </CategoryID>
  <FeatureID> FeatureIDCodeType </FeatureID>
  <!-- ... more FeatureID values allowed here ... -->
  <LevelLimit> int </LevelLimit>
  <ViewAllNodes> boolean </ViewAllNodes>
  <!-- Standard Input Fields -->
  <DetailLevel> DetailLevelCodeType </DetailLevel>
  <!-- ... more DetailLevel values allowed here ... -->
  <ErrorLanguage> string </ErrorLanguage>
  <MessageID> string </MessageID>
  <OutputSelector> string </OutputSelector>
  <!-- ... more OutputSelector values allowed here ... -->
  <Version> string </Version>
  <WarningLevel> WarningLevelCodeType </WarningLevel>
Argument Type Occurrence Meaning
Call-specific Input Fields [Jump to standard fields]
AllFeaturesForCategory boolean Optional Use this switch to view all of the feature settings for a specific category. All feature settings are returned, regardless of the site default settings. This element works in conjunction with CategoryID--refer to the notes for that element for more details.

If you also set FeatureID, eBay returns the status of the specified features only, for the specified category.
Default: false.
CategoryID string Optional Specifies the category for which you want to retrieve the feature settings.

Specify a CategoryID, set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, and set ViewAllNodes to true to return the default site settings, the overrides for the specified category, plus all the child categories that have overrides on the features they inherit.

If you also set AllFeaturesForCategory to true, eBay returns the site defaults, plus all the settings for the specified category. Child category information is not returned in this case.

If CategoryID is not specified, eBay returns the feature settings for the site. To return details on all categories that have overrides on the properties they inherit, set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, and set ViewAllNodes to true. If you also set AllFeaturesForCategory to true, eBay returns only the site defaults with no child category information.
FeatureID FeatureIDCodeType Optional,
repeatable: [0..*]
Use this field if you want to know if specific features are enabled at the site or root category level. Multiple FeatureID elements can be used in the request. If no FeatureID elements are used, the call retrieves data for all features, as applicable to the other request parameters.
Default: All feature metadata returned if no FeatureID values are used.

Applicable values: See FeatureID.
LevelLimit int Optional This field is used if the user wants to control the maximum depth of the category hierarchy to retrieve, or in other words, how many levels of eBay categories that are returned in the response. If this field is omitted, and no CategoryID is specified, eBay feature metadata for every eBay category from the root on down will be returned. If this field is omitted, but a CategoryID is specified, the specified category and all of its children (down to the leaf categories) are returned.

If the CategoryID field is not used, but the LevelLimit field is used and set to 1, eBay feature metadata is only returned for the top-level categories (also known as L1 categories).
ViewAllNodes boolean Optional You must set DetailLevel to ReturnAll in order to correctly populate the response when you set ViewAllNodes to true. In this case, eBay returns the site defaults along with all the categories that override the feature settings they inherit. Here, each Category container shows only the features that it has overridden from its parent node.

If you also specify a CategoryID, eBay returns the details for that category, along with containers for each of its child categories that have feature overrides.

Note that if ViewAllNodes is set to false (the default) and DetailLevel is set to ReturnAll, eBay returns only the leaf categories that have features that override the settings they inherit. In this case, the call will not return leaf categories that do not have overrides.
Default: false.
Standard Input Fields  
DetailLevel DetailLevelCodeType Optional,
repeatable: [0..*]
Detail levels are instructions that define standard subsets of data to return for particular data components (e.g., each Item, Transaction, or User) within the response payload. For example, a particular detail level might cause the response to include buyer-related data in every result (e.g., for every Item), but no seller-related data.

Specifying a detail level is like using a predefined attribute list in the SELECT clause of an SQL query. Use the DetailLevel element to specify the required detail level that the client application needs pertaining to the data components that are applicable to the request.

The DetailLevelCodeType defines the global list of available detail levels for all request types. Most request types support certain detail levels or none at all. If you pass a detail level that exists in the schema but that isn't valid for a particular request, eBay ignores it and processes the request without it.

For each request type, see the detail level tables in the Input/Output Reference to determine which detail levels are applicable and which elements are returned for each applicable detail level.

Note that DetailLevel is required input for GetMyMessages.

With GetSellerList and other calls that retrieve large data sets, please avoid using ReturnAll when possible. For example, if you use GetSellerList, use GranularityLevel instead, or use GetSellerEvents. If you do use 'ReturnAll' with GetSellerList, use a small Pagination.EntriesPerPage value and a narrow EndTimeFrom/EndTimeTo date range for better performance.

Applicable values:

(in) Returns all available data. With GetSellerList and other calls that retrieve large data sets, please avoid using ReturnAll when possible. For example, if you use GetSellerList, use a GranularityLevel or use the GetSellerEvents call instead. If you use ReturnAll with GetSellerList, use a small EntriesPerPage value and a short EndTimeFrom/EndTimeTo range for better performance.
(in) Returns the summary data. For GetMyMessages, this detail level returns the same data whether or not you include MessageIDs in the request. Returns up to 10 FolderID and FolderName values. Currently, this detail level is the only way to retrieve FolderID and FolderName values. See GetMyMessages for a code sample that demonstrates this.

(Not all values in DetailLevelCodeType apply to this field.)
ErrorLanguage string Optional Use ErrorLanguage to return error strings for the call in a different language from the language commonly associated with the site that the requesting user is registered with. Below are some examples from different countries.

ID Country
en_AU Australia
de_AT Austria
nl_BE Belgium (Dutch)
fr_BE Belgium (French)
en_CA Canada
fr_CA Canada (French)
zh_CN China
fr_FR France
de_DE Germany
zh_HK Hong Kong
en_IN India
en_IE Ireland
it_IT Italy
nl_NL Netherlands
en_SG Singapore
es_ES Spain
de_CH Switzerland
en_GB United Kingdom
en_US United States
MessageID string Optional Most Trading API calls support a MessageID element in the request and a CorrelationID element in the response. If you pass in a MessageID in a request, the same value will be returned in the CorrelationID field in the response. Pairing these values can help you track and confirm that a response is returned for every request and to match specific responses to specific requests. If you do not pass a MessageID value in the request, CorrelationID is not returned.

Note: GetCategories is designed to retrieve very large sets of metadata that change once a day or less often. To improve performance, these calls return cached responses when you request all available data (with no filters). When this occurs, the MessageID and CorrelationID fields aren't applicable. However, if you specify an input filter to reduce the amount of data returned, the calls retrieve the latest data (not cached). When this occurs, MessageID and CorrelationID are applicable.
OutputSelector string Optional,
repeatable: [0..*]
You can use the OutputSelector field to restrict the data returned by a call. This field can make the call response easier to manage, especially when a large payload is returned. If you use the OutputSelector field, the output data will only include the field(s) you specified in the request, as well as all of its child fields (if a field is a container) and its parent fields (if any). Note that it is possible that a field included through an OutputSelector field may still not be returned if it is not applicable, or if it is not found based on other criteria set up in the request payload.

For example, if you are using GetItem and you only want to retrieve the URL of the View Item page (emitted in ViewItemURL field) and the item's Buy It Now price (emitted in BuyItNowPrice field), you would include two separate OutputSelector fields and set the value for each one as ViewItemURL and BuyItNowPrice as in the following example:

 If the following output selectors are used: 



...the response might look like the following

<BuyItNowPrice currencyID="USD">0.0</BuyItNowPrice>

See OutputSelector.

Version string Conditional The version number of the API code that you are programming against (e.g., 1149). The version you specify for a call has these basic effects:
  • It indicates the version of the code lists and other data that eBay should use to process your request.
  • It indicates the schema version you are using.
You need to use a version that is greater than or equal to the lowest supported version.
For the SOAP API: If you are using the SOAP API, this field is required. Specify the version of the WSDL your application is using.

For the XML API: If you are using the XML API, this field has no effect. Instead, specify the version in the X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL HTTP header. (If you specify Version in the body of an XML API request and it is different from the value in the HTTP header, eBay returns an informational warning that the value in the HTTP header was used instead.)

    HTTP headers
    eBay Schema Versioning Strategy
    Lowest Supported Version

WarningLevel WarningLevelCodeType Optional Controls whether or not to return warnings when the application passes unrecognized or deprecated elements in a request.

An unrecognized element is one that is not defined in any supported version of the schema. Schema element names are case-sensitive, so using WarningLevel can also help you remove any potential hidden bugs within your application due to incorrect case or spelling in field names before you put your application into the Production environment.

WarningLevel only validates elements; it doesn't validate XML attributes. It also doesn't control warnings related to user-entered strings or numbers, or warnings for logical errors.

We recommend that you only use this during development and debugging. Do not use this in requests performed in the Production environment.

Applicable values:

(in) The WarningLevel value is set to High if the user wishes to receive warnings when the application passes unrecognized or deprecated elements in an API call request. Setting the WarningLevel value to High is not recommended in a production environment. Instead, it should only be used during the development/debugging stage.
(in) The WarningLevel value is set to Low if the user does not wish to receive warnings when the application passes unrecognized or deprecated elements in an API call request. This is the default value if WarningLevel is not specified in the call request.

See Warning Level.


See also Samples.

The box below lists all fields that might be returned in the response. To learn more about an individual field or its type, click its name in the box (or scroll down to find it in the table below the box).

See also the Deprecated Objects link above. Fields presented in this color are deprecated, and fields presented in this color are not returned (or soon will not be returned) or are not operational (or soon will be non-operational).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetCategoryFeaturesResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
  <!-- Call-specific Output Fields -->
  <Category> CategoryFeatureType
    <AdditionalCompatibilityEnabled> boolean </AdditionalCompatibilityEnabled>
    <AdFormatEnabled> AdFormatEnabledCodeType </AdFormatEnabled>
    <BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabled> boolean </BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabled>
    <BestOfferAutoDeclineEnabled> boolean </BestOfferAutoDeclineEnabled>
    <BestOfferCounterEnabled> boolean </BestOfferCounterEnabled>
    <BestOfferEnabled> boolean </BestOfferEnabled>
    <BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled> boolean </BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled>
    <BuyerGuaranteeEnabled> boolean </BuyerGuaranteeEnabled>
    <CategoryID> string </CategoryID>
    <ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdAutoDeclineEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdAutoDeclineEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled> ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabledCodeType </ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdCompanyNameEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdCompanyNameEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdContactByAddressEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdContactByAddressEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdContactByPhoneEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdContactByPhoneEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdCounterOfferEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdCounterOfferEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabled> ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabledCodeType </ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdPayPerLeadEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdPayPerLeadEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdPhoneCount> int </ClassifiedAdPhoneCount>
    <ClassifiedAdShippingMethodEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdShippingMethodEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdStreetCount> int </ClassifiedAdStreetCount>
    <CompatibleVehicleType> string </CompatibleVehicleType>
    <ConditionEnabled> ConditionEnabledCodeType </ConditionEnabled>
    <ConditionValues> ConditionValuesType
      <Condition> ConditionType
        <DisplayName> string </DisplayName>
        <ID> int </ID>
      <!-- ... more Condition nodes allowed here ... -->
      <ConditionHelpURL> anyURI </ConditionHelpURL>
    <CrossBorderTradeAustraliaEnabled> boolean </CrossBorderTradeAustraliaEnabled>
    <CrossBorderTradeGBEnabled> boolean </CrossBorderTradeGBEnabled>
    <CrossBorderTradeNorthAmericaEnabled> boolean </CrossBorderTradeNorthAmericaEnabled>
    <DepositSupported> boolean </DepositSupported>
    <DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled> boolean </DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled>
    <DomesticRefundMethodValues> DomesticRefundMethodCodeType
      <DomesticRefundMethod> ReturnsRefundMethodCodeType </DomesticRefundMethod>
      <!-- ... more DomesticRefundMethod values allowed here ... -->
    <DomesticReturnsAcceptedValues> DomesticReturnsAcceptedCodeType
      <DomesticReturnsAccepted> ReturnsAcceptedCodeType </DomesticReturnsAccepted>
      <!-- ... more DomesticReturnsAccepted values allowed here ... -->
    <DomesticReturnsDurationValues> DomesticReturnsDurationCodeType
      <DomesticReturnsDuration> ReturnsDurationCodeType </DomesticReturnsDuration>
      <!-- ... more DomesticReturnsDuration values allowed here ... -->
    <DomesticReturnsShipmentPayeeValues> DomesticReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType
      <DomesticReturnsShipmentPayee> ReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType </DomesticReturnsShipmentPayee>
      <!-- ... more DomesticReturnsShipmentPayee values allowed here ... -->
    <EANEnabled> ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType </EANEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProAdFormatEnabled> AdFormatEnabledCodeType </eBayMotorsProAdFormatEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProAutoAcceptEnabled> boolean </eBayMotorsProAutoAcceptEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProAutoDeclineEnabled> boolean </eBayMotorsProAutoDeclineEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProBestOfferEnabled> ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabledCodeType </eBayMotorsProBestOfferEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProCompanyNameEnabled> boolean </eBayMotorsProCompanyNameEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProContactByAddressEnabled> boolean </eBayMotorsProContactByAddressEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProContactByEmailEnabled> boolean </eBayMotorsProContactByEmailEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProContactByPhoneEnabled> boolean </eBayMotorsProContactByPhoneEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProCounterOfferEnabled> boolean </eBayMotorsProCounterOfferEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled> ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabledCodeType </eBayMotorsProPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProPhoneCount> int </eBayMotorsProPhoneCount>
    <eBayMotorsProSellerContactDetailsEnabled> boolean </eBayMotorsProSellerContactDetailsEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProShippingMethodEnabled> boolean </eBayMotorsProShippingMethodEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProStreetCount> int </eBayMotorsProStreetCount>
    <EpidSupported> boolean </EpidSupported>
    <FreeGalleryPlusEnabled> boolean </FreeGalleryPlusEnabled>
    <FreePicturePackEnabled> boolean </FreePicturePackEnabled>
    <GalleryFeaturedDurations> ListingEnhancementDurationReferenceType
      <Duration> token </Duration>
      <!-- ... more Duration values allowed here ... -->
    <GlobalShippingEnabled> boolean </GlobalShippingEnabled>
    <Group1MaxFlatShippingCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </Group1MaxFlatShippingCost>
    <Group2MaxFlatShippingCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </Group2MaxFlatShippingCost>
    <Group3MaxFlatShippingCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </Group3MaxFlatShippingCost>
    <HandlingTimeEnabled> boolean </HandlingTimeEnabled>
    <HomePageFeaturedEnabled> boolean </HomePageFeaturedEnabled>
    <INEscrowWorkflowTimeline> INEscrowWorkflowTimelineCodeType (token) </INEscrowWorkflowTimeline>
    <InternationalRefundMethodValues> InternationalRefundMethodCodeType
      <InternationalRefundMethod> ReturnsRefundMethodCodeType </InternationalRefundMethod>
      <!-- ... more InternationalRefundMethod values allowed here ... -->
    <InternationalReturnsAcceptedValues> InternationalReturnsAcceptedCodeType
      <InternationalReturnsAccepted> ReturnsAcceptedCodeType </InternationalReturnsAccepted>
      <!-- ... more InternationalReturnsAccepted values allowed here ... -->
    <InternationalReturnsDurationValues> InternationalReturnsDurationCodeType
      <InternationalReturnsDuration> ReturnsDurationCodeType </InternationalReturnsDuration>
      <!-- ... more InternationalReturnsDuration values allowed here ... -->
    <InternationalReturnsShipmentPayeeValues> InternationalReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType
      <InternationalReturnsShipmentPayee> ReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType </InternationalReturnsShipmentPayee>
      <!-- ... more InternationalReturnsShipmentPayee values allowed here ... -->
    <ISBNEnabled> ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType </ISBNEnabled>
    <ItemCompatibilityEnabled> ItemCompatibilityEnabledCodeType </ItemCompatibilityEnabled>
    <ItemSpecificsEnabled> ItemSpecificsEnabledCodeType </ItemSpecificsEnabled>
    <KTypeSupported> boolean </KTypeSupported>
    <ListingDuration type="ListingTypeCodeType"> ListingDurationReferenceType (int) </ListingDuration>
    <!-- ... more ListingDuration values allowed here ... -->
    <LocalMarketAdFormatEnabled> AdFormatEnabledCodeType </LocalMarketAdFormatEnabled>
    <LocalMarketAutoAcceptEnabled> boolean </LocalMarketAutoAcceptEnabled>
    <LocalMarketAutoDeclineEnabled> boolean </LocalMarketAutoDeclineEnabled>
    <LocalMarketBestOfferEnabled> ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabledCodeType </LocalMarketBestOfferEnabled>
    <LocalMarketCompanyNameEnabled> boolean </LocalMarketCompanyNameEnabled>
    <LocalMarketContactByAddressEnabled> boolean </LocalMarketContactByAddressEnabled>
    <LocalMarketContactByEmailEnabled> boolean </LocalMarketContactByEmailEnabled>
    <LocalMarketContactByPhoneEnabled> boolean </LocalMarketContactByPhoneEnabled>
    <LocalMarketCounterOfferEnabled> boolean </LocalMarketCounterOfferEnabled>
    <LocalMarketNonSubscription> boolean </LocalMarketNonSubscription>
    <LocalMarketPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled> ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabledCodeType </LocalMarketPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled>
    <LocalMarketPhoneCount> int </LocalMarketPhoneCount>
    <LocalMarketPremiumSubscription> boolean </LocalMarketPremiumSubscription>
    <LocalMarketRegularSubscription> boolean </LocalMarketRegularSubscription>
    <LocalMarketSellerContactDetailsEnabled> boolean </LocalMarketSellerContactDetailsEnabled>
    <LocalMarketShippingMethodEnabled> boolean </LocalMarketShippingMethodEnabled>
    <LocalMarketSpecialitySubscription> boolean </LocalMarketSpecialitySubscription>
    <LocalMarketStreetCount> int </LocalMarketStreetCount>
    <MaxFlatShippingCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </MaxFlatShippingCost>
    <MaxGranularFitmentCount> int </MaxGranularFitmentCount>
    <MaxItemCompatibility> int </MaxItemCompatibility>
    <MinimumReservePrice> double </MinimumReservePrice>
    <MinItemCompatibility> int </MinItemCompatibility>
    <NonSubscription> GeographicExposureCodeType </NonSubscription>
    <PaisaPayFullEscrowEnabled> boolean </PaisaPayFullEscrowEnabled>
    <PaymentMethod> BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType </PaymentMethod>
    <!-- ... more PaymentMethod values allowed here ... -->
    <PaymentProfileCategoryGroup> ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType </PaymentProfileCategoryGroup>
    <PickupDropOffEnabled> boolean </PickupDropOffEnabled>
    <PremiumSubscription> GeographicExposureCodeType </PremiumSubscription>
    <ProductCreationEnabled> ProductCreationEnabledCodeType (token) </ProductCreationEnabled>
    <ProPackEnabled> boolean </ProPackEnabled>
    <RegularSubscription> GeographicExposureCodeType </RegularSubscription>
    <ReturnPolicyDescriptionEnabled> boolean </ReturnPolicyDescriptionEnabled>
    <ReturnPolicyEnabled> boolean </ReturnPolicyEnabled>
    <ReturnPolicyProfileCategoryGroup> ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType </ReturnPolicyProfileCategoryGroup>
    <RevisePriceAllowed> boolean </RevisePriceAllowed>
    <ReviseQuantityAllowed> boolean </ReviseQuantityAllowed>
    <SafePaymentRequired> boolean </SafePaymentRequired>
    <SellerContactDetailsEnabled> boolean </SellerContactDetailsEnabled>
    <SellerProvidedTitleSupported> boolean </SellerProvidedTitleSupported>
    <ShippingProfileCategoryGroup> ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType </ShippingProfileCategoryGroup>
    <ShippingTermsRequired> boolean </ShippingTermsRequired>
    <SpecialFeatures> ConditionValuesType
      <Condition> ConditionType
        <DisplayName> string </DisplayName>
        <ID> int </ID>
      <!-- ... more Condition nodes allowed here ... -->
      <ConditionHelpURL> anyURI </ConditionHelpURL>
    <SpecialitySubscription> GeographicExposureCodeType </SpecialitySubscription>
    <StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurations> StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsType
      <Duration> token </Duration>
      <!-- ... more Duration values allowed here ... -->
    <StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsEnabled> boolean </StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsEnabled>
    <TransactionConfirmationRequestEnabled> boolean </TransactionConfirmationRequestEnabled>
    <UPCEnabled> ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType </UPCEnabled>
    <UserConsentRequired> boolean </UserConsentRequired>
    <ValueCategory> boolean </ValueCategory>
    <VariationsEnabled> boolean </VariationsEnabled>
    <VINSupported> boolean </VINSupported>
    <VRMSupported> boolean </VRMSupported>
  <!-- ... more Category nodes allowed here ... -->
  <CategoryVersion> string </CategoryVersion>
  <FeatureDefinitions> FeatureDefinitionsType
    <AdditionalCompatibilityEnabled> AdditionalCompatibilityEnabledDefinitionType </AdditionalCompatibilityEnabled>
    <AdFormatEnabled> AdFormatEnabledDefinitionType </AdFormatEnabled>
    <BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabled> BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabledDefinitionType </BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabled>
    <BestOfferAutoDeclineEnabled> BestOfferAutoDeclineEnabledDefinitionType </BestOfferAutoDeclineEnabled>
    <BestOfferCounterEnabled> BestOfferCounterEnabledDefinitionType </BestOfferCounterEnabled>
    <BestOfferEnabled> BestOfferEnabledDefinitionType </BestOfferEnabled>
    <BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled> BrandMPNIdentifierEnabledDefinitionType </BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled>
    <BuyerGuaranteeEnabled> BuyerGuaranteeEnabledDefinitionType </BuyerGuaranteeEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled> ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabledDefinitionType </ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdAutoDeclineEnabled> ClassifiedAdAutoDeclineEnabledDefinitionType </ClassifiedAdAutoDeclineEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled> ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabledDefinitionType </ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdCompanyNameEnabled> ClassifiedAdCompanyNameEnabledDefinitionType </ClassifiedAdCompanyNameEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdContactByAddressEnabled> ClassifiedAdContactByAddressEnabledDefinitionType </ClassifiedAdContactByAddressEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabled> ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabledDefintionType </ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdContactByPhoneEnabled> ClassifiedAdContactByPhoneEnabledDefinitionType </ClassifiedAdContactByPhoneEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdCounterOfferEnabled> ClassifiedAdCounterOfferEnabledDefinitionType </ClassifiedAdCounterOfferEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabled> ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabledDefinitionType </ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdPayPerLeadEnabled> ClassifiedAdPayPerLeadEnabledDefinitionType </ClassifiedAdPayPerLeadEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdPhoneCount> ClassifiedAdPhoneCountDefinitionType </ClassifiedAdPhoneCount>
    <ClassifiedAdShippingMethodEnabled> ClassifiedAdShippingMethodEnabledDefinitionType </ClassifiedAdShippingMethodEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdStreetCount> ClassifiedAdStreetCountDefinitionType </ClassifiedAdStreetCount>
    <CompatibleVehicleType> CompatibleVehicleTypeDefinitionType </CompatibleVehicleType>
    <ConditionEnabled> ConditionEnabledDefinitionType </ConditionEnabled>
    <ConditionValues> ConditionValuesDefinitionType </ConditionValues>
    <CrossBorderTradeAustraliaEnabled> CrossBorderTradeAustraliaEnabledDefinitionType </CrossBorderTradeAustraliaEnabled>
    <CrossBorderTradeGBEnabled> CrossBorderTradeGBEnabledDefinitionType </CrossBorderTradeGBEnabled>
    <CrossBorderTradeNorthAmericaEnabled> CrossBorderTradeNorthAmericaEnabledDefinitionType </CrossBorderTradeNorthAmericaEnabled>
    <DepositSupported> DepositSupportedDefinitionType </DepositSupported>
    <DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled> DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabledDefinitionType </DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled>
    <DomesticRefundMethodValues> DomesticRefundMethodCodeType
      <DomesticRefundMethod> ReturnsRefundMethodCodeType </DomesticRefundMethod>
      <!-- ... more DomesticRefundMethod values allowed here ... -->
    <DomesticReturnsAcceptedValues> DomesticReturnsAcceptedDefinitionType </DomesticReturnsAcceptedValues>
    <DomesticReturnsDurationValues> DomesticReturnsDurationDefinitionType </DomesticReturnsDurationValues>
    <DomesticReturnsShipmentPayeeValues> DomesticReturnsShipmentPayeeDefinitionType </DomesticReturnsShipmentPayeeValues>
    <EANEnabled> EANEnabledDefinitionType </EANEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProAdFormatEnabled> eBayMotorsProAdFormatEnabledDefinitionType </eBayMotorsProAdFormatEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProAutoAcceptEnabled> eBayMotorsProAutoAcceptEnabledDefinitionType </eBayMotorsProAutoAcceptEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProAutoDeclineEnabled> eBayMotorsProAutoDeclineEnabledDefinitionType </eBayMotorsProAutoDeclineEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProBestOfferEnabled> eBayMotorsProBestOfferEnabledDefinitionType </eBayMotorsProBestOfferEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProCompanyNameEnabled> eBayMotorsProCompanyNameEnabledDefinitionType </eBayMotorsProCompanyNameEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProContactByAddressEnabled> eBayMotorsProContactByAddressEnabledDefinitionType </eBayMotorsProContactByAddressEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProContactByEmailEnabled> eBayMotorsProContactByEmailEnabledDefinitionType </eBayMotorsProContactByEmailEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProContactByPhoneEnabled> eBayMotorsProContactByPhoneEnabledDefinitionType </eBayMotorsProContactByPhoneEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProCounterOfferEnabled> eBayMotorsProCounterOfferEnabledDefinitionType </eBayMotorsProCounterOfferEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled> eBayMotorsProPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabledDefinitionType </eBayMotorsProPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProPhoneCount> eBayMotorsProPhoneCountDefinitionType </eBayMotorsProPhoneCount>
    <eBayMotorsProSellerContactDetailsEnabled> eBayMotorsProSellerContactDetailsEnabledDefinitionType </eBayMotorsProSellerContactDetailsEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProShippingMethodEnabled> eBayMotorsProShippingMethodEnabledDefinitionType </eBayMotorsProShippingMethodEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProStreetCount> eBayMotorsProStreetCountDefinitionType </eBayMotorsProStreetCount>
    <EpidSupported> EpidSupportedDefinitionType </EpidSupported>
    <FreeGalleryPlusEnabled> FreeGalleryPlusEnabledDefinitionType </FreeGalleryPlusEnabled>
    <FreePicturePackEnabled> FreePicturePackEnabledDefinitionType </FreePicturePackEnabled>
    <GalleryFeaturedDurations> ListingEnhancementDurationDefinitionType </GalleryFeaturedDurations>
    <GlobalShippingEnabled> GlobalShippingEnabledDefinitionType </GlobalShippingEnabled>
    <Group1MaxFlatShippingCost> Group1MaxFlatShippingCostDefinitionType </Group1MaxFlatShippingCost>
    <Group2MaxFlatShippingCost> Group2MaxFlatShippingCostDefinitionType </Group2MaxFlatShippingCost>
    <Group3MaxFlatShippingCost> Group3MaxFlatShippingCostDefinitionType </Group3MaxFlatShippingCost>
    <HandlingTimeEnabled> HandlingTimeEnabledDefinitionType </HandlingTimeEnabled>
    <HomePageFeaturedEnabled> HomePageFeaturedEnabledDefinitionType </HomePageFeaturedEnabled>
    <INEscrowWorkflowTimeline> INEscrowWorkflowTimelineDefinitionType </INEscrowWorkflowTimeline>
    <InternationalRefundMethodValues> InternationalRefundMethodCodeType
      <InternationalRefundMethod> ReturnsRefundMethodCodeType </InternationalRefundMethod>
      <!-- ... more InternationalRefundMethod values allowed here ... -->
    <InternationalReturnsAcceptedValues> InternationalReturnsAcceptedDefinitionType </InternationalReturnsAcceptedValues>
    <InternationalReturnsDurationValues> InternationalReturnsDurationDefinitionType </InternationalReturnsDurationValues>
    <InternationalReturnsShipmentPayeeValues> InternationalReturnsShipmentPayeeDefinitionType </InternationalReturnsShipmentPayeeValues>
    <ISBNEnabled> ISBNEnabledDefinitionType </ISBNEnabled>
    <ItemCompatibilityEnabled> ItemCompatibilityEnabledDefinitionType </ItemCompatibilityEnabled>
    <ItemSpecificsEnabled> ItemSpecificsEnabledDefinitionType </ItemSpecificsEnabled>
    <KTypeSupported> KTypeSupportedDefinitionType </KTypeSupported>
    <ListingDurations Version="int"> ListingDurationDefinitionsType
      <ListingDuration durationSetID="int"> ListingDurationDefinitionType
        <Duration> token </Duration>
        <!-- ... more Duration values allowed here ... -->
      <!-- ... more ListingDuration nodes allowed here ... -->
    <LocalListingDistancesNonSubscription> LocalListingDistancesNonSubscriptionDefinitionType </LocalListingDistancesNonSubscription>
    <LocalListingDistancesRegular> LocalListingDistancesRegularDefinitionType </LocalListingDistancesRegular>
    <LocalListingDistancesSpecialty> LocalListingDistancesSpecialtyDefinitionType </LocalListingDistancesSpecialty>
    <LocalMarketAdFormatEnabled> LocalMarketAdFormatEnabledDefinitionType </LocalMarketAdFormatEnabled>
    <LocalMarketAutoAcceptEnabled> LocalMarketAutoAcceptEnabledDefinitionType </LocalMarketAutoAcceptEnabled>
    <LocalMarketAutoDeclineEnabled> LocalMarketAutoDeclineEnabledDefinitionType </LocalMarketAutoDeclineEnabled>
    <LocalMarketBestOfferEnabled> LocalMarketBestOfferEnabledDefinitionType </LocalMarketBestOfferEnabled>
    <LocalMarketCompanyNameEnabled> LocalMarketCompanyNameEnabledDefinitionType </LocalMarketCompanyNameEnabled>
    <LocalMarketContactByAddressEnabled> LocalMarketContactByAddressEnabledDefinitionType </LocalMarketContactByAddressEnabled>
    <LocalMarketContactByEmailEnabled> LocalMarketContactByEmailEnabledDefinitionType </LocalMarketContactByEmailEnabled>
    <LocalMarketContactByPhoneEnabled> LocalMarketContactByPhoneEnabledDefinitionType </LocalMarketContactByPhoneEnabled>
    <LocalMarketCounterOfferEnabled> LocalMarketCounterOfferEnabledDefinitionType </LocalMarketCounterOfferEnabled>
    <LocalMarketNonSubscription> LocalMarketNonSubscriptionDefinitionType </LocalMarketNonSubscription>
    <LocalMarketPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled> LocalMarketPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabledDefinitionType </LocalMarketPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled>
    <LocalMarketPhoneCount> LocalMarketPhoneCountDefinitionType </LocalMarketPhoneCount>
    <LocalMarketPremiumSubscription> LocalMarketPremiumSubscriptionDefinitionType </LocalMarketPremiumSubscription>
    <LocalMarketRegularSubscription> LocalMarketRegularSubscriptionDefinitionType </LocalMarketRegularSubscription>
    <LocalMarketSellerContactDetailsEnabled> LocalMarketSellerContactDetailsEnabledDefinitionType </LocalMarketSellerContactDetailsEnabled>
    <LocalMarketShippingMethodEnabled> LocalMarketShippingMethodEnabledDefinitionType </LocalMarketShippingMethodEnabled>
    <LocalMarketSpecialitySubscription> LocalMarketSpecialitySubscriptionDefinitionType </LocalMarketSpecialitySubscription>
    <LocalMarketStreetCount> LocalMarketStreetCountDefinitionType </LocalMarketStreetCount>
    <MaxFlatShippingCost> MaxFlatShippingCostDefinitionType </MaxFlatShippingCost>
    <MaxFlatShippingCostCBTExempt> MaxFlatShippingCostCBTExemptDefinitionType </MaxFlatShippingCostCBTExempt>
    <MaxGranularFitmentCount> MaxGranularFitmentCountDefinitionType </MaxGranularFitmentCount>
    <MaxItemCompatibility> MaxItemCompatibilityDefinitionType </MaxItemCompatibility>
    <MinimumReservePrice> MinimumReservePriceDefinitionType </MinimumReservePrice>
    <MinItemCompatibility> MinItemCompatibilityDefinitionType </MinItemCompatibility>
    <NonSubscription> NonSubscriptionDefinitionType </NonSubscription>
    <PaisaPayFullEscrowEnabled> PaisaPayFullEscrowEnabledDefinitionType </PaisaPayFullEscrowEnabled>
    <PaymentMethod> PaymentMethodDefinitionType </PaymentMethod>
    <PaymentProfileCategoryGroup> ProfileCategoryGroupDefinitionType </PaymentProfileCategoryGroup>
    <PickupDropOffEnabled> PickupDropOffEnabledDefinitionType </PickupDropOffEnabled>
    <PremiumSubscription> PremiumSubscriptionDefinitionType </PremiumSubscription>
    <ProductCreationEnabled> ProductCreationEnabledDefinitionType </ProductCreationEnabled>
    <ProductRequiredEnabled> ProductRequiredEnabledDefinitionType </ProductRequiredEnabled>
    <ProPackEnabled> ProPackEnabledDefinitionType </ProPackEnabled>
    <ProPackPlusEnabled> ProPackPlusEnabledDefinitionType </ProPackPlusEnabled>
    <RegularSubscription> RegularSubscriptionDefinitionType </RegularSubscription>
    <ReturnPolicyDescriptionEnabled> ReturnPolicyDescriptionEnabledDefinitionType </ReturnPolicyDescriptionEnabled>
    <ReturnPolicyEnabled> ReturnPolicyEnabledDefinitionType </ReturnPolicyEnabled>
    <ReturnPolicyProfileCategoryGroup> ProfileCategoryGroupDefinitionType </ReturnPolicyProfileCategoryGroup>
    <RevisePriceAllowed> RevisePriceAllowedDefinitionType </RevisePriceAllowed>
    <ReviseQuantityAllowed> ReviseQuantityAllowedDefinitionType </ReviseQuantityAllowed>
    <SafePaymentRequired> SafePaymentRequiredDefinitionType </SafePaymentRequired>
    <SellerContactDetailsEnabled> SellerContactDetailsEnabledDefinitionType </SellerContactDetailsEnabled>
    <SellerProvidedTitleSupported> SellerProvidedTitleSupportedDefinitionType </SellerProvidedTitleSupported>
    <ShippingProfileCategoryGroup> ProfileCategoryGroupDefinitionType </ShippingProfileCategoryGroup>
    <ShippingTermsRequired> ShippingTermRequiredDefinitionType </ShippingTermsRequired>
    <SkypeMeNonTransactionalEnabled> SkypeMeNonTransactionalEnabledDefinitionType </SkypeMeNonTransactionalEnabled>
    <SkypeMeTransactionalEnabled> SkypeMeTransactionalEnabledDefinitionType </SkypeMeTransactionalEnabled>
    <SpecialitySubscription> SpecialitySubscriptionDefinitionType </SpecialitySubscription>
    <StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurations> StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsDefinitionType </StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurations>
    <StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsEnabled> StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsEnabledDefinitionType </StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsEnabled>
    <TransactionConfirmationRequestEnabled> TCREnabledDefinitionType </TransactionConfirmationRequestEnabled>
    <UPCEnabled> UPCEnabledDefinitionType </UPCEnabled>
    <ValueCategory> ValueCategoryDefinitionType </ValueCategory>
    <ValuePackEnabled> ValuePackEnabledDefinitionType </ValuePackEnabled>
    <VariationsEnabled> VariationsEnabledDefinitionType </VariationsEnabled>
    <VINSupported> VINSupportedDefinitionType </VINSupported>
    <VRMSupported> VRMSupportedDefinitionType </VRMSupported>
  <SiteDefaults> SiteDefaultsType
    <AdditionalCompatibilityEnabled> boolean </AdditionalCompatibilityEnabled>
    <AdFormatEnabled> AdFormatEnabledCodeType </AdFormatEnabled>
    <BasicUpgradePackEnabled> boolean </BasicUpgradePackEnabled>
    <BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabled> boolean </BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabled>
    <BestOfferAutoDeclineEnabled> boolean </BestOfferAutoDeclineEnabled>
    <BestOfferCounterEnabled> boolean </BestOfferCounterEnabled>
    <BestOfferEnabled> boolean </BestOfferEnabled>
    <BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled> boolean </BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled>
    <BuyerGuaranteeEnabled> boolean </BuyerGuaranteeEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdAutoDeclineEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdAutoDeclineEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled> ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabledCodeType </ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdCompanyNameEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdCompanyNameEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdContactByAddressEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdContactByAddressEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdContactByPhoneEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdContactByPhoneEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdCounterOfferEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdCounterOfferEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabled> ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabledCodeType </ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdPayPerLeadEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdPayPerLeadEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdPhoneCount> int </ClassifiedAdPhoneCount>
    <ClassifiedAdShippingMethodEnabled> boolean </ClassifiedAdShippingMethodEnabled>
    <ClassifiedAdStreetCount> int </ClassifiedAdStreetCount>
    <CompatibleVehicleType> string </CompatibleVehicleType>
    <ConditionEnabled> ConditionEnabledCodeType </ConditionEnabled>
    <ConditionValues> ConditionValuesType
      <Condition> ConditionType
        <DisplayName> string </DisplayName>
        <ID> int </ID>
      <!-- ... more Condition nodes allowed here ... -->
      <ConditionHelpURL> anyURI </ConditionHelpURL>
    <CrossBorderTradeAustraliaEnabled> boolean </CrossBorderTradeAustraliaEnabled>
    <CrossBorderTradeGBEnabled> boolean </CrossBorderTradeGBEnabled>
    <CrossBorderTradeNorthAmericaEnabled> boolean </CrossBorderTradeNorthAmericaEnabled>
    <DepositSupported> boolean </DepositSupported>
    <DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled> boolean </DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled>
    <DomesticRefundMethodValues> DomesticRefundMethodCodeType
      <DomesticRefundMethod> ReturnsRefundMethodCodeType </DomesticRefundMethod>
      <!-- ... more DomesticRefundMethod values allowed here ... -->
    <DomesticReturnsAcceptedValues> DomesticReturnsAcceptedCodeType
      <DomesticReturnsAccepted> ReturnsAcceptedCodeType </DomesticReturnsAccepted>
      <!-- ... more DomesticReturnsAccepted values allowed here ... -->
    <DomesticReturnsDurationValues> DomesticReturnsDurationCodeType
      <DomesticReturnsDuration> ReturnsDurationCodeType </DomesticReturnsDuration>
      <!-- ... more DomesticReturnsDuration values allowed here ... -->
    <DomesticReturnsShipmentPayeeValues> DomesticReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType
      <DomesticReturnsShipmentPayee> ReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType </DomesticReturnsShipmentPayee>
      <!-- ... more DomesticReturnsShipmentPayee values allowed here ... -->
    <EANEnabled> ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType </EANEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProAdFormatEnabled> AdFormatEnabledCodeType </eBayMotorsProAdFormatEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProAutoAcceptEnabled> boolean </eBayMotorsProAutoAcceptEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProAutoDeclineEnabled> boolean </eBayMotorsProAutoDeclineEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProBestOfferEnabled> ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabledCodeType </eBayMotorsProBestOfferEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProCompanyNameEnabled> boolean </eBayMotorsProCompanyNameEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProContactByAddressEnabled> boolean </eBayMotorsProContactByAddressEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProContactByEmailEnabled> boolean </eBayMotorsProContactByEmailEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProContactByPhoneEnabled> boolean </eBayMotorsProContactByPhoneEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProCounterOfferEnabled> boolean </eBayMotorsProCounterOfferEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled> ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabledCodeType </eBayMotorsProPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProPhoneCount> int </eBayMotorsProPhoneCount>
    <eBayMotorsProSellerContactDetailsEnabled> boolean </eBayMotorsProSellerContactDetailsEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProShippingMethodEnabled> boolean </eBayMotorsProShippingMethodEnabled>
    <eBayMotorsProStreetCount> int </eBayMotorsProStreetCount>
    <EpidSupported> boolean </EpidSupported>
    <FreeGalleryPlusEnabled> boolean </FreeGalleryPlusEnabled>
    <FreePicturePackEnabled> boolean </FreePicturePackEnabled>
    <GalleryFeaturedDurations> ListingEnhancementDurationReferenceType
      <Duration> token </Duration>
      <!-- ... more Duration values allowed here ... -->
    <GlobalShippingEnabled> boolean </GlobalShippingEnabled>
    <Group1MaxFlatShippingCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </Group1MaxFlatShippingCost>
    <Group2MaxFlatShippingCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </Group2MaxFlatShippingCost>
    <Group3MaxFlatShippingCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </Group3MaxFlatShippingCost>
    <HandlingTimeEnabled> boolean </HandlingTimeEnabled>
    <HomePageFeaturedEnabled> boolean </HomePageFeaturedEnabled>
    <InternationalRefundMethodValues> InternationalRefundMethodCodeType
      <InternationalRefundMethod> ReturnsRefundMethodCodeType </InternationalRefundMethod>
      <!-- ... more InternationalRefundMethod values allowed here ... -->
    <InternationalReturnsAcceptedValues> InternationalReturnsAcceptedCodeType
      <InternationalReturnsAccepted> ReturnsAcceptedCodeType </InternationalReturnsAccepted>
      <!-- ... more InternationalReturnsAccepted values allowed here ... -->
    <InternationalReturnsDurationValues> InternationalReturnsDurationCodeType
      <InternationalReturnsDuration> ReturnsDurationCodeType </InternationalReturnsDuration>
      <!-- ... more InternationalReturnsDuration values allowed here ... -->
    <InternationalReturnsShipmentPayeeValues> InternationalReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType
      <InternationalReturnsShipmentPayee> ReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType </InternationalReturnsShipmentPayee>
      <!-- ... more InternationalReturnsShipmentPayee values allowed here ... -->
    <ISBNEnabled> ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType </ISBNEnabled>
    <ItemCompatibilityEnabled> ItemCompatibilityEnabledCodeType </ItemCompatibilityEnabled>
    <ItemSpecificsEnabled> ItemSpecificsEnabledCodeType </ItemSpecificsEnabled>
    <KTypeSupported> boolean </KTypeSupported>
    <ListingDuration type="ListingTypeCodeType"> ListingDurationReferenceType (int) </ListingDuration>
    <!-- ... more ListingDuration values allowed here ... -->
    <LocalListingDistancesNonSubscription> string </LocalListingDistancesNonSubscription>
    <LocalListingDistancesRegular> string </LocalListingDistancesRegular>
    <LocalListingDistancesSpecialty> string </LocalListingDistancesSpecialty>
    <LocalMarketAdFormatEnabled> AdFormatEnabledCodeType </LocalMarketAdFormatEnabled>
    <LocalMarketAutoAcceptEnabled> boolean </LocalMarketAutoAcceptEnabled>
    <LocalMarketAutoDeclineEnabled> boolean </LocalMarketAutoDeclineEnabled>
    <LocalMarketBestOfferEnabled> ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabledCodeType </LocalMarketBestOfferEnabled>
    <LocalMarketCompanyNameEnabled> boolean </LocalMarketCompanyNameEnabled>
    <LocalMarketContactByAddressEnabled> boolean </LocalMarketContactByAddressEnabled>
    <LocalMarketContactByEmailEnabled> boolean </LocalMarketContactByEmailEnabled>
    <LocalMarketContactByPhoneEnabled> boolean </LocalMarketContactByPhoneEnabled>
    <LocalMarketCounterOfferEnabled> boolean </LocalMarketCounterOfferEnabled>
    <LocalMarketNonSubscription> boolean </LocalMarketNonSubscription>
    <LocalMarketPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled> ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabledCodeType </LocalMarketPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled>
    <LocalMarketPhoneCount> int </LocalMarketPhoneCount>
    <LocalMarketPremiumSubscription> boolean </LocalMarketPremiumSubscription>
    <LocalMarketRegularSubscription> boolean </LocalMarketRegularSubscription>
    <LocalMarketSellerContactDetailsEnabled> boolean </LocalMarketSellerContactDetailsEnabled>
    <LocalMarketShippingMethodEnabled> boolean </LocalMarketShippingMethodEnabled>
    <LocalMarketSpecialitySubscription> boolean </LocalMarketSpecialitySubscription>
    <LocalMarketStreetCount> int </LocalMarketStreetCount>
    <MaxFlatShippingCost currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </MaxFlatShippingCost>
    <MaxFlatShippingCostCBTExempt> boolean </MaxFlatShippingCostCBTExempt>
    <MaxGranularFitmentCount> int </MaxGranularFitmentCount>
    <MaxItemCompatibility> int </MaxItemCompatibility>
    <MinimumReservePrice> double </MinimumReservePrice>
    <MinItemCompatibility> int </MinItemCompatibility>
    <NonSubscription> GeographicExposureCodeType </NonSubscription>
    <PaymentMethod> BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType </PaymentMethod>
    <!-- ... more PaymentMethod values allowed here ... -->
    <PaymentProfileCategoryGroup> ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType </PaymentProfileCategoryGroup>
    <PayPalRequired> boolean </PayPalRequired>
    <PayPalRequiredForStoreOwner> boolean </PayPalRequiredForStoreOwner>
    <PickupDropOffEnabled> boolean </PickupDropOffEnabled>
    <PremiumSubscription> GeographicExposureCodeType </PremiumSubscription>
    <ProductCreationEnabled> ProductCreationEnabledCodeType (token) </ProductCreationEnabled>
    <ProductRequiredEnabled> ProductRequiredEnabledCodeType </ProductRequiredEnabled>
    <ProPackEnabled> boolean </ProPackEnabled>
    <ProPackPlusEnabled> boolean </ProPackPlusEnabled>
    <RegularSubscription> GeographicExposureCodeType </RegularSubscription>
    <ReturnPolicyDescriptionEnabled> boolean </ReturnPolicyDescriptionEnabled>
    <ReturnPolicyEnabled> boolean </ReturnPolicyEnabled>
    <ReturnPolicyProfileCategoryGroup> ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType </ReturnPolicyProfileCategoryGroup>
    <RevisePriceAllowed> boolean </RevisePriceAllowed>
    <ReviseQuantityAllowed> boolean </ReviseQuantityAllowed>
    <SafePaymentRequired> boolean </SafePaymentRequired>
    <SellerContactDetailsEnabled> boolean </SellerContactDetailsEnabled>
    <SellerProvidedTitleSupported> boolean </SellerProvidedTitleSupported>
    <ShippingProfileCategoryGroup> ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType </ShippingProfileCategoryGroup>
    <ShippingTermsRequired> boolean </ShippingTermsRequired>
    <SkypeMeNonTransactionalEnabled> boolean </SkypeMeNonTransactionalEnabled>
    <SkypeMeTransactionalEnabled> boolean </SkypeMeTransactionalEnabled>
    <SpecialFeatures> ConditionValuesType
      <Condition> ConditionType
        <DisplayName> string </DisplayName>
        <ID> int </ID>
      <!-- ... more Condition nodes allowed here ... -->
      <ConditionHelpURL> anyURI </ConditionHelpURL>
    <SpecialitySubscription> GeographicExposureCodeType </SpecialitySubscription>
    <StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurations> StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsType
      <Duration> token </Duration>
      <!-- ... more Duration values allowed here ... -->
    <StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsEnabled> boolean </StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsEnabled>
    <TransactionConfirmationRequestEnabled> boolean </TransactionConfirmationRequestEnabled>
    <UPCEnabled> ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType </UPCEnabled>
    <UserConsentRequired> boolean </UserConsentRequired>
    <ValueCategory> boolean </ValueCategory>
    <ValuePackEnabled> boolean </ValuePackEnabled>
    <VariationsEnabled> boolean </VariationsEnabled>
    <VINSupported> boolean </VINSupported>
    <VRMSupported> boolean </VRMSupported>
  <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- Standard Output Fields -->
  <Ack> AckCodeType </Ack>
  <Build> string </Build>
  <CorrelationID> string </CorrelationID>
  <Errors> ErrorType
    <ErrorClassification> ErrorClassificationCodeType </ErrorClassification>
    <ErrorCode> token </ErrorCode>
    <ErrorParameters ParamID="string"> ErrorParameterType
      <Value> string </Value>
    <!-- ... more ErrorParameters nodes allowed here ... -->
    <LongMessage> string </LongMessage>
    <SeverityCode> SeverityCodeType </SeverityCode>
    <ShortMessage> string </ShortMessage>
  <!-- ... more Errors nodes allowed here ... -->
  <HardExpirationWarning> string </HardExpirationWarning>
  <Timestamp> dateTime </Timestamp>
  <Version> string </Version>
Return Value Type Occurrence Meaning
Call-specific Output Fields [Jump to standard fields]
Category CategoryFeatureType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A category whose feature settings are different from the settings of its parent category.

For example, suppose there is a branch of the category tree with 5 category levels (L1, L2, L3, L4, and L5). Suppose the feature settings for SiteDefaults, L1, L4, and L5 are all "A", and the settings for L2 and L3 are "B". In this case:
L1's settings (A) match the site default, so L1 is not returned.
L2's settings (B) are different from L1's, so L2 is returned.
L3's settings (B) are the same as L2's, so L3 is not returned
L4's settings (A) are different from L3's, so L4 is returned
L5's settings (A) are the same as L4's, so L5 is not returned.

If you specified a particular FeatureID in the request, this field only returns feature settings for that feature. Only returned when the category is different from its parent. If the category has children and they aren't returned, it means the children inherit the category's feature settings.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally This field indicates whether or not the category (specified in the Category.CategoryID field) supports Boats and Motorcycles Parts compatibility. If true, parts compatibility name-value pairs for boats and motorcycles can be added to an item listed in the specified category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include AdditionalCompatibilityEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.AdFormatEnabled AdFormatEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports Classified Ad listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include AdFormatEnabled.

Applicable values: See AdFormatEnabled.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports the Best Offer Automatic Accept feature for listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports the Best Offer Auto Decline feature.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include BestOfferAutoDeclineEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports sellers offering a counter offer against a buyer's Best Offer, or a buyer offering a counter offer against the seller's counter offer.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include BestOfferCounterEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.BestOfferEnabled boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports the Best Offer feature for listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include BestOfferEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports the capability to identify a product using the brand/manufacturer part number combination.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.BuyerGuaranteeEnabled boolean Conditionally If this field is returned as true, the category supports the Best Price Guarantee feature on the Australia site. This field/feature is only applicable to Australia.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.CategoryID string Conditionally Specifies the unique identifier of the eBay category. All eBay feature information that is returned under the corresponding Category container is relevant to this eBay category.
Max length: 10.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports the Best Offer Automatic Accept feature for Classified Ad listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether automatic decline for best offers for Classified Ad listings is enabled for this category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdAutoDeclineEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates if Best offer is enabled for Classified Ad listings for this category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is disabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field), or disabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field).
(out) This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is enabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field), or enabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field).
(out) This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is required for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field). This value is not applicable at the site level (SiteDefaults container).

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether this category supports including a company name in the seller's contact information. This element is for For Sale By Owner listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdCompanyNameEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether this category supports including an address in the seller's contact information. This element is for For Sale By Owner listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdContactByAddressEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports email as a contact method for Classified Ad listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports the telephone as a contact method for Classified Ad listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdContactByPhoneEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether counter offers are allowed in Classified Ad listings for this category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdCounterOfferEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates whether the payment method should be displayed to the user for Classified Ad format listings. Even if enabled, checkout may or may not be enabled.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabled.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) Display the payment method and permit checkout.
(out) Display the payment method and suppress checkout.
(out) Do not display the payment method.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates if pay-per-lead listings are allowed for this category. Pay-per-lead listings can be applicable if the value of ListingType is LeadGeneration and the value of ListingSubtype is ClassifiedAd.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
int Conditionally Indicates which telephone option is included in the seller's contact information. This element is for For Sale By Owner listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdContactByPhoneEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates if shipping options are available for Classified Ad listings in the category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdShippingMethodEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
int Conditionally Indicates which address option is included in the seller's contact information. This element is for For Sale By Owner listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdContactByAddressEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.CompatibleVehicleType string Conditionally This field is for future use. It is currently returned as an empty field, but in the future, the string value in this field will indicate Parts Compatibility vehicle type (e.g. cars, motorcycles, boats).

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include CompatibleVehicleType.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.ConditionEnabled ConditionEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports, requires, or doesn't support the use item condition for an item listing. For categories that require or support the use of item condition, see the ConditionValues and/or SpecialFeatures containers for a list of valid item conditions (display names and ID values).

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ConditionEnabled.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This value indicates that Condition IDs are disabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ConditionEnabled field), or disabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ConditionEnabled field).
(out) This value indicates that Condition IDs are enabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ConditionEnabled field), or enabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ConditionEnabled field).
(out) This value indicates that Condition IDs are required for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ConditionEnabled field). This value is not applicable at the site level (SiteDefaults container).

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.ConditionValues ConditionValuesType Conditionally This container specifies all of the item conditions that are supported for the corresponding category. The display name of the item condiation and the ID associated with the description are both shown.

This container will not be returned for any eBay categories that don't support the use of an item condition value. To see which categories require, support, or don't support the use of item conditions, you can include a FeatureID value of ConditionEnabled. Any eBay category that does not support the use of an item condition value will return a ConditionEnabled value of Disabled.

This container will also not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ConditionValues.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ConditionType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This repeatable container shows the display name and unique identifier of each item condition supported by the corresponding eBay category.

Note: 'Certified Refurbished', 'Excellent - Refurbished', 'Very Good - Refurbished', and 'Good - Refurbished' item conditions will not be returned in this container for categories in the eBay Refurbished Program, but instead will be returned in the Category.SpecialFeatures container if the corresponding category supports any of these Refurbished item conditions. To used any of these Refurbished item conditions, sellers must go through an application and qualification process. The new item condition values appearing in the Category.SpecialFeatures container does not necessarily indicate that a seller is eligible to list with these item conditions. If the corresponding category supports it, 'Seller Refurbished' will still be returned in this container.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
string Conditionally The human-readable label for the condition (e.g., "New"). This value is typically localized for each site. The display name can vary by category. For example, condition ID 1000 could be called "New: with Tags" in one category and "Brand New" in another.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
int Conditionally The numeric identifier of the item condition (e.g., 1000). The numeric identifier is used in the Item.ConditionID field in Add/Revise/Relist calls to set the condition of an item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
anyURI Conditionally URL to the eBay Web site's item condition help for the category. This may include policies about how to assess the condition of an item in the category. To reduce item-not-as-described cases, we recommend that you refer sellers (and buyers) to these help pages. These help pages may vary for some categories.

The Sandbox might not return valid help URLs.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports specifying that listings be displayed in the default search results of the Australia site.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include CrossBorderTradeEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports specifying that listings be displayed in the default search results of the UK and Ireland sites.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include CrossBorderTradeEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports specifying that listings be displayed in the default search results of North America sites (US and Canada (English).

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include CrossBorderTradeEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.DepositSupported boolean Conditionally This field is returned as true if the corresponding category supports the use of a deposit/down payment on a motor vehicle listing. In an AddItem call, the seller can configure a down payment for a motor vehicle listing using the PaymentDetails container.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally A true value in this field indicates that digital gift cards (eBay gift cards or third-party gift cards) can be listed in the category specified in the Category.CategoryID field. A false value in this field indicates that digital gift cards can not be listed in the specified category.

Digital gift cards are currently only supported on the US site. There are some restrictions when it comes to selling gift cards, including the following:
  • Each seller can only have one gift card listing at any given time
  • The maximum dollar value of the gift card may not exceed 500.00
  • Prepaid credit cards from American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa are not allowed
For more information on eBay's Gift Card policy, see the Gift cards policy Help page.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
DomesticRefundMethodCodeType Conditionally On the EBAY_US marketplace only, sellers can offer item replacement in addition to offering money back returns. This flag defines the availability of such options for the given US marketplace category. Sellers can offer item replacements only if returns are enabled (returnPolicyEnabled is set to true) for the item. You can specify item replacement in the AddItem family of calls and in the return policy settings of the Account API.

Note: Sellers have the option of creating a separate international return policy for items that are shipped to international customers. If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead. For the international equivalent of this field, see the InternationalRefundMethodValues field.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnsRefundMethodCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Defines the available options the seller has for handling domestic returns in the specified marketplace and category.

Applicable values:

(out) MoneyBack indicates the seller will refund the cost of the item returned.
(out) Available on the US marketplace only, MoneyBackorReplacement indicates the seller will refund the cost of the item returned or they will replace the returned item.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
DomesticReturnsAcceptedCodeType Conditionally The values returned in this field indicate whether or not the seller accepts domestic returns for items listed in the associated marketplace and category.

While most categories return the ReturnsAccepted flag (indicating the category supports returns), some categories will also return the ReturnsNotAccepted flag to indicate the seller can choose to not accept returns for an item listed in that category.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated category, which indicates that items listed in the category must include a return policy. Here, it's worth noting that not accepting returns is a return policy. The values returned in this field are valid in AddItem and its related family of calls, and in the return policies you configure for use with the Account API.

Note: Sellers have the option of creating a separate international return policy for items that are shipped to international customers. If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead. For the international equivalent of this field, see the InternationalReturnsAcceptedValues field.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnsAcceptedCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Defines the available options the seller has for accepting domestic returns in the specified marketplace and category.

Applicable values:

(out) ReturnsAccepted indicates the seller does accept returns.
(out) ReturnsNotAccepted indicates the seller does not accept returns.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
DomesticReturnsDurationCodeType Conditionally The values returned in this field indicate the return duration options that are available for domestic returns for items listed in the associated marketplace and category.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated category, which indicates that items listed in the category must include a return policy. The values returned in this field are valid in AddItem and its related family of calls, and in the return policies you configure for use with the Account API.

Note: Sellers have the option of creating a separate international return policy for items that are shipped to international customers. If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead. For the international equivalent of this field, see the InternationalReturnsDurationValues field.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnsDurationCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Defines the available options for the return durations for domestic returns in the specified marketplace and category. This is the time the buyer has to initiate a return once they receive the item.

Applicable values:

(out) Days_14 indicates the buyer has 14 days to initiate a return.
(out) Days_30 indicates the buyer has 30 days to initiate a return.
(out) Days_60 indicates the buyer has 60 days to initiate a return.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
DomesticReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType Conditionally The values returned in this field indicate the available options for who pays the return shipping for domestic returns. Possible values are BUYER and SELLER.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated category, which indicates that items listed in the category must include a return policy. The values returned in this field are valid in AddItem and its related family of calls, and in the return policies you configure for use with the Account API.

Note: Sellers have the option of creating a separate international return policy for items that are shipped to international customers. If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead. For the international equivalent of this field, see the InternationalReturnsShipmentPayeeValues field.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Defines the available options for who pays the return shipping costs for domestic returns in the specified marketplace and category.

Applicable values:

(out) Buyer indicates the buyer is responsible for paying for the return shipping.
(out) Seller indicates the seller is responsible for paying for the return shipping.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.EANEnabled ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates whether or not European Article Numbers (EANs) are supported/required when listing products in the category. A value of Disabled indicates that EANs cannot be used for the category, a value of Enabled indicates that EANs can be used for the category, and a value of Required indicates that an EAN is required when listing a product in this category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include EANEnabled.

Note: It is recommended that sellers always use GetCategoryFeatures to see if an eBay category requires a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) or a Brand/MPN combination. So, that means that they should look for EANEnabled, ISBNEnabled, UPCEnabled, and BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled at the category level in the GetCategoryFeatures response.

Applicable values:

(out) This value is for future use.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) may not be used to help create a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) do not support the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category does not support the use of product identifiers.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) may be used to help create a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) support the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category supports the use of product identifiers.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) is required when creating a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) require the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category requires the use of product identifiers when creating a listing.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
AdFormatEnabledCodeType Conditionally Specifies whether this category allows Classified Ad listings on eBay Motors. This element is applicable for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProAdFormatEnabled.

Applicable values: See eBayMotorsProAdFormatEnabled.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies whether this category allows auto-accept for Best Offers for eBay Motors Classified Ad listings. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProAutoAcceptEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies whether this category allows auto-decline for Best Offers for eBay Motors Classified Ad listings. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProAutoDeclineEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates if Best Offer is supported for eBay Motors Classified Ad listings in this category. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProBestOfferEnabled.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is disabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field), or disabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field).
(out) This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is enabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field), or enabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field).
(out) This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is required for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field). This value is not applicable at the site level (SiteDefaults container).

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether this category supports including the company name in the seller's contact information. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProCompanyNameEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether this category supports including the address in the seller's contact information. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProContactByAddressEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether this category supports including an email address in the seller's contact information. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProContactByEmailEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether this category supports including the telephone in the seller's contact information. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProContactByPhoneEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether counter offers are allowed on Best Offers for this category in an eBay Motors Classified Ad listing. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProCounterOfferEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates if the payment method should be displayed to the user for this category in an eBay Motors Classified Ad listing. Even if enabled, checkout may or may not be enabled. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) Display the payment method and permit checkout.
(out) Display the payment method and suppress checkout.
(out) Do not display the payment method.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
int Conditionally Indicates which telephone option is enabled for the seller's contact information. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProContactByPhoneEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies whether this category allows seller-level contact information for eBay Motors Classified Ad listings. A value of true means seller-level contact information is available for Classified Ad listings. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProSellerContactDetailsEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates if shipping options should be displayed to the user for this category in an eBay Motors Classified Ad listing. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProShippingMethodEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
int Conditionally Indicates which address option is enabled for the seller's contact information. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProContactByAddressEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.EpidSupported boolean Conditionally This field is returned as true if the category supports the use of an eBay Product ID (e.g. ePID) in an Add/Revise/Relist API call to identify which motorcycles and/or scooters are compatible with a motor vehicle part or accessory. ePIDs can only be used to identify motorcycles and scooters on the Germany and UK sites.

For more information on using an ePID to identify a compatible motorcycle or scooter through an Add/Revise/Relist API call on the Germany or UK site, see the documentation for the Compatibility.NameValueList container.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include EpidSupported.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports free, automatic upgrades for Gallery Plus, which enhances pictures in search results.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include FreeGalleryPlusEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports free, automatic upgrades for Picture Pack, a discount package that includes super-sizing of pictures.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include FreePicturePackEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ListingEnhancementDurationReferenceType Conditionally This field is returned if the Featured Gallery feature is supported for the category. The time unit that is returned in this field indicates how long a gallery will be featured on eBay.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include GalleryFeaturedDurations.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
token Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Note: Duration fields are currently still being returned in GetCategoryFeatures response, but Featured Gallery listing feature is deprecated for all sites. If a seller attempts to add Featured Gallery as a listing enhancement, it is allowed, but a warning will be returned announcing the deprecation of the feature.
Each returned Duration field indicates a supported time duration that a picture gallery can be featured. The Lifetime value indicates that the Featured Gallery enhancement will be active for the lifetime of the listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.

Applicable values: See ListingEnhancementDurationCodeType
Category.GlobalShippingEnabled boolean Conditionally Indicates if the Global Shipping Program (GSP) is supported for the category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include GlobalShippingEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Returns the applicable max cap per shipping cost for shipping service group1.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include Group1MaxFlatShippingCost.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Always Returns the applicable max cap per shipping cost for shipping service group1.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include Group1MaxFlatShippingCost.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Returns the applicable max cap per shipping cost for shipping service group2.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include Group2MaxFlatShippingCost.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Always Returns the applicable max cap per shipping cost for shipping service group2.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include Group2MaxFlatShippingCost.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Returns the applicable max cap per shipping cost for shipping service group3.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include Group3MaxFlatShippingCost.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Always Returns the applicable max cap per shipping cost for shipping service group3.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include Group3MaxFlatShippingCost.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
Category.HandlingTimeEnabled boolean Conditionally Indicates if a seller's stated handling time is enabled for a category. A handling time is generally needed for items that are shipped to the buyer, but not necessarily applicable to freight shipping or local pickup.

The handling time is the maximum number of business days the seller commits to for preparing an item to be shipped after receiving a cleared payment. The seller's handling time does not include the shipping time (the carrier's transit time).
For a list of the handling time values allowed for each site, use DispatchTimeMaxDetails in GeteBayDetails.

Note: Although the field name ends with "Enabled", a value of true means that a handling time is NOT supported, and value of false means that a handling time IS supported.
Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include HandlingTimeEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether or not it is possible to enhance a listing by putting it into a rotation for display on a special area of the eBay home page. Support for this feature varies by site. Item or feedback restrictions may apply.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include HomePageFeaturedEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
INEscrowWorkflowTimelineCodeType (token) Conditionally Note: This field is deprecated since it is only applicable to the eBay India site, and this marketplace is no longer available.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
InternationalRefundMethodCodeType Conditionally In US, sellers can offer an item replacement for returns, in addition to offering money back returns. The values returned in this field indicate the availability of such options for the given marketplace and category.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated category, which indicates that items listed in the category must include a return policy. The values returned in this field are valid in AddItem and its related family of calls, and in the return policies you configure for use with the Account API.

Note: Sellers have the option of creating a separate international return policy for items that are shipped to international customers. If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnsRefundMethodCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Defines the available options the seller has for handling international returns in the specified marketplace and category.

Applicable values:

(out) MoneyBack indicates the seller will refund the cost of the item returned.
(out) Available on the US marketplace only, MoneyBackorReplacement indicates the seller will refund the cost of the item returned or they will replace the returned item.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
InternationalReturnsAcceptedCodeType Conditionally The values returned in this field indicate whether or not the seller can offer international returns.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated category, which indicates that items listed in the category must include a return policy. The values returned in this field are valid in AddItem and its related family of calls, and in the return policies you configure for use with the Account API.

Note: Sellers have the option of creating a separate international return policy for items that are shipped to international customers. If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnsAcceptedCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Defines the available options the seller has for accepting international returns in the specified marketplace and category.

Applicable values:

(out) ReturnsAccepted indicates the seller does accept returns.
(out) ReturnsNotAccepted indicates the seller does not accept returns.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
InternationalReturnsDurationCodeType Conditionally The values returned in this field indicate the return duration options that are available for international returns for items listed in the associated marketplace and category.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated category, which indicates that items listed in the category must include a return policy. The values returned in this field are valid in AddItem and its related family of calls, and in the return policies you configure for use with the Account API.

Note: Sellers have the option of creating a separate international return policy for items that are shipped to international customers. If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnsDurationCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Defines the available options for the return durations for international returns in the specified marketplace and category. This is the time the buyer has to initiate a return once they receive the item.

Applicable values:

(out) Days_14 indicates the buyer has 14 days to initiate a return.
(out) Days_30 indicates the buyer has 30 days to initiate a return.
(out) Days_60 indicates the buyer has 60 days to initiate a return.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
InternationalReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType Conditionally The values returned in this field indicate the available options for who pays the return shipping for international returns. Possible values are BUYER and SELLER.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated category, which indicates that items listed in the category must include a return policy. The values returned in this field are valid in AddItem and its related family of calls, and in the return policies you configure for use with the Account API.

Note: Sellers have the option of creating a separate international return policy for items that are shipped to international customers. If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Defines the available options for who pays the return shipping costs for international returns in the specified marketplace and category.

Applicable values:

(out) Buyer indicates the buyer is responsible for paying for the return shipping.
(out) Seller indicates the seller is responsible for paying for the return shipping.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.ISBNEnabled ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates whether or not International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs) are supported/required when listing products in the category. A value of Disabled indicates that ISBNs cannot be used for the category, a value of Enabled indicates that ISBNs can be used for the category, and a value of Required indicates that an ISBN is required when listing a product in this category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ISBNEnabled.

Note: It is recommended that sellers always use GetCategoryFeatures to see if an eBay category requires a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) or a Brand/MPN combination. So, that means that they should look for ISBNEnabled, EANEnabled, UPCEnabled, and BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled at the category level in the GetCategoryFeatures response.

Applicable values:

(out) This value is for future use.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) may not be used to help create a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) do not support the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category does not support the use of product identifiers.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) may be used to help create a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) support the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category supports the use of product identifiers.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) is required when creating a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) require the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category requires the use of product identifiers when creating a listing.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ItemCompatibilityEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports parts compatibility by application (ByApplication), by specification (BySpecification), or not at all (Disabled). Categories cannot support both types of parts compatibility.

Parts Compatibility is supported in limited Parts & Accessories categories for the eBay Motors (US) site (site ID 100) only.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include CompatibilityEnabled.

Applicable values:

(out) Parts Compatibility may be entered by application only for the given category. Entering parts compatibility by application specifies the assemblies (e.g., a specific year, make, and model of car) to which the item applies. Parts compatibility by application can be specified by listing with a catalog product that supports parts compatibility or by specifying parts compatibility by application manually ( Item.ItemCompatibilityList).
(out) Parts Compatibility may be entered by specification only for the given category. Entering parts compatibility by specification involves specifying the part's relevant dimensions or characteristics (e.g., Section Width, Aspect Ratio, Rim Diammeter, Load Index, and Speed Rating values for a tire) using attributes.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) Parts Compatibility is not supported for the given category.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.ItemSpecificsEnabled ItemSpecificsEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports the use of Item Specifics in listings. If enabled, sellers can use the Item.ItemSpecifics node in Add/Revise/Relist calls to specify Item Specific name-value pairs.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ItemSpecificsEnabled.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the seller may not use Item Specifics for the specified eBay marketplace or corresponding category.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the seller may use Item Specifics for the specified eBay marketplace or corresponding category.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.KTypeSupported boolean Conditionally This field is returned as true if the category supports the use of a K Type vehicle number in an Add/Revise/Relist API call to identify which cars and/or trucks are compatible with a motor vehicle part or accessory. K type vehicle numbers can only be used to identify cars and trucks on the Germany site.

For more information on using a K Type vehicle number to identify a compatible car or truck through an Add/Revise/Relist API call on the Germany site, see the documentation for the Compatibility.NameValueList container.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include KTypeSupported.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.ListingDuration ListingDurationReferenceType (int) Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A ListingDuration field is returned for each listing type and listing duration combination that is supported for the category. The integer value indicates the number of days of the listing duration, and the type attribute identifies the supported listing type.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ListingDurations.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
  [ attribute type ]
ListingTypeCodeType Conditionally A ListingDuration field is returned for each listing type and listing duration combination that is supported for the category. The integer value indicates the number of days of the listing duration, and the type attribute identifies the supported listing type.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ListingDurations.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see ListingTypeCodeType.
AdFormatEnabledCodeType Conditionally Specifies whether this category supports Motor Local Market Classified Ad listings. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketAdFormatEnabled.

Applicable values: See LocalMarketAdFormatEnabled.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies whether this category supports auto-accept for Best Offers for Motors Local Market Classified Ads. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketAutoAcceptEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies whether this category supports auto-decline for Best Offers for Motors Local Market Classified Ads. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketAutoDeclineEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates if Best Offer is enabled/required for Motors Local Market Classified Ad listings in this category. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketBestOfferEnabled.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is disabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field), or disabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field).
(out) This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is enabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field), or enabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field).
(out) This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is required for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field). This value is not applicable at the site level (SiteDefaults container).

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports including a company name in the seller's contact information. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketCompanyNameEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether this category supports including the address in the seller's contact information. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketContactByAddressEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports including an email address in the seller's contact information. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketContactByEmailEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether this category supports including the telephone in the seller's contact information. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketContactByPhoneEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether counter offers are allowed on Best Offers for this category for Motors Local Market Classified Ad listings. This element is for Local market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketCounterOfferEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports a seller creating a Motors Local Market listing without a subscription. This feature is only available to licensed vehicle dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketNonSubscription.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates if the payment method should be displayed to the user for this category in an Motors Local Market Classified Ad listing. Even if enabled, checkout may or may not be enabled. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) Display the payment method and permit checkout.
(out) Display the payment method and suppress checkout.
(out) Do not display the payment method.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.LocalMarketPhoneCount int Conditionally Indicates which telephone option is enabled for the seller's contact information. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketContactByPhoneEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports the Premium level subscription Motors Local Market listings. This feature is only available to licensed vehicle dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketPremiumSubscription.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports the Regular level subscription to Motors Local Market listings. This feature is only available to licensed vehicle dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketRegularSubscription.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the whether this category allows seller-level contact information for Motors Local Market Classified Ad listings. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketSellerContactDetailsEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates if shipping methods should be displayed to the user for this category in an Motors Local Market Classified Ad listing. Even if enabled, checkout may or may not be enabled. This element is for Local market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketShippingMethodEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category supports the Speciality level subscription to Motors Local Market listings. This feature is only available to licensed vehicle dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketSpecialitySubscription.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
int Conditionally Indicates which address option is enabled for the seller's contact information. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketContactByAddressEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.MaxFlatShippingCost AmountType (double) Conditionally The maximum cost the seller can charge for the first domestic flat-rate shipping service. Mutually exclusive with the GroupNMaxFlatShippingCost elements.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include MaxFlatShippingCost.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.

See Flat rate shipping.

  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Always The maximum cost the seller can charge for the first domestic flat-rate shipping service. Mutually exclusive with the GroupNMaxFlatShippingCost elements.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include MaxFlatShippingCost.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
int Conditionally Indicates the maximum number of compatible applications allowed per item when adding or revising items with compatibilities provided at the most detailed granularity. For example, in Car and Truck Parts on the US site, the most granular application would include Year, Make, Model, Trim, and Engine.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include MaxGranularFitmentCount.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.MaxItemCompatibility int Conditionally This field specifies the maximum number of compatible applications allowed per item when adding or revising items. This is relevant for specifying parts compatibility by application manually ( Item.ItemCompatibilityList) only.

Applicable for the US site only.

For DE, UK, and AU sites, this field returns the same value as MaxGranularFitmentCount.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include MaxCompatibleApplications.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.MinimumReservePrice double Conditionally Indicates the Minimum Reserve Price for an auction listing in this category. If there is no Minimum Reserve Price, a value of 0.0 is returned in this field.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include MinimumReservePrice.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.MinItemCompatibility int Conditionally This field specifies the minimum number of required compatible applications for listing items. A value of "0" indicates it is not mandatory to specify parts compatibilities when listing.

This applies to categories that are enabled for compatibility by application only. Parts compatiblity by application can be specified by listing with a catalog product that supports parts compatibility or by specifying parts compatibility by application manually ( Item.ItemCompatibilityList).

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include MinCompatibleApplications.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.NonSubscription GeographicExposureCodeType Conditionally The value in this field indicates whether the category supports Motors Local Market listings if the seller does not have a vehicle subscription.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include NonSubscription.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors Local Market Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category supports Motors National Listings and Motors Local Market listing for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors National Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Note: This field is deprecated since it is only applicable to the eBay India site, and this marketplace is no longer available.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.PaymentMethod BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Indicates the acceptable payment methods that can be used when listing an item for sale in the corresponding category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include PaymentMethods.

Applicable values:

(in/out) This enumeration value indicates that cash on pickup is accepted for payment. This value is only applicable for offline payments.
(in/out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(in/out) This enumeration value indicates that a money order or cashiers check is accepted for payment. This value is only applicable for offline payments and is not supported on all marketplaces.
(in/out) This enumeration value indicates that a personal check is accepted for payment. This value is only applicable for offline payments and is not supported on all marketplaces.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType Conditionally Indicates the Business Policies category group that may be used for Payment profiles.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include PaymentProfileCategoryGroup.

Applicable values:

(out) For Business Policies, the 'ALL' enumeration value represents all eBay categories except for motor vehicles.
(out) Default value.
(out) For Business Policies, the 'MOTORS_VEHICLE' enumeration value represents all motor vehicle categories.
(out) None.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.PickupDropOffEnabled boolean Conditionally A true value in this field indicates that items listed in the category (specified in the Category.CategoryID field) may be enabled with the 'Click and Collect' feature. With the 'Click and Collect' feature, a buyer can purchase certain items on an eBay site and collect them at a local store. Buyers are notified by eBay once their items are available. A false value in this field indicates that items listed in the category are not eligible for the 'Click and Collect' feature.

The 'Click and Collect' feature is only available to large merchants on the eBay UK (site ID - 3), eBay Australia (Site ID - 15), and eBay Germany (Site ID - 77) sites.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include PickupDropOffEnabled.

Note: For Click and Collect eligible sellers, the Click and Collect feature can only be enabled at the account level, and then each of the seller's listings within an Click and Collect enabled category will be automatically evaluated for Click and Collect eligibility.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.PremiumSubscription GeographicExposureCodeType Conditionally The value in this field indicates whether the category supports Motors Local Market listings if the seller has a Premium vehicle subscription.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include PremiumSubscription.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors Local Market Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category supports Motors National Listings and Motors Local Market listing for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors National Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ProductCreationEnabledCodeType (token) Conditionally This value is deprecated.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.ProPackEnabled boolean Conditionally This field is deprecated.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.RegularSubscription GeographicExposureCodeType Conditionally The value in this field indicates whether the category supports Motors Local Market listings if the seller has a Regular vehicle subscription.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include RegularSubscription.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors Local Market Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category supports Motors National Listings and Motors Local Market listing for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors National Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally In some EU countries, sellers are legally required to describe the return policy they offer. The value returned by this field indicates if sellers can provide such a description within the given marketplace and category.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated category, which indicates that items listed in the category must include a return policy.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.ReturnPolicyEnabled boolean Conditionally For most sites: If true, listings in this category require a return policy.

For eBay Australia (AU) and US eBay Motors Parts and Accessories: If true, the category supports but does not require a return policy.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ReturnPolicyEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType Conditionally Indicates the Business Policies category group that may be used for Return Policy profiles.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ReturnPolicyProfileCategoryGroup.

Applicable values:

(out) For Business Policies, the 'ALL' enumeration value represents all eBay categories except for motor vehicles.
(out) Default value.
(out) For Business Policies, the 'MOTORS_VEHICLE' enumeration value represents all motor vehicle categories.
(out) None.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.RevisePriceAllowed boolean Conditionally Indicates if the category allows the seller to revise the price of a fixed-price listing.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include RevisePriceAllowed.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
Category.ReviseQuantityAllowed boolean Conditionally Indicates if the category allows the seller to revise the quantity of a multi-quantity, active listing.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ReviseQuantityAllowed.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
Category.SafePaymentRequired boolean Conditionally This field is no longer applicable, as eBay now controls all online payment methods.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether this category supports seller-level contact information for Classified Ad listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include SellerContactDetailsEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally This field is returned as true if the corresponding category supports the use of a seller-provided title for a motor vehicle listing on the US or Canada Motors marketplaces. A seller-provided title is a descriptive title, given by the seller, that appears below eBay's pre-filled listing title for the motor vehicle. Visually, the seller-provided title is similar to a subtitle on other types of eBay listings (non-vehicle). A seller-provided title can assist in helping buyers discover the vehicle.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType Conditionally Indicates the Business Policies category group that may be used for Shipping profiles.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ShippingProfileCategoryGroup.

Applicable values:

(out) For Business Policies, the 'ALL' enumeration value represents all eBay categories except for motor vehicles.
(out) Default value.
(out) For Business Policies, the 'MOTORS_VEHICLE' enumeration value represents all motor vehicle categories.
(out) None.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.ShippingTermsRequired boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category requires sellers to specify shipping details at listing time.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ShippingTermsRequired.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.SpecialFeatures ConditionValuesType Conditionally This container is only returned if the corresponding category supports a special item condition such as Certified - Refurbished condition (condition ID 2000), Excellent - Refurbished condition (condition ID 2010), Very Good - Refurbished condition (condition ID 2020), and Good - Refurbished condition (condition ID 2030). A seller must be pre-qualified by eBay to list items with the any of these refurbished item conditions.

All other item conditions supported by a category will be returned in the ConditionValues container instead.

Neither the ConditionValues or the SpecialFeatures containers will be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ConditionValues.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ConditionType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This repeatable container shows the display name and unique identifier of each item condition supported by the corresponding eBay category.

Note: 'Certified Refurbished', 'Excellent - Refurbished', 'Very Good - Refurbished', and 'Good - Refurbished' item conditions will not be returned in this container for categories in the eBay Refurbished Program, but instead will be returned in the Category.SpecialFeatures container if the corresponding category supports any of these Refurbished item conditions. To used any of these Refurbished item conditions, sellers must go through an application and qualification process. The new item condition values appearing in the Category.SpecialFeatures container does not necessarily indicate that a seller is eligible to list with these item conditions. If the corresponding category supports it, 'Seller Refurbished' will still be returned in this container.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
string Conditionally The human-readable label for the condition (e.g., "New"). This value is typically localized for each site. The display name can vary by category. For example, condition ID 1000 could be called "New: with Tags" in one category and "Brand New" in another.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
int Conditionally The numeric identifier of the item condition (e.g., 1000). The numeric identifier is used in the Item.ConditionID field in Add/Revise/Relist calls to set the condition of an item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
anyURI Conditionally URL to the eBay Web site's item condition help for the category. This may include policies about how to assess the condition of an item in the category. To reduce item-not-as-described cases, we recommend that you refer sellers (and buyers) to these help pages. These help pages may vary for some categories.

The Sandbox might not return valid help URLs.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
GeographicExposureCodeType Conditionally The value in this field indicates whether the category supports Motors Local Market listings if the seller has a Specialty vehicle subscription.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include SpecialitySubscription.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors Local Market Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category supports Motors National Listings and Motors Local Market listing for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors National Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsType Conditionally Provides additional listings durations that are available to eBay Store owners. The extended listing durations provided here in this element should be merged in with the baseline listing durations provided in the ListingDurations element. Applies to fixed-price Listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurations.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
token Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Specifies the additional listing duration(s) (in days) supported by the eBay site and/or category. A Duration field is returned for each additional listing duration that the eBay marketplace or category supports.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.

Applicable values: See ListingDurationCodeType
boolean Conditionally Indicates if an eBay Store owner gets extended listing durations in a given category. When the value of this element is true, it means the listing duration values defined in StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurations are applicable to fixed-price listings in a given category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the Transaction Confirmation Request feature is supported for this category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.UPCEnabled ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates whether or not Universal Product Codes (UPCs) are supported/required when listing products in the category. A value of Disabled indicates that UPCs cannot be used for the category, a value of Enabled indicates that UPCs can be used for the category, and a value of Required indicates that a UPC is required when listing a product in this category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include UPCEnabled.

Note: It is recommended that sellers always use GetCategoryFeatures to see if an eBay category requires a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) or a Brand/MPN combination. So, that means that they should look for UPCEnabled, ISBNEnabled, EANEnabled, and BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled at the category level in the GetCategoryFeatures response.

Applicable values:

(out) This value is for future use.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) may not be used to help create a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) do not support the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category does not support the use of product identifiers.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) may be used to help create a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) support the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category supports the use of product identifiers.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) is required when creating a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) require the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category requires the use of product identifiers when creating a listing.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.UserConsentRequired boolean Conditionally Indicates whether a bidder must consent to the bid by confirming that he or she read and agrees to the terms in eBay's privacy policy.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include UserConsentRequired.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.ValueCategory boolean Conditionally Some eBay sites may select a few categories and designate them as "value categories". These are typically selected from categories where buyers can find great deals. (Not all categories with great deals are designated as value categories.) This designation can change over time.

While a category is designated as a value category (i.e., when ValueCategory is true), it is subject to the following rule: Items in value categories can only be listed in one category.

For example, if you attempt to list in two categories and the primary category or secondary category is a value category, then eBay drops the secondary category and lists the item in the primary category only. Similarly, if you attempt to add a secondary category to an existing listing, or you change the category for an existing listing, and if the primary or secondary category is a value category, then eBay drops the secondary category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ValueCategory.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.VariationsEnabled boolean Conditionally If true, you can pass in Item.Variations in an Add/Revise/Relist fixed-price item call when you list in this category.

Multi-variation listings contain items that are logically the same product, but that vary in their manufacturing details or packaging. For example, a particular brand and style of shirt could be available in different sizes and colors, such as "large blue" and "medium black" variations.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include VariationsEnabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.VINSupported boolean Conditionally This field is deprecated.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
Category.VRMSupported boolean Conditionally This field is deprecated.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
CategoryVersion string Always Returns the current version of the set of feature meta-data. Compare this value to the version of the last version you downloaded to determine whether the data may have changed.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeatureDefinitions FeatureDefinitionsType Always Returns definitions of the various features on the site, or the features you requested in FeatureID (if any). Each feature has a node within FeatureDefinitions.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AdditionalCompatibilityEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Boat and Motorcycle Parts Compatibility feature. This field will be returned as long as AdditionalCompatibilityEnabled is included as a FeatureID value in the call request or no FeatureID values are passed into the call request.

To verify if a specific eBay site supports Boat or Motorcycle Parts Compatibility (for most categories), look for a true value in the SiteDefaults.AdditionalCompatibilityEnabled field.

To verify if a specific category on a specific eBay site supports Boat and Motorcycle Parts Compatibility, pass in a CategoryID value in the request, and then look for a true
value in the AdditionalCompatibilityEnabled field of the corresponding Category node (match up the CategoryID values if more than one Category IDs were passed in the request).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
AdFormatEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support Classified Ad listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and AdFormatEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Best Offer Auto-Accept feature. The Best Offer Auto-Accept feature allows a seller to set a threshold dollar value on a listing, and any Best Offer amount at or above this amount is automatically accepted by the eBay system. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BestOfferAutoDeclineEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Best Offer Auto-Decline feature. The Best Offer Auto-Decline feature allows a seller to set a lower threshold dollar value on a listing, and any Best Offer amount below this amount is automatically declined by the eBay system. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and BestOfferAutoDeclineEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BestOfferCounterEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support counter offers to Best Offers. The Best Offer feature allows buyers and sellers to negotiate the price of the item, and once a Best Offer price is proposed, the seller can send the buyer a counter offer, and a buyer may even send another counter offer to the seller's counter offer. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and BestOfferCounterEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BestOfferEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Best Offer feature. The Best Offer feature allows buyers and sellers to negotiate the price of the item. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and BestOfferEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BrandMPNIdentifierEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of Brand and MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) to identify a product. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
BuyerGuaranteeEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is deprecated.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Best Offer Auto-Accept feature for classified ad listings. The Best Offer Auto-Accept feature allows a seller to set a threshold dollar value on a listing, and any Best Offer amount at or above this amount is automatically accepted by the eBay system. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdAutoDeclineEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Best Offer Auto-Decline feature for classified ad listings. The Best Offer Auto-Decline feature allows a seller to set a lower threshold dollar value on a listing, and any Best Offer amount below this amount is automatically declined by the eBay system. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ClassifiedAdAutoDeclineEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Best Offer feature for classified ad listings. The Best Offer feature allows buyers and sellers to negotiate the price of the item. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdCompanyNameEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of a company name when contacting the seller about a classified ad listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ClassifiedAdCompanyNameEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdContactByAddressEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of an address when contacting the seller about a classified ad listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ClassifiedAdContactByAddressEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabledDefintionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of an email address when contacting the seller about a classified ad listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdContactByPhoneEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of a phone number when contacting the seller about a classified ad listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ClassifiedAdContactByPhoneEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdCounterOfferEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support counter offers to Best Offers for classified ad listings. The Best Offer feature allows buyers and sellers to negotiate the price of the item, and once a Best Offer price is proposed, the seller can send the buyer a counter offer, and a buyer may even send another counter offer to the seller's counter offer. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ClassifiedAdCounterOfferEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow for the display of acceptable payment methods for classified ad listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdPayPerLeadEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is deprecated.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ClassifiedAdPhoneCountDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of multiple phone numbers for the seller for a classified ad listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ClassifiedAdPhoneCount is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdShippingMethodEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow for the display of shipping service options for classified ad listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ClassifiedAdShippingMethodEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdStreetCountDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of multiple street addresses for the seller for a classified ad listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ClassifiedAdStreetCount is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
CompatibleVehicleTypeDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Parts Compatibility feature for motor vehicles. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and CompatibleVehicleType is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ConditionEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the textual description of an item's condition at listing time. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ConditionEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ConditionValuesDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support Condition IDs to specify an item's condition at listing time. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ConditionValues is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CrossBorderTradeAustraliaEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is for future use, as cross-border trading (aka International site visibility) is not currently supported for Australia.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CrossBorderTradeGBEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support cross-border trading on the UK and Ireland sites. In cross-border trading, also referred to as International site visibility, a seller is able to post a listing to an additional eBay site for an additional small fee. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and CrossBorderTradeGBEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
CrossBorderTradeNorthAmericaEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support cross-border trading on the US and CA (English) sites. In cross-border trading, also referred to as International site visibility, a seller is able to post a listing to an additional eBay site for an additional small fee. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and CrossBorderTradeNorthAmericaEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
DepositSupportedDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support deposits for motor vehicle listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and DepositSupported is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support digital gift card listings. This field will be returned as long as DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled is included as a FeatureID value in the call request or no FeatureID values are passed into the call request.

To verify if a specific eBay site supports digital gift card listings (for most categories), look for a true value in the SiteDefaults.DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled field.

To verify if a specific category on a specific eBay site supports digital gift card listings, pass in a CategoryID value in the request, and then look for a true value in the DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled field of the corresponding Category node (match up the CategoryID values if more than one Category IDs were passed in the request).

Digital gift cards are currently only supported on the US site. There are some restrictions when it comes to selling gift cards, including the following:
  • Each seller can only have one gift card listing at any given time
  • The maximum dollar value of the gift card may not exceed 500.00
  • Prepaid credit cards from American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa are not allowed
For more information on eBay's Gift Card policy, see the Gift cards policy help page.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
DomesticRefundMethodCodeType Conditionally If present, this flag indicates the seller can set the method they use to refund domestic returns.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnsRefundMethodCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Defines the available options the seller has for handling domestic returns in the specified marketplace and category.

Applicable values:

(out) MoneyBack indicates the seller will refund the cost of the item returned.
(out) Available on the US marketplace only, MoneyBackorReplacement indicates the seller will refund the cost of the item returned or they will replace the returned item.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
DomesticReturnsAcceptedDefinitionType Conditionally If present, this flag indicates the seller can set how to handle domestic returns.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
DomesticReturnsDurationDefinitionType Conditionally If present, this flag indicates the seller can set the time duration for domestic returns.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
DomesticReturnsShipmentPayeeDefinitionType Conditionally If present, this flag indicates the seller can set who pays the shipping for domestic returns.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
FeatureDefinitions.EANEnabled EANEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the EAN product identifying feature. This field will be returned as long as EANEnabled is included as a FeatureID value in the call request or no FeatureID values are passed into the call request.

To verify if a specific eBay site supports the EAN product identifying feature (for most categories), look for a true value in the SiteDefaults.EANEnabled field.

To verify if a specific category on a specific eBay site supports the EAN product identifying feature, pass in a CategoryID value in the request, and then look for a true value in the EANEnabled field of the corresponding Category node (match up the CategoryID values if more than one Category IDs were passed in the request).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
eBayMotorsProAdFormatEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support motor vehicle classified ad listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and eBayMotorsProAdFormatEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
eBayMotorsProAutoAcceptEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Best Offer Auto-Accept feature for motor vehicle classified ad listings. The Best Offer Auto-Accept feature allows a seller to set a threshold dollar value on a listing, and any Best Offer amount at or above this amount is automatically accepted by the eBay system. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and eBayMotorsProAutoAcceptEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
eBayMotorsProAutoDeclineEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Best Offer Auto-Decline feature for motor vehicle classified ad listings. The Best Offer Auto-Decline feature allows a seller to set a lower threshold dollar value on a listing, and any Best Offer amount below this amount is automatically declined by the eBay system. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and eBayMotorsProAutoDeclineEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
eBayMotorsProBestOfferEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Best Offer feature is for motor vehicle classified ad listings. The Best Offer feature allows buyers and sellers to negotiate the price of the item. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and eBayMotorsProBestOfferEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
eBayMotorsProCompanyNameEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of a company name when contacting the seller about a motor vehicle classified ad listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and eBayMotorsProCompanyNameEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
eBayMotorsProContactByAddressEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally TThis field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of an address when contacting the seller about a motor vehicle classified ad listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and eBayMotorsProContactByAddressEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
eBayMotorsProContactByEmailEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of an email address when contacting the seller about a motor vehicle classified ad listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and eBayMotorsProContactByEmailEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
eBayMotorsProContactByPhoneEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of a phone number when contacting the seller about a motor vehicle classified ad listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and eBayMotorsProContactByPhoneEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
eBayMotorsProCounterOfferEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support counter offers to Best Offers for motor vehicle classified ad listings. The Best Offer feature allows buyers and sellers to negotiate the price of the item, and once a Best Offer price is proposed, the seller can send the buyer a counter offer, and a buyer may even send another counter offer to the seller's counter offer. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and eBayMotorsProCounterOfferEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
eBayMotorsProPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow for the display of acceptable payment methods for motor vehicle classified ad listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and eBayMotorsProPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
eBayMotorsProPhoneCountDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of multiple phone numbers for the seller for a motor vehicle classified ad listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and eBayMotorsProContactByPhoneEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
eBayMotorsProSellerContactDetailsEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow the seller to provide contact information at listing time for a motor vehicle classified ad listing. This feature is only applicable to motor vehicle classified ad listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and eBayMotorsProSellerContactDetailsEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
eBayMotorsProShippingMethodEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow for the display of shipping service options for motor vehicle classified ad listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and eBayMotorsProShippingMethodEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
eBayMotorsProStreetCountDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of multiple street address for the seller for a motor vehicle classified ad listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and eBayMotorsProContactByAddressEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
EpidSupportedDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of an eBay Product ID (e.g. ePID) in an Add/Revise/Relist API call to identify which motorcycles and/or scooters are compatible with a motor vehicle part or accessory. ePIDs can only be used to identify motorcycles and scooters on the Germany and UK sites. This field will be returned as long as EpidSupported is included as a FeatureID value in the call request or no FeatureID values are passed into the call request.

For more information on using an ePID to identify a compatible motorcycle or scooter through an Add/Revise/Relist API call on the Germany or UK site, see the documentation for the Compatibility.NameValueList container.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FreeGalleryPlusEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support free, automatic upgrades for Gallery Plus for some categories. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and FreeGalleryPlusEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FreePicturePackEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support a free Picture Pack upgrade for some categories. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and FreePicturePackEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingEnhancementDurationDefinitionType Conditionally This field is deprecated.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
GlobalShippingEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Global Shipping Program (GSP) as the method for shipping orders internationally. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and GlobalShippingEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
Group1MaxFlatShippingCostDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow for the applicable max cap per shipping cost for shipping service group1. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and Group1MaxFlatShippingCost is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
Group2MaxFlatShippingCostDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow for the applicable max cap per shipping cost for shipping service group2. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and Group2MaxFlatShippingCost is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
Group3MaxFlatShippingCostDefinitionType Conditionally TThis field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow for the applicable max cap per shipping cost for shipping service group3. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and Group3MaxFlatShippingCost is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
HandlingTimeEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of a stated handling time in listings. The handling time is the maximum number of business days the seller commits to for preparing an item to be shipped after receiving a cleared payment. The seller's handling time does not include the shipping time (the carrier's transit time). This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and HandlingTimeEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
HomePageFeaturedEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the temporary display of a seller's listing on a section of the eBay Home Page. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and HomePageFeaturedEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
INEscrowWorkflowTimelineDefinitionType Conditionally PaisaPay is a deprecated payment method, so this field is no longer applicable.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
InternationalRefundMethodCodeType Conditionally If present, this flag indicates the seller can set the method they use to refund international returns.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnsRefundMethodCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Defines the available options the seller has for handling international returns in the specified marketplace and category.

Applicable values:

(out) MoneyBack indicates the seller will refund the cost of the item returned.
(out) Available on the US marketplace only, MoneyBackorReplacement indicates the seller will refund the cost of the item returned or they will replace the returned item.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
InternationalReturnsAcceptedDefinitionType Conditionally If present, this flag indicates the seller can set how to handle international returns.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
InternationalReturnsDurationDefinitionType Conditionally If present, this flag indicates the seller can set the time duration for international returns.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
InternationalReturnsShipmentPayeeDefinitionType Conditionally If present, this flag indicates the seller can set who pays the shipping for international returns.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
FeatureDefinitions.ISBNEnabled ISBNEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the ISBN product identifying feature. This field will be returned as long as ISBNEnabled is included as a FeatureID value in the call request or no FeatureID values are passed into the call request.

To verify if a specific eBay site supports the ISBN product identifying feature (for most categories), look for a true value in the SiteDefaults.ISBNEnabled field.

To verify if a specific category on a specific eBay site supports the ISBN product identifying feature, pass in a CategoryID value in the request, and then look for a true value in the ISBNEnabled field of the corresponding Category node (match up the CategoryID values if more than one Category IDs were passed in the request).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemCompatibilityEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support Parts Compatibility for some Parts & Accessories categories. Parts compatibility allows a seller to show a list of all the vehicles that a part or accessory is compatible with in a listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ItemCompatibilityEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ItemSpecificsEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of Item Specifics in listings. Item Specifics are typical aspects that items in a specific category tend to have, and they allow sellers to provide descriptive details of an item in a structured manner. For example, in a jewelry category, sellers might describe lockets with Item Specifics name-value pairs like "Chain Length=18 in." and "Main Shape=Heart", or in a Washers & Dryers category, sellers might include "Type=Top-Loading". This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ItemSpecificsEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
KTypeSupportedDefinitionType Conditionally TThis field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of a K Type vehicle number in an Add/Revise/Relist API call to identify which cars and/or trucks are compatible with a motor vehicle part or accessory. K type vehicle numbers can only be used to identify cars and trucks on the Germany site. This field will be returned as long as KTypeSupported is included as a FeatureID value in the call request or no FeatureID values are passed into the call request.

For more information on using a K Type vehicle number to identify a compatible car or truck through an Add/Revise/Relist API call on the Germany site, see the documentation for the Compatibility.NameValueList container.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ListingDurationDefinitionsType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support multiple listing durations. Listing durations will vary based on the selling format (auction, fixed-price, or classified ad) and the eBay category. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ListingDurations is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
  [ attribute Version ]
int Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support multiple listing durations. Listing durations will vary based on the selling format (auction, fixed-price, or classified ad) and the eBay category. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ListingDurations is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.
ListingDurationDefinitionType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A ListingDurations container is returned for each listing type supported for the eBay site, and the supported listing duration times for those listing types. The durationSetID attribute value indicates the listing type.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
  [ attribute durationSetID ]
int Conditionally A ListingDurations container is returned for each listing type supported for the eBay site, and the supported listing duration times for those listing types. The durationSetID attribute value indicates the listing type.
token Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
All values returned in the Duration fields indicate the listing durations that are supported for that listing type. The allowed durations vary according to the type of listing. The value GTC means Good 'Til Canceled. The complete list of enumeration values that may be returned in this field is shown in ListingDurationCodeType.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.

Applicable values: See ListingDurationCodeType
LocalListingDistancesNonSubscriptionDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow dealership subscribers without a subscription to specify local market radius for Motors Local Market listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalListingDistancesNonSubscription is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
LocalListingDistancesRegularDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support allow dealership subscribers with a regular subscription to specify local market radius for Motors Local Market listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalListingDistancesRegular is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
LocalListingDistancesSpecialtyDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow dealership subscribers with a specialty subscription to specify local market radius for Motors Local Market listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalListingDistancesSpecialty is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
LocalMarketAdFormatEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support Motors Local Market listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalMarketAdFormatEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
LocalMarketAutoAcceptEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Best Offer Auto-Accept feature for Motors Local Market listings. The Best Offer Auto-Accept feature allows a seller to set a threshold dollar value on a listing, and any Best Offer amount at or above this amount is automatically accepted by the eBay system. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalMarketAutoAcceptEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
LocalMarketAutoDeclineEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Best Offer Auto-Decline feature for Motors Local Market listings. The Best Offer Auto-Accept feature allows a seller to set a threshold dollar value on a listing, and any Best Offer amount at or above this amount is automatically accepted by the eBay system. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalMarketAutoDeclineEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
LocalMarketBestOfferEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Best Offer feature is for Motors Local Market listings. The Best Offer feature allows buyers and sellers to negotiate the price of the item. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalMarketBestOfferEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
LocalMarketCompanyNameEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of a company name when contacting the seller about a Motors Local Market listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalMarketCompanyNameEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
LocalMarketContactByAddressEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow the use of an address when contacting the seller about a Motors Local Market listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalMarketContactByAddressEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
LocalMarketContactByEmailEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of an email address when contacting the seller about a Motors Local Market listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalMarketContactByEmailEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
LocalMarketContactByPhoneEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow the use of a phone number when contacting the seller about a Motors Local Market listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalMarketContactByPhoneEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
LocalMarketCounterOfferEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support counter offers to Best Offers for Motors Local Market listings. The Best Offer feature allows buyers and sellers to negotiate the price of the item, and once a Best Offer price is proposed, the seller can send the buyer a counter offer, and a buyer may even send another counter offer to the seller's counter offer. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalMarketCounterOfferEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
LocalMarketNonSubscriptionDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support Motors Local Market listings for dealerships without a subscription. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalMarketNonSubscription is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
LocalMarketPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow for the display of acceptable payment methods for Motors Local Market listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalMarketPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
LocalMarketPhoneCountDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow the use of multiple phone numbers for the seller for a Motors Local Market listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalMarketPhoneCount is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
LocalMarketPremiumSubscriptionDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support Motors Local Market listings for dealership subscribers with a premium subscription. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalMarketPremiumSubscription is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
LocalMarketRegularSubscriptionDefinitionType Conditionally TThis field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support Motors Local Market listings for dealership subscribers with a regular subscription. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalMarketRegularSubscription is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
LocalMarketSellerContactDetailsEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow the seller to provide contact information at listing time for Motors Local Market listings. This feature is only applicable to motor vehicle classified ad listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalMarketSellerContactDetailsEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
LocalMarketShippingMethodEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow for the display of shipping service options for Motors Local Market listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalMarketShippingMethodEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
LocalMarketSpecialitySubscriptionDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support Motors Local Market listings for dealership subscribers with a specialty subscription. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalMarketSpecialitySubscription is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
LocalMarketStreetCountDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow the use of multiple street address for the seller for a Motors Local Market listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and LocalMarketStreetCount is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
MaxFlatShippingCostDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces do not impose a maximum flat-rate shipping cost. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and MaxFlatShippingCost is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
MaxFlatShippingCostCBTExemptDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces do not impose a maximum flat-rate shipping cost if the item is being shipped internationally. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and MaxFlatShippingCostCBTExempt is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
MaxGranularFitmentCountDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces define a maximum limit for the number of fine-grained item compatibilities that can be applied to a listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and MaxGranularFitmentCount is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
MaxItemCompatibilityDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces define a maximum limit for the number of compatible applications for items listed with parts compatibilities by application. Parts compatibility allows a seller to show a list of all the vehicles that a part or accessory is compatible with in a listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and MaxItemCompatibility is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
MinimumReservePriceDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces require a minimum reserve price for an auction item. This feature is only applicable to auction listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and MinimumReservePrice is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
MinItemCompatibilityDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces define a minimum amount for the number of compatible applications for items listed with parts compatibilities by application. Parts compatibility allows a seller to show a list of all the vehicles that a part or accessory is compatible with in a listing. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and MinItemCompatibility is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
NonSubscriptionDefinitionType Conditionally This field is deprecated.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PaisaPayFullEscrowEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally PaisaPay is a deprecated payment method, so this field is no longer applicable.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PaymentMethodDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow for the display of acceptable payment methods in listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and PaymentMethod is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

Note: eBay now controls all electronic payment methods available to buyers, but sellers still need to specify offline payment methods for listings that require/support offline payment such as motor vehicle listings.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ProfileCategoryGroupDefinitionType Conditionally TThis field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of category groups in payment business policies. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and PaymentProfileCategoryGroup is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PickupDropOffEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Click and Collect feature. This field will be returned as long as PickupDropOffEnabled is included as a FeatureID value in the call request or no FeatureID values are passed into the call request.

To verify if a specific eBay site supports the Click and Collect feature (for most categories), look for a true value in the SiteDefaults.PickupDropOffEnabled field.

To verify if a specific category on a specific eBay site supports the Click and Collect feature, pass in a CategoryID value in the request, and then look for a true value in the PickupDropOffEnabled field of the corresponding Category node (match up the CategoryID values if more than one Category IDs were passed in the request).

Note: For Click and Collect eligible sellers, the Click and Collect feature can only be enabled at the account level, and then each of the seller's listings within an Click and Collect enabled category will be automatically evaluated for Click and Collect eligibility.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
PremiumSubscriptionDefinitionType Conditionally This field is deprecated.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ProductCreationEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is no longer applicable.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ProductRequiredEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is deprecated. No eBay categories require listings based on an eBay catalog product.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ProPackEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Pro Pack listing upgrade bundle. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ProPackEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ProPackPlusEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Pro Pack Plus listing upgrade bundle. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ProPackPlusEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
RegularSubscriptionDefinitionType Conditionally This field is deprecated.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ReturnPolicyDescriptionEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally If present, this flag indicates the seller can choose to describe the return policy they offer (providing return-policy details is required in some EU countries).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnPolicyEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of return policies in listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ReturnPolicyEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ProfileCategoryGroupDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of category groups in return business policies. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ReturnPolicyProfileCategoryGroup is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
RevisePriceAllowedDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow the price of a listing to be revised during the life of the listing. This feature is not applicable to auction listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and RevisePriceAllowed is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ReviseQuantityAllowedDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow the quantity of a listing to be revised during the life of the listing. This feature is not applicable to auction listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ReviseQuantityAllowed is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SafePaymentRequiredDefinitionType Conditionally eBay controls all forms of electronic payment methods that are avaialable to buyers, so this field is no longer applicable.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SellerContactDetailsEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces allow the seller to provide contact information at listing time for a classified ad listing. This feature is only applicable to classified ad listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and SellerContactDetailsEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SellerProvidedTitleSupportedDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support seller-provided titles in motor vehicle listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and SellerProvidedTitleSupported is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ProfileCategoryGroupDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of category groups in shipping business policies. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ShippingProfileCategoryGroup is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ShippingTermRequiredDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces require shipping terms at listing time, which includes at least one domestic shipping service option and its associated costs. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ShippingTermsRequired is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SkypeMeNonTransactionalEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is deprecated.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SkypeMeTransactionalEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is deprecated.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SpecialitySubscriptionDefinitionType Conditionally This field is deprecated.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsDefinitionType Conditionally This field is deprecated.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support extended listing durations for eBay Business Sellers with eBay Stores. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and RevisePriceAllowed is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
TCREnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is deprecated.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
FeatureDefinitions.UPCEnabled UPCEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the UPC product identifying feature. This field will be returned as long as UPCEnabled is included as a FeatureID value in the call request or no FeatureID values are passed into the call request.

To verify if a specific eBay site supports the UPC product identifying feature (for most categories), look for a true value in the SiteDefaults.UPCEnabled field.

To verify if a specific category on a specific eBay site supports the UPC product identifying feature, pass in a CategoryID value in the request, and then look for a true value in the UPCEnabled field of the corresponding Category node (match up the CategoryID values if more than one Category IDs were passed in the request).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ValueCategoryDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support value categories. A Value category will typically have lower listing fees or another eBay promotion. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ValueCategory is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
ValuePackEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the Value Pack listing upgrade bundle. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and ValuePackEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
VariationsEnabledDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support multiple-variation listings for some categories. Multiple-variation listings contain items that are logically the same product, but that vary in color, size, or other aspect. For example, a particular brand and style of shirt could be available in different sizes and colors, such as "large blue" and "medium black" variations. This feature is only applicable to fixed-price listings. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and VariationsEnabled is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
VINSupportedDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) field to identify a motor vehicle and create a listing is supported. VINs are supported on the US, Canada, Canada-French, and Australia sites. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and VINSupported is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
VRMSupportedDefinitionType Conditionally This field is returned as an empty element (a boolean value is not returned) if one or more eBay marketplaces support the use of the VRM (Vehicle Registration Mark) field to identify a motor vehicle and create a listing is supported. VRMs are only supported on the UK site. This field will not be returned if one or more FeatureID fields are included in the call request and VRMSupported is not one of the values passed into those FeatureID fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
SiteDefaults SiteDefaultsType Always Returns the feature settings defined for most categories on the site. Most categories share these settings. However, some categories can override some settings, as indicated in the Category nodes (if any).

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether most categories on the specified eBay site support the Boat and Motorcycle Parts Compatibility feature. The Boats Parts Compatibility feature allows sellers to list their boats' parts and accessories items with parts compatibility name-value pairs specific to boats, and allows potential buyers to search for these items using parts compatibility search fields.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.AdFormatEnabled AdFormatEnabledCodeType Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow Classified Ad format listings. A value of true means the feature is allowed site-wide, unless a specific category overrides the setting.

Applicable values: See AdFormatEnabled.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow the BasicUpgradePack feature (a feature pack). No longer allowed on any sites. Formerly, Australia site (site ID 15, abbreviation AU) only.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow auto-accept for Best Offers.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow auto decline for Best Offers. A value of true means auto decline is allowed site-wide, unless a specific category overrides the setting.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow counter offers for Best Offers. A value of true means counter offers are allowed site-wide, unless a specific category overrides the setting.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.BestOfferEnabled boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow Best Offers. A value of true means Best Offers are allowed site-wide, unless a specific category overrides the setting.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the category is enabled for the BrandMPN field for a specific item. If true, sellers can add BrandMPN for that item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally For the Australia site, if the BuyerGuaranteeEnabled is returned, then the default site setting is that categories allow buyer protection.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow auto-accept for Best Offers for Classified Ads.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether automatic decline for Best Offers is allowed for most categories.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates if Best Offer is enabled for Classified Ad listings in most categories.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is disabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field), or disabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field).
(out) This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is enabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field), or enabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field).
(out) This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is required for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field). This value is not applicable at the site level (SiteDefaults container).

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether most categories support including a company name in the seller's contact information. This element is for For Sale By Owner.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether most categories support including an address in the seller's contact information. This element is for For Sale By Owner.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether most categories support including an email address in the seller's contact information.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether most categories support including a phone number in the seller's contact information.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether counter offers are allowed on Best Offers for most categories.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates if the payment method should be displayed to the user for most categories. Even if enabled, checkout may or may not be enabled.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) Display the payment method and permit checkout.
(out) Display the payment method and suppress checkout.
(out) Do not display the payment method.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether the pay-per-lead feature is supported for most categories.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
int Conditionally Indicates which telephone option is enabled to contact the seller. This element is for For Sale By Owner.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates if shipping options are available for most categories.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
int Conditionally Indicates which address option is enabled to contact the seller. This element is for For Sale By Owner.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
string Conditionally Indicates the type of vehicle; car, truck, boat, or motorcycle.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.ConditionEnabled ConditionEnabledCodeType Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether most categories support (or require) Item.ConditionID in listings. Use this to determine whether to use ConditionID in AddItem and related calls. See ConditionValues for a list of valid IDs.

In general, this is set to Disabled, and meta-categories (level 1 categories) define their own default settings.
Default: Disabled.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This value indicates that Condition IDs are disabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ConditionEnabled field), or disabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ConditionEnabled field).
(out) This value indicates that Condition IDs are enabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ConditionEnabled field), or enabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ConditionEnabled field).
(out) This value indicates that Condition IDs are required for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ConditionEnabled field). This value is not applicable at the site level (SiteDefaults container).

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.ConditionValues ConditionValuesType Conditionally This container shows the site default item condition values. Individual leaf categories define their own default set of item condition values and always override this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ConditionType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This repeatable container shows the display name and unique identifier of each item condition supported by the corresponding eBay category.

Note: 'Certified Refurbished', 'Excellent - Refurbished', 'Very Good - Refurbished', and 'Good - Refurbished' item conditions will not be returned in this container for categories in the eBay Refurbished Program, but instead will be returned in the Category.SpecialFeatures container if the corresponding category supports any of these Refurbished item conditions. To used any of these Refurbished item conditions, sellers must go through an application and qualification process. The new item condition values appearing in the Category.SpecialFeatures container does not necessarily indicate that a seller is eligible to list with these item conditions. If the corresponding category supports it, 'Seller Refurbished' will still be returned in this container.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
string Conditionally The human-readable label for the condition (e.g., "New"). This value is typically localized for each site. The display name can vary by category. For example, condition ID 1000 could be called "New: with Tags" in one category and "Brand New" in another.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
int Conditionally The numeric identifier of the item condition (e.g., 1000). The numeric identifier is used in the Item.ConditionID field in Add/Revise/Relist calls to set the condition of an item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
anyURI Conditionally URL to the eBay Web site's item condition help for the category. This may include policies about how to assess the condition of an item in the category. To reduce item-not-as-described cases, we recommend that you refer sellers (and buyers) to these help pages. These help pages may vary for some categories.

The Sandbox might not return valid help URLs.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow you to specify that listings be displayed in the default search results of the respective site.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow you to specify that listings be displayed in the default search results of the respective site.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow you to specify that listings be displayed in the default search results of the respective sites.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.DepositSupported boolean Conditionally After EOL Attributes, Deposit will no longer be supported as primary attributes, rather consumers should use new tags. This feature helps consumers in identifying if category supports Deposit.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally This field indicates whether or not most categories on the specified eBay site support digital gift cards.

Digital gift cards are currently only supported on the US site. There are some restrictions when it comes to selling gift cards, including the following:
  • Each seller can only have one gift card listing at any given time
  • The maximum dollar value of the gift card may not exceed 500.00
  • Prepaid credit cards from American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa are not allowed
For more information on eBay's Gift Card policy, see the Gift cards policy Help page.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
DomesticRefundMethodCodeType Conditionally In US, sellers can offer an item replacement in addition to offering money-back for domestic returns. This field returns the options a seller has for specifying how they will handle domestic returns.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated marketplace and category.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnsRefundMethodCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Defines the available options the seller has for handling domestic returns in the specified marketplace and category.

Applicable values:

(out) MoneyBack indicates the seller will refund the cost of the item returned.
(out) Available on the US marketplace only, MoneyBackorReplacement indicates the seller will refund the cost of the item returned or they will replace the returned item.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
DomesticReturnsAcceptedCodeType Conditionally This field returns the options a seller has for accepting or not accepting returns from domestic buyers.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated marketplace and category.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnsAcceptedCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Defines the available options the seller has for accepting domestic returns in the specified marketplace and category.

Applicable values:

(out) ReturnsAccepted indicates the seller does accept returns.
(out) ReturnsNotAccepted indicates the seller does not accept returns.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
DomesticReturnsDurationCodeType Conditionally This field returns the options a seller has for specifying the return period for returns from domestic buyers. The return period is the amount of time the buyer has to initiate a return once they have received the item.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated marketplace and category.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnsDurationCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Defines the available options for the return durations for domestic returns in the specified marketplace and category. This is the time the buyer has to initiate a return once they receive the item.

Applicable values:

(out) Days_14 indicates the buyer has 14 days to initiate a return.
(out) Days_30 indicates the buyer has 30 days to initiate a return.
(out) Days_60 indicates the buyer has 60 days to initiate a return.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
DomesticReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType Conditionally This field returns the options a seller has for specifying who pays the return shipping cost for domestic returns.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated marketplace and category.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Defines the available options for who pays the return shipping costs for domestic returns in the specified marketplace and category.

Applicable values:

(out) Buyer indicates the buyer is responsible for paying for the return shipping.
(out) Seller indicates the seller is responsible for paying for the return shipping.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.EANEnabled ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType Conditionally This enumeration value indicates whether or not most categories on the specified eBay site support the use of European Article Numbers (EANs) to help create a listing in an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify API call.
  • A value of Disabled indicates that EANs cannot be used for most categories on the specified eBay site.
  • A value of Enabled indicates that EANs can be used for most categories on the specified eBay site.
  • A value of Required indicates that an EAN is required for most categories on the specified eBay site.

Applicable values:

(out) This value is for future use.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) may not be used to help create a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) do not support the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category does not support the use of product identifiers.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) may be used to help create a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) support the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category supports the use of product identifiers.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) is required when creating a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) require the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category requires the use of product identifiers when creating a listing.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
AdFormatEnabledCodeType Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow Classified Ad listings. A value of true means the feature is allowed site-wide, unless a specific category overrides the setting. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Applicable values: See eBayMotorsProAdFormatEnabled.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow auto-accept for Best Offers for Classified Ads. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow auto-decline for Best Offers for Classified Ads. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates if Best Offer is enabled for Classified Ad listings in most categories. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is disabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field), or disabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field).
(out) This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is enabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field), or enabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field).
(out) This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is required for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field). This value is not applicable at the site level (SiteDefaults container).

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether most categories support including a company name in the seller's contact information. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether most categories support including an address in the seller's contact information. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether most categories support including an email address in the seller's contact information. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether most categories support including a phone number in the seller's contact information. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether counter offers are allowed on Best Offers for most categories. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates if the payment method should be displayed to the user for most categories. Even if enabled, checkout may or may not be enabled. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) Display the payment method and permit checkout.
(out) Display the payment method and suppress checkout.
(out) Do not display the payment method.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
int Conditionally Indicates which telephone option is enabled to contact the seller. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether most categories allow seller- level contact information for Classified Ad format listings. A value of true means seller-level contact information is available for Classified Ad listings site-wide, unless a specific category overrides the setting. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates if shipping options are available for most categories. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
int Conditionally Indicates which address option is enabled to contact the seller. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.EpidSupported boolean Conditionally This field is returned as true if one or more categories on an eBay site support the use of an eBay Product ID (e.g. ePID) in an Add/Revise/Relist API call to identify which motorcycles and/or scooters are compatible with a motor vehicle part or accessory. ePIDs can only be used to identify motorcycles and scooters on the Germany and UK sites.

For more information on using an ePID to identify a compatible motorcycle or scooter through an Add/Revise/Relist API call on the Germany or UK site, see the documentation for the Compatibility.Name ValueList container.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow free, automatic upgrades for Gallery Plus, which enhances pictures in search results.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow free, automatic upgrades for Picture Pack, a discount package that includes super-sizing of pictures.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ListingEnhancementDurationReferenceType Conditionally Specifies the default site setting that enables durations for "Gallery Featured".

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
token Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Note: Duration fields are currently still being returned in GetCategoryFeatures response, but Featured Gallery listing feature is deprecated for all sites. If a seller attempts to add Featured Gallery as a listing enhancement, it is allowed, but a warning will be returned announcing the deprecation of the feature.
Each returned Duration field indicates a supported time duration that a picture gallery can be featured. The Lifetime value indicates that the Featured Gallery enhancement will be active for the lifetime of the listing.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.

Applicable values: See ListingEnhancementDurationCodeType
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether or not the the specified category is enabled for Global Shipping Program.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Returns the applicable max cap per shipping cost for shipping service group1

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Always Returns the applicable max cap per shipping cost for shipping service group1

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Returns the applicable max cap per shipping cost for shipping service group2

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Always Returns the applicable max cap per shipping cost for shipping service group2

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Returns the applicable max cap per shipping cost for shipping service group3

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Always Returns the applicable max cap per shipping cost for shipping service group3

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether a handling time (dispatch time) is required for most categories.

The handling time is the maximum number of business days the seller commits to for preparing an item to be shipped after receiving a cleared payment. The seller's handling time does not include the shipping time (the carrier's transit time).

If false, most listings on the site require a handling time (see DispatchTimeMax in AddItem) when flat or calculated shipping is specified. (A handling time is not required for local pickup or for freight shipping.)

For a list of the handling time values allowed for each site, use DispatchTimeMaxDetails in GeteBayDetails.

Note: Although the field name ends with "Enabled", a value of true means that a handling time is NOT required, and value of false means that a handling time IS required.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether or not it is possible to enhance a listing by putting it into a rotation for display on a special area of the eBay home page. Support for this feature varies by site. Item or feedback restrictions may apply.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
InternationalRefundMethodCodeType Conditionally In US, sellers can offer an item replacement in addition to offering money-back for international returns. This field returns the options a seller has for specifying how they will handle international returns.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated marketplace and category.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnsRefundMethodCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Defines the available options the seller has for handling international returns in the specified marketplace and category.

Applicable values:

(out) MoneyBack indicates the seller will refund the cost of the item returned.
(out) Available on the US marketplace only, MoneyBackorReplacement indicates the seller will refund the cost of the item returned or they will replace the returned item.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
InternationalReturnsAcceptedCodeType Conditionally This field returns the options a seller has for accepting or not accepting returns from international buyers.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated marketplace and category.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnsAcceptedCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Defines the available options the seller has for accepting international returns in the specified marketplace and category.

Applicable values:

(out) ReturnsAccepted indicates the seller does accept returns.
(out) ReturnsNotAccepted indicates the seller does not accept returns.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
InternationalReturnsDurationCodeType Conditionally This field returns the options a seller has for specifying the return period for returns from international buyers. The return period is the amount of time the buyer has to initiate a return once they have received the item.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated marketplace and category.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnsDurationCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Defines the available options for the return durations for international returns in the specified marketplace and category. This is the time the buyer has to initiate a return once they receive the item.

Applicable values:

(out) Days_14 indicates the buyer has 14 days to initiate a return.
(out) Days_30 indicates the buyer has 30 days to initiate a return.
(out) Days_60 indicates the buyer has 60 days to initiate a return.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
InternationalReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType Conditionally This field returns the options a seller has for specifying who pays the return shipping cost for international returns.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated marketplace and category.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Defines the available options for who pays the return shipping costs for international returns in the specified marketplace and category.

Applicable values:

(out) Buyer indicates the buyer is responsible for paying for the return shipping.
(out) Seller indicates the seller is responsible for paying for the return shipping.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.ISBNEnabled ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType Conditionally This enumeration value indicates whether or not most categories on the specified eBay site support the use of International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs) to help create a listing in an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify API call.

A value of Disabled indicates that ISBNs cannot be used for most categories on the specified eBay site, a value of Enabled indicates that ISBNs can be used for most categories on the specified eBay site, and a value of Required indicates that an ISBN is required for most categories on the specified eBay site.

Applicable values:

(out) This value is for future use.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) may not be used to help create a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) do not support the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category does not support the use of product identifiers.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) may be used to help create a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) support the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category supports the use of product identifiers.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) is required when creating a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) require the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category requires the use of product identifiers when creating a listing.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ItemCompatibilityEnabledCodeType Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether listing items with parts compatibility is supported by application (ByApplication), by specification (BySpecification), or not at all (Disabled). A given category cannot support both types of parts compatibility.

Parts compatibility listings contain information to determine the assemblies with which a part is compatible. For example, an automotive part or accessory listed with parts compatibility can be matched with vehicles (e.g., specific years, makes, and models) with which the part or accessory can be used.

Parts Compatibility is supported in limited Parts & Accessories categories for the US eBay Motors site only.

Applicable values:

(out) Parts Compatibility may be entered by application only for the given category. Entering parts compatibility by application specifies the assemblies (e.g., a specific year, make, and model of car) to which the item applies. Parts compatibility by application can be specified by listing with a catalog product that supports parts compatibility or by specifying parts compatibility by application manually ( Item.ItemCompatibilityList).
(out) Parts Compatibility may be entered by specification only for the given category. Entering parts compatibility by specification involves specifying the part's relevant dimensions or characteristics (e.g., Section Width, Aspect Ratio, Rim Diammeter, Load Index, and Speed Rating values for a tire) using attributes.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) Parts Compatibility is not supported for the given category.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.

See Parts and accessories.

ItemSpecificsEnabledCodeType Conditionally The value returned in this field indicates whether most categories on the specified eBay site support listings with Item Specifics. Item Specifics enable sellers to present descriptive details of an item in a structured manner.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the seller may not use Item Specifics for the specified eBay marketplace or corresponding category.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the seller may use Item Specifics for the specified eBay marketplace or corresponding category.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.KTypeSupported boolean Conditionally This field is returned as true if one or more categories on an eBay site support the use of a K Type vehicle number in an Add/Revise/Relist API call to identify which cars and/or trucks are compatible with a motor vehicle part or accessory. K type vehicle numbers can only be used to identify cars and trucks on the Germany site.

For more information on using a K Type vehicle number to identify a compatible car or truck through an Add/Revise/Relist API call on the Germany site, see the documentation for the Compatibility.Name ValueList container.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.ListingDuration ListingDurationReferenceType (int) Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A ListingDuration field will be returned for each different listing type that is supported on the eBay marketplace. Each field will show the listing type and the identifier associated with this listing type. These IDs will be used to match the default listing duration values that are displayed in the FeatureDefinitions.ListingDurations containers.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
  [ attribute type ]
ListingTypeCodeType Conditionally A ListingDuration field will be returned for each different listing type that is supported on the eBay marketplace. Each field will show the listing type and the identifier associated with this listing type. These IDs will be used to match the default listing duration values that are displayed in the FeatureDefinitions.ListingDurations containers.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see ListingTypeCodeType.
string Conditionally Specifies the supported local listing distances for most categories, for users who have not subscribed to either Regular or Specialty vehicles.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
string Conditionally Specifies the supported local listing distances of regular vehicles for most categories.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
string Conditionally Specifies the supported local listing distances of specialty vehicles for most categories.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
AdFormatEnabledCodeType Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow Classified Ad listings. A value of true means the feature is allowed site-wide, unless a specific category overrides the setting. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Applicable values: See LocalMarketAdFormatEnabled.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow auto-accept for Best Offers for Classified Ads. This element is for Local Market dealers.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow auto-decline for Best Offers for Classified Ads. This element is for Local Market dealers.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates if Best Offer is enabled for Classified Ad listings in most categories. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is disabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field), or disabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field).
(out) This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is enabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field), or enabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field).
(out) This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is required for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field). This value is not applicable at the site level (SiteDefaults container).

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether most categories support including a company name in the seller's contact information. This element is for Local Market dealers.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether most categories support including an address in the seller's contact information. This element is for Local Market dealers.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether most categories support including an email address in the seller's contact information. This element is for Local Market dealers.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether most categories support including a phone number in the seller's contact information. This element is for Local Market dealers.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether counter offers are allowed on Best Offers for most categories. This element is for Local Market dealers.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether LocalMarketNonSubscription feature is supported for most categories.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabledCodeType Conditionally Indicates if the payment method should be displayed to the user for most categories. Even if enabled, checkout may or may not be enabled. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) Display the payment method and permit checkout.
(out) Display the payment method and suppress checkout.
(out) Do not display the payment method.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
int Conditionally Indicates which telephone option is enabled to contact the seller. This element is for Local Market dealers.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether LocalMarketPremiumSubscription feature is supported for most categories.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether LocalMarketRegularSubscription feature is supported for most categories.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether most categories allow seller- level contact information for Classified Ad format listings. A value of true means seller-level contact information is available for Classified Ad format listings site-wide, unless a specific category overrides the setting. This element is for Local Market dealers.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Indicates if shipping options are available for most categories. This element is for Local Market dealers.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether LocalMarketSpecialitySubscription feature is supported for most categories.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
int Conditionally Indicates which address option is enabled to contact the seller. This element is for Local Market dealers.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
AmountType (double) Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether a maximum flat rate shipping cost is imposed for listings in most categories on the site.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.

See Flat rate shipping.

  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Always Specifies the default site setting for whether a maximum flat rate shipping cost is imposed for listings in most categories on the site.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether a maximum flat rate shipping cost is imposed on sellers who list in categories on this site yet are shipping an item into the country of this site from another country.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.

See Flat rate shipping.

int Conditionally Specifies the maximum fitment count. Sellers can provide up to 1000 fitments at the lowest level of granularity.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
int Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for the maximum number of compatible applications allowed per item when adding or revising items with parts compatibility.

Parts compatibility listings contain structured information to determine the assemblies with which a part is compatible. For example, an automotive part or accessory listed with parts compatibility can be matched with vehicles (e.g., specific years, makes, and models) with which the part or accessory can be used.

This field applies only to listings in which compatibility is specified by application manually when listing or revising an item. Entering parts compatibility by application manually specifies the assemblies (e.g., a specific year, make, and model of car) to which the item applies, using Item.ItemCompatibilityList.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
double Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether the Minimum Reserve Price feature is supported for most categories.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
int Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether parts compatibility information is required when listing items, and if so, how many compatibilities must be specified. If the value is "0," you are not required to specify compatibility information. A value greater than "0" indicates that listing with parts compatibity is mandatory and the listing must contain the specified number of compatibilities at a minimum.

Parts compatibility listings contain information to determine the assemblies with which a part is compatible. For example, an automotive part or accessory listed witih parts compatibility can be matched with vehicles (e.g., specific years, makes, and models) with which the part or accessory can be used.

This field applies only to listings in which compatibility is specified by application. Entering parts compatibility by application specifies the assemblies (e.g., a specific year, make, and model of car) to which the item applies. This can be done automatically by listing with a catalog product that supports parts compatibility, or manually, using Item.ItemCompatibilityList when listing or revising an item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.NonSubscription GeographicExposureCodeType Conditionally Specifies the supported local listing distances for most categories, for users who have not subscribed to either Regular or Specialty vehicles.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors Local Market Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category supports Motors National Listings and Motors Local Market listing for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors National Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.PaymentMethod BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Indicates the acceptable payment methods that can be used when using the Add/Revise/Relist calls for an item listed on the corresponding site.

Note: eBay now controls all electronic payment methods available to buyers, but sellers still need to specify offline payment methods for listings that require/support offline payment such as motor vehicle listings.

Applicable values:

(in/out) This enumeration value indicates that cash on pickup is accepted for payment. This value is only applicable for offline payments.
(in/out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(in/out) This enumeration value indicates that a money order or cashiers check is accepted for payment. This value is only applicable for offline payments and is not supported on all marketplaces.
(in/out) This enumeration value indicates that a personal check is accepted for payment. This value is only applicable for offline payments and is not supported on all marketplaces.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType Conditionally Specifies what categories the Payment profile is applicable to.

Applicable values:

(out) For Business Policies, the 'ALL' enumeration value represents all eBay categories except for motor vehicles.
(out) Default value.
(out) For Business Policies, the 'MOTORS_VEHICLE' enumeration value represents all motor vehicle categories.
(out) None.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.PayPalRequired boolean Conditionally This field is deprecated.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally This field is deprecated.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether most categories on the specified eBay site support the "Click and Collect" feature. With the 'Click and Collect' feature, a buyer can purchase certain items on an eBay site and collect them at a local store. Buyers are notified by eBay once their items are available.

The "Click and Collect" feature is only available to large merchants on the UK and Australia sites. The 'Click and Collect' feature is only available to large merchants on the eBay UK (site ID - 3), eBay Australia (Site ID - 15), and eBay Germany (Site ID - 77) sites.

Note: For Click and Collect eligible sellers, the Click and Collect feature can only be enabled at the account level, and then each of the seller's listings within an Click and Collect enabled category will be automatically evaluated for Click and Collect eligibility.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
GeographicExposureCodeType Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether LocalMarketPremiumSubscription feature is supported for most categories.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors Local Market Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category supports Motors National Listings and Motors Local Market listing for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors National Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ProductCreationEnabledCodeType (token) Conditionally This field is no longer applicable.
Default: Disabled.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ProductRequiredEnabledCodeType Conditionally This field is deprecated. No eBay categories require listings based on an eBay catalog product.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This value indicates that the category does not require product-based listings (associated with an eBay catalog product).

Note: Due to the rollback of the Product-Based Shopping Experience mandate for all eBay categories, this value should get returned for SiteDefaults and all Category nodes.
(out) This value indicates that the category requires listings within the category to be associated with an eBay catalog product.

Note: Due to the rollback of the Product-Based Shopping Experience mandate for all eBay categories, this value should never get returned for SiteDefaults or for any Category nodes.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.ProPackEnabled boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow the ProPack feature (a feature pack). True means ProPack is allowed site-wide, unless a specific category overrides the setting.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow the ProPackPlus feature (a feature pack). A value of true means it is allowed site-wide, unless a specific category overrides the setting.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
GeographicExposureCodeType Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether LocalMarketRegularSubscription feature is supported for most categories.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors Local Market Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category supports Motors National Listings and Motors Local Market listing for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors National Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally In some EU countries, sellers are legally required to describe the return policy they offer. This field returns a flag that indicates whether or not the seller can specify their return-policy details in the associated marketplace.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated marketplace and category.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether a return policy is required for most categories.

For most sites: If true, listings in most categories require a return policy.

For eBay Australia (AU) and US eBay Motors Parts and Accessories: If true, most categories support but do not require a return policy.

Individual categories can override the site default.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType Conditionally Specifies what categories the Return Policy profile is applicable to.

Applicable values:

(out) For Business Policies, the 'ALL' enumeration value represents all eBay categories except for motor vehicles.
(out) Default value.
(out) For Business Policies, the 'MOTORS_VEHICLE' enumeration value represents all motor vehicle categories.
(out) None.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Defines if price can be revised while a listing is in semi or fully restricted mode. Applies to fixed-price listings.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
boolean Conditionally Defines if quantity can be revised while a listing is in semi or fully restricted mode. Applies to fixed-price listings.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
boolean Conditionally eBay controls all forms of electronic payment methods that are avaialable to buyers, so this field is no longer applicable.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether most categories allow seller-level contact information for Classified Ad listings.

A value of true means seller-level contact information is available for Classified Ad format listings site-wide, unless a specific category overrides the setting.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally After EOL Attributes, Seller Provided Title will no longer be supported as primary attributes, rather consumers should use new tag. This feature helps consumers in identifying if category supports Seller Provided Title.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType Conditionally Specifies what categories the Shipping profile is applicable to. Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent.

Applicable values:

(out) For Business Policies, the 'ALL' enumeration value represents all eBay categories except for motor vehicles.
(out) Default value.
(out) For Business Policies, the 'MOTORS_VEHICLE' enumeration value represents all motor vehicle categories.
(out) None.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether sellers are required to specify a domestic shipping service and its associated cost when listing items. True means the shipping terms are required unless a specific category overrides this setting.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally This feature is no longer applicable.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally This feature is no longer applicable.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.SpecialFeatures ConditionValuesType Conditionally This container shows the site default special item condition values, such as Certified - Refurbished condition (condition ID 2000), Excellent - Refurbished condition (condition ID 2010), Very Good - Refurbished condition (condition ID 2020), and Good - Refurbished condition (condition ID 2030). A seller must be pre-qualified by eBay to list items with the any of these refurbished item conditions.

All other item conditions supported by a category will be returned in the ConditionValues container instead. Individual leaf categories define their own default set of item condition values and always override this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
ConditionType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This repeatable container shows the display name and unique identifier of each item condition supported by the corresponding eBay category.

Note: 'Certified Refurbished', 'Excellent - Refurbished', 'Very Good - Refurbished', and 'Good - Refurbished' item conditions will not be returned in this container for categories in the eBay Refurbished Program, but instead will be returned in the Category.SpecialFeatures container if the corresponding category supports any of these Refurbished item conditions. To used any of these Refurbished item conditions, sellers must go through an application and qualification process. The new item condition values appearing in the Category.SpecialFeatures container does not necessarily indicate that a seller is eligible to list with these item conditions. If the corresponding category supports it, 'Seller Refurbished' will still be returned in this container.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
string Conditionally The human-readable label for the condition (e.g., "New"). This value is typically localized for each site. The display name can vary by category. For example, condition ID 1000 could be called "New: with Tags" in one category and "Brand New" in another.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
int Conditionally The numeric identifier of the item condition (e.g., 1000). The numeric identifier is used in the Item.ConditionID field in Add/Revise/Relist calls to set the condition of an item.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
anyURI Conditionally URL to the eBay Web site's item condition help for the category. This may include policies about how to assess the condition of an item in the category. To reduce item-not-as-described cases, we recommend that you refer sellers (and buyers) to these help pages. These help pages may vary for some categories.

The Sandbox might not return valid help URLs.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
GeographicExposureCodeType Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether LocalMarketSpecialitySubscription feature is supported for most categories.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors Local Market Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category supports Motors National Listings and Motors Local Market listing for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
(out) If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors National Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsType Conditionally Provides additional listings durations that are supported by Store Owners. The extended listing durations provided here in this element should be merged in with the baseline listing durations provided in the ListingDurations container.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
token Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Specifies the additional listing duration(s) (in days) supported by the eBay site and/or category. A Duration field is returned for each additional listing duration that the eBay marketplace or category supports.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.

Applicable values: See ListingDurationCodeType
boolean Conditionally Defines if extended business seller listing durations are enabled on a given site. When the value of this element is true, it means the listing duration values defined in StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurations are applicable to fixed-price listings.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether the Transaction Confirmation Request feature is supported for most categories.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.UPCEnabled ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType Conditionally This enumeration value indicates whether or not most categories on the specified eBay site support the use of Universal Product Codes (UPCs) to help create a listing in an Add/Revise/Relist/Verify API call. A value of Disabled indicates that UPCs cannot be used for most categories on the specified eBay site, a value of Enabled indicates that UPCs can be used for most categories on the specified eBay site, and a value of Required indicates that a UPC is required for most categories on the specified eBay site.

Applicable values:

(out) This value is for future use.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) may not be used to help create a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) do not support the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category does not support the use of product identifiers.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) may be used to help create a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) support the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category supports the use of product identifiers.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) is required when creating a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) require the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category requires the use of product identifiers when creating a listing.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether a bidder must consent to the bid by confirming that he or she read and agrees to the terms in eBay's privacy policy.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.ValueCategory boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether most categories follow specific rules associated with "value categories".

Some eBay sites may select a few categories and designate them as "value categories". These are typically selected from categories where buyers can find great deals. (Not all categories with great deals are designated as value categories.) This designation can change over time.

While a category is designated as a value category (i.e., when ValueCategory = true), it is subject to the following rule: Items in value categories can only be listed in one category.

For example, if you attempt to list in two categories and the PrimaryCategory or SecondaryCategory is a value category, then eBay drops the SecondaryCategory and lists the item in the PrimaryCategory only. Similarly, if you attempt to add a secondary category to an existing listing, or you change the category for an existing listing, and if the primary or secondary category is a value category, then eBay drops the secondary category.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.ValuePackEnabled boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories allow the ValuePack feature (a feature pack). A value of true means it is allowed site-wide, unless a specific category overrides the setting.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.VariationsEnabled boolean Conditionally Specifies the default site setting for whether categories support multi-variation listings. If true, you can pass in Item.Variations in the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls when you list in categories that support this feature.

Multi-variation listings contain items that are logically the same product, but that vary in their manufacturing details or packaging. For example, a particular brand and style of shirt could be available in different sizes and colors, such as "large blue" and "medium black" variations.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.VINSupported boolean Conditionally After EOL Attributes, VIN will no longer be supported as primary attributes, rather consumers should use new tag. This feature helps consumers in identifying if category supports VIN.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
SiteDefaults.VRMSupported boolean Conditionally After EOL Attributes, VRM will no longer be supported as primary attributes, rather consumers should use new tag. This feature helps consumers in identifying if category supports VRM.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll.
UpdateTime dateTime Always Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the category hierarchy were last updated.

DetailLevel: ReturnAll, ReturnSummary. Also returned if DetailLevel is not provided on input.
Standard Output Fields  
Ack AckCodeType Always A token representing the application-level acknowledgement code that indicates the response status (e.g., success). The AckCodeType list specifies the possible values for the Ack field.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This value indicates that the call request processing failed.
(out) This value indicates that the call request was processed successfully without any issues.
(out) This value indicates that the call request was successful, but processing was not without any issues. These issues can be checked in the Errors container, that will also be returned when one or more known issues occur with the call request.

(Not all values in AckCodeType apply to this field.)

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
Build string Always This refers to the specific software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. This includes the version number plus additional information. eBay Developer Support may request the build information when helping you resolve technical issues.
CorrelationID string Conditionally Most Trading API calls support a MessageID element in the request and a CorrelationID element in the response. If you pass in a MessageID in a request, the same value will be returned in the CorrelationID field in the response. Pairing these values can help you track and confirm that a response is returned for every request and to match specific responses to specific requests. If you do not pass a MessageID value in the request, CorrelationID is not returned.

Note: GetCategories is designed to retrieve very large sets of metadata that change once a day or less often. To improve performance, these calls return cached responses when you request all available data (with no filters). When this occurs, the MessageID and CorrelationID fields aren't applicable. However, if you specify an input filter to reduce the amount of data returned, the calls retrieve the latest data (not cached). When this occurs, MessageID and CorrelationID are applicable.
Errors ErrorType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A list of application-level errors (if any) that occurred when eBay processed the request.
Errors.ErrorClassification ErrorClassificationCodeType Conditionally API errors are divided between two classes: system errors and request errors.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) An error has occurred either as a result of a problem in the sending application or because the application's end-user has attempted to submit invalid data (or missing data). In these cases, do not retry the request. The problem must be corrected before the request can be made again. If the problem is due to something in the application (such as a missing required field), the application must be changed. If the problem is a result of end-user data, the application must alert the end-user to the problem and provide the means for the end-user to correct the data. Once the problem in the application or data is resolved, resend the request to eBay with the corrected data.
(out) Indicates that an error has occurred on the eBay system side, such as a database or server down. An application can retry the request as-is a reasonable number of times (eBay recommends twice). If the error persists, contact Developer Technical Support. Once the problem has been resolved, the request may be resent in its original form.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
Errors.ErrorCode token Conditionally A unique code that identifies the particular error condition that occurred. Your application can use error codes as identifiers in your customized error-handling algorithms.

See Errors By Number.

Errors.ErrorParameters ErrorParameterType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This optional element carries a list of context-specific error variables that indicate details about the error condition. These are useful when multiple instances of ErrorType are returned.
  [ attribute ParamID ]
string Conditionally This optional element carries a list of context-specific error variables that indicate details about the error condition. These are useful when multiple instances of ErrorType are returned.
Errors.ErrorParameters.Value string Conditionally This is the value of the request parameter noted in the ParamID attribute. So, if the ParamID value was ItemID, the value in this field would be the actual value of that ItemID.
Errors.LongMessage string Conditionally A more detailed description of the condition that raised the error.
Errors.SeverityCode SeverityCodeType Conditionally Indicates whether the error is a severe error (causing the request to fail) or an informational error (a warning) that should be communicated to the user.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) The request that triggered the error was not processed successfully. When a serious application-level error occurs, the error is returned instead of the business data.

If the source of the problem is within the application (such as a missing required element), change the application before you retry the request.
  • If the problem is due to end-user input data, please alert the end-user to the problem and provide the means for them to correct the data. Once the problem in the application or data is resolved, you can attempt to re-send the request to eBay.
  • If the source of the problem is on eBay's side, An application can retry the request as-is a reasonable number of times (eBay recommends twice). If the error persists, contact Developer Technical Support. Once the problem has been resolved, the request may be resent in its original form.

See the Error handling section of the Making a Trading API call guide for more information.
(out) The request was processed successfully, but something occurred that may affect your application or the user. For example, eBay may have changed a value the user sent in. In this case, eBay returns a normal, successful response and also returns the warning.

When a warning occurs, the error is returned in addition to the business data. In this case, you do not need to retry the request (as the original request was successful). However, depending on the cause or nature of the warning, you might need to contact either the end user or eBay to effect a long term solution to the problem to prevent it from reoccurring in the future.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
Errors.ShortMessage string Conditionally A brief description of the condition that raised the error.
HardExpirationWarning string Conditionally Expiration date of the user's authentication token. Only returned within the 7-day period prior to a token's expiration. To ensure that user authentication tokens are secure and to help avoid a user's token being compromised, tokens have a limited life span. A token is only valid for a period of time (set by eBay). After this amount of time has passed, the token expires and must be replaced with a new token.
Timestamp dateTime Always This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. The time zone of this value is GMT and the format is the ISO 8601 date and time format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ). See the Time Values section in the eBay Features Guide for information about this time format and converting to and from the GMT time zone.

Note: GetCategories and other Trading API calls are designed to retrieve very large sets of metadata that change once a day or less often. To improve performance, these calls return cached responses when you request all available data (with no filters). When this occurs, this time value reflects the time the cached response was created. Thus, this value is not necessarily when the request was processed. However, if you specify an input filter to reduce the amount of data returned, the calls retrieve the latest data (not cached). When this occurs, this time value does reflect when the request was processed.
Version string Always The version of the response payload schema. Indicates the version of the schema that eBay used to process the request. See the Standard Data for All Calls section in the eBay Features Guide for information on using the response version when troubleshooting CustomCode values that appear in the response.

Detail Controls


The DetailLevel input field influences which call-specific fields may be returned. (All standard output fields are returned regardless of DetailLevel.)

The none column indicates the fields that are returned when you do not specify a DetailLevel.

YThe field is always returned.
(Y)The field is conditionally returned. See the field documentation for clarification of conditions.
-The field is not returned.

Output Field none ReturnAll ReturnSummary


New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Some item IDs, user IDs, or other data in these samples might no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, you can substitute current eBay data in your requests.

Available samples:

Sample: Basic Call

Returns the features supported by the site.


This basic GetCategoryFeatures returns only the features that the site supports. The call does not provide information on the feature settings for any of the categories.


No parameters are used in this basic call.

XML format.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetCategoryFeaturesRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">


This list returned enumerates the possible feature settings. Use these labels as input values for any FeatureID fields.

XML format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ListingDurations Version="9"/>

Back to list of samples

Sample: Site Default Feature Settings

Returns the default feature set for the specified site.


Calling GetCategoryFeatures with AllFeaturesForCategory set to true and DetailLevel set to ReturnAll (but without a specified CategoryID) returns the default settings for the site. These are the settings that each top-level category inherits.


The site ID is specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID XML header. In this example, it is set to Site 0, the US eBay site.

XML format.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetCategoryFeaturesRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">


XML format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ListingDuration type="Chinese">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Dutch">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Live">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="AdType">2</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="StoresFixedPrice">49</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="PersonalOffer">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="FixedPriceItem">49</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="LeadGeneration">14</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Shopping">7</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Chinese">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Dutch">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Live">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="AdType">2</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="StoresFixedPrice">49</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="PersonalOffer">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="FixedPriceItem">49</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="LeadGeneration">14</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Shopping">7</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Chinese">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Dutch">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Live">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="AdType">2</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="StoresFixedPrice">49</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="PersonalOffer">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="FixedPriceItem">49</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="LeadGeneration">14</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Shopping">7</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Chinese">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Dutch">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Live">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="AdType">2</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="StoresFixedPrice">49</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="PersonalOffer">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="FixedPriceItem">49</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="LeadGeneration">14</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Shopping">7</ListingDuration>


    <ListingDuration type="Chinese">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Dutch">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Live">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="AdType">2</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="StoresFixedPrice">49</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="PersonalOffer">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="FixedPriceItem">49</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="LeadGeneration">14</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Shopping">7</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Chinese">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Dutch">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Live">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="AdType">2</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="StoresFixedPrice">49</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="PersonalOffer">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="FixedPriceItem">49</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="LeadGeneration">14</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDurations Version="9">
      <ListingDuration durationSetID="49">
      <ListingDuration durationSetID="1">
      <ListingDuration durationSetID="2">
      <ListingDuration durationSetID="7">
      <ListingDuration durationSetID="8">
      <ListingDuration durationSetID="14">

Back to list of samples

Sample: Retrieving Specific Feature Settings

Returns the settings for the features you specify.


Seller m***************r wants to list her item in category 377, and wants to know about specific feature support in that category.


The input lists the specific features that m***************r wants to research, each provided as a value to a FeatureID element.

XML format.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetCategoryFeaturesRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">


The output contains both SiteDefaults and Category containers. The SiteDefaults container details the site settings for the specific features outlined in the request. The Category container shows which of the specified features have been overridden in the specified category. Listing durations are shown, as always, within the FeatureDefinitions container.

XML format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ListingDuration type="Chinese">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Dutch">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Live">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="AdType">2</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="StoresFixedPrice">49</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="PersonalOffer">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="FixedPriceItem">49</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="LeadGeneration">14</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Shopping">7</ListingDuration>
        <DisplayName>Open box</DisplayName>
        <DisplayName>Manufacturer refurbished</DisplayName>
        <DisplayName>Seller refurbished</DisplayName>
        <DisplayName>For parts or not working</DisplayName>
    <ListingDuration type="Chinese">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Dutch">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="Live">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="AdType">2</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="StoresFixedPrice">49</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="PersonalOffer">1</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="FixedPriceItem">49</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDuration type="LeadGeneration">14</ListingDuration>
    <ListingDurations Version="9">
      <ListingDuration durationSetID="49">
      <ListingDuration durationSetID="1">
      <ListingDuration durationSetID="2">
      <ListingDuration durationSetID="7">
      <ListingDuration durationSetID="14">

Back to list of samples

Sample: Category Applicable Payment Methods

Returns the payment methods applicable to the specified category.


Seller m***************r wants to determine the payment methods applicable to the Children's Books category.


The input is the category ID and PaymentMethods in the FeatureID field.

XML format.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetCategoryFeaturesRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">


The list returned shows the payment methods supported on the site for the specified category.

XML format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Back to list of samples

Sample: Return policy details

Returns the available domestic and international return policies for a specific marketplace and category.


This examples demonstrates how to get the domestic and international return policies for category ID 37563 in the US marketplace.


The input is the category ID and the list of featureID values whose settings you want to retrieve. This example shows how to get all the domestic and international return policies for a specific category.

XML format.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetCategoryFeaturesRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">


The list returned the default domestic and international return policy settings for the specified category.

XML format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Back to list of samples

Change History

Change Date Description
  • Category.SpecialFeatures (added): This container will be returned under the Category node for categories that support the Certified Refurbished condition (Condition ID 2000).
  • SiteDefaults.SpecialFeatures (added): This container will be returned under the SiteDefaults node for the Certified Refurbished condition (Condition ID 2000).
  • ListingEnhancementDurationReferenceType (deprecated): This type is no longer applicable since it was only applicable to the Featured Gallery listing feature, which is being deprecated.
  • ListingEnhancementDurationCodeType (deprecated): This type is no longer applicable since it was only applicable to the Featured Gallery listing feature, which is being deprecated.
  • ListingEnhancementDurationDefinitionType (deprecated): This type is no longer applicable since it was only applicable to the Featured Gallery listing feature, which is being deprecated.
  • ProductRequiredEnabledCodeType (doc change): Due to the rollback of the Product-Based Shopping Experience mandate for all eBay categories, this type was marked as no longer applicable since the ProductRequiredEnabled field will show as Disabled for SiteDefaults and all Category nodes.
  • ProductRequiredEnabledDefinitionType (doc change): Due to the rollback of the Product-Based Shopping Experience mandate for all eBay categories, this type was marked as no longer applicable since the FeatureDefinitions.ProductRequiredEnabled field no longer has any practical use.
  • Category.ProductRequiredEnabled (doc change): Due to the rollback of the Product-Based Shopping Experience mandate for all eBay categories, this field was marked as no longer applicable since it will show as Disabled for all Category nodes.
  • FeatureDefinitions.ProductRequiredEnabled (doc change): Due to the rollback of the Product-Based Shopping Experience mandate for all eBay categories, this field was marked as no longer applicable since it no longer has any practical use.
  • SiteDefaults.ProductRequiredEnabled (doc change): Due to the rollback of the Product-Based Shopping Experience mandate for all eBay categories, this field was marked as no longer applicable since it will always show as Disabled.
  • FeatureIDCodeType.ProductRequiredEnabled (doc change): Due to the rollback of the Product-Based Shopping Experience mandate for all eBay categories, this enumeration value no longer has any practical use since no categories require listing with a catalog product.
  • ListingDurationCodeType (modified): For fixed-price listings on the eBay Australia marketplace, only the Good 'Til Cancelled (GTC) listing duration will be supported for all new items and relisted items. This change will roll out globally within the next couple of months. The metadata will be updated to reflect this change.
  • ReturnsAcceptedCodeType (added): Defines the different options that are available for specifying whether or not the seller accepts returns.
  • ReturnsDurationCodeType (added): Defines the different options that are available for specifying the available return durations. This is the amount of time the seller gives the buyer for initiating a return once they receive the item.
  • ReturnsRefundMethodCodeType (added): Defines the different options that are available for specifying the available refund methods.
  • ReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType (added): Defines the different options that are available for specifying the return shipment payee.
  • DomesticRefundMethodCodeType (added): Defines the available options the seller has for handling domestic returns.
  • InternationalRefundMethodCodeType (added): Defines the available options the seller has for handling international returns.
  • DomesticReturnsAcceptedCodeType (added): Defines the available options the seller has for accepting domestic returns.
  • DomesticReturnsDurationCodeType (added): Defines the available options for the return durations for domestic returns. This is the time the buyer has to initiate a return once they receive the item.
  • DomesticReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType (added): Defines the available options for who pays the return shipping costs for domestic returns.
  • InternationalReturnsShipmentPayeeCodeType (added): Defines the available options for who pays the return shipping costs for international returns.
  • InternationalReturnsDurationCodeType (added): Defines the available options for the return durations for international returns. This is the time the buyer has to initiate a return once they receive the item.
  • InternationalReturnsAcceptedCodeType (added): Defines the available options the seller has for accepting international returns.
  • ProductRequiredEnabledCodeType (added): New type used by the ProductRequiredEnabled field that is returned at the site defaults and category level of a GetCategoryFeatures response. The value in this field will indicate if the site and/or category require listings to be associated with eBay Catalog products.
  • ProductRequiredEnabledDefinitionType (added): New type used by the ProductRequiredEnabled field that is returned under the FeatureDefinitiions container of a GetCategoryFeatures response.
  • Category.ProductRequiredEnabled (added): New field returned under the Category container of a GetCategoryFeatures response if the category requires listings to be associated with a eBay Catalog product.
  • FeatureDefinitions.ProductRequiredEnabled (added): This field is returned as an empty element under the FeatureDefinitions container of a GetCategoryFeatures response if one or more eBay API-enabled sites requires association with an eBay Catalog product for some categories when listing/revising/relisting an item.
  • SiteDefaults.ProductRequiredEnabled (added): This field indicates whether or not the specified eBay site supports Product-Based Shopping Experience. The Product-Based Shopping Experience (PBSE) is currently supported by the US, UK, Australia, and Canada (English) sites.
  • FeatureIDCodeType.ProductRequiredEnabled (added): This new enum value can be specified through a FeatureID field in a GetCategoryFeatures call request to see if the site and/or category requires association with an eBay Catalog product when listing/revising/relisting an item.
  • Category.PickupDropOffEnabled (doc change): A note was added about sellers only being able to enable the Click and Collect feature at the account level, and then each individual listing within a Click and Collect-enabled category must be evaluated for eligibility.
  • FeatureDefinitions.PickupDropOffEnabled (doc change): A note was added about sellers only being able to enable the Click and Collect feature at the account level, and then each individual listing within a Click and Collect-enabled category must be evaluated for eligibility.
  • SiteDefaults.PickupDropOffEnabled (doc change): A note was added about sellers only being able to enable the Click and Collect feature at the account level, and then each individual listing within a Click and Collect-enabled category must be evaluated for eligibility.
  • PickupDropOffEnabledDefinitionType (doc change): A note was added about sellers only being able to enable the Click and Collect feature at the account level, and then each individual listing within a Click and Collect-enabled category must be evaluated for eligibility.
  • ListingTypeCodeType (modified): The Half enumeration value is being deprecated, as API support for Half.com listings is being deprecated.
  • FeatureIDCodeType (modified): EpidSupported and KTypeSupported enumeration values added to discover if a site and or listing category supports the identification of compatible motor vehicles through an eBay product ID (ePID) or through a K Type vehicle number.
  • CategoryFeatureType (modified): EpidSupported and KTypeSupported fields added to the response (under Category node) to indicate whether a category supports the identification of compatible motor vehicles through an eBay product ID (ePID) or through a K Type vehicle number.
  • FeatureDefinitionsType (modified): EpidSupported and KTypeSupported fields added to the response and are returned as empty elements if 'EpidSupported' and/or 'KTypeSupported' is included in the request as FeatureID values, or if no FeatureID values are used.
  • SiteDefaultsType (modified): EpidSupported and KTypeSupported fields added to the response and are returned as boolean values to indicate whether or not the specified site supports the identification of compatible motor vehicles through an eBay product ID (ePID) or through a K Type vehicle number.
  • EpidSupportedDefinitionType (added): This type is used by the EpidSupported field that is returned in the response as an empty element if 'EpidSupported' is included in the request as a FeatureID value, or if no FeatureID values are used.
  • KTypeSupportedDefinitionType (added): This type is used by the KTypeSupported field that is returned in the response as an empty element if 'KTypeSupported' is included in the request as a FeatureID value, or if no FeatureID values are used.
  • BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType (modified): The Moneybookers, ProPay, and Paymate enumeration values have been deprecated, and will no longer be returned in any calls.
  • Category.PaymentMethod, SiteDefaults.PaymentMethod (modified): Moneybookers, ProPay, or Paymate will no longer be accepted as valid PaymentMethods for new listings. However, these enumeration values may still get returned in GetCategoryFeatures in the short term.
  • FeatureIDCodeType (modified): DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled enumeration value added to discover if a site and or listing category supports digital gift card listings.
  • CategoryFeatureType (modified): DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled field added to the response (under Category node) to indicate whether a category supports digital gift card listings.
  • FeatureDefinitionsType (modified): DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled field added to the response and is returned as an empty element if 'DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled' is included in the request as a FeatureID value, or if no FeatureID values are used.
  • SiteDefaultsType (modified): DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled field added to the response and is returned as a boolean value to indicate whether or not the specified site supports digital gift card listings.
  • DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabledDefinitionType (added): This type is used by the DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled field that is returned in the response as an empty element if 'DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled' is included in the request as a FeatureID value, or if no FeatureID values are used.
  • FeatureIDCodeType (modified): EANEnabled, ISBNEnabled, and UPCEnabled enumeration values added to discover if a category supports/requires these product identifiers as a way to identify a product and match that product to a product in the eBay catalog. The existing EANIdentifierEnabled, ISBNIdentifierEnabled, and UPCIdentifierEnabled have been marked for deprecation and are expected to be deprecated with Version 923.
  • CategoryFeatureType (modified): EANEnabled, ISBNEnabled, and UPCEnabled fields added to the response (under Category node) to indicate whether a category supports/requires these product identifiers as a way to identify a product and match that product to a product in the eBay catalog. The existing EANIdentifierEnabled, ISBNIdentifierEnabled, and UPCIdentifierEnabled fields have been marked for deprecation and are expected to be deprecated with Version 923.
  • FeatureDefinitionsType (modified): EANEnabled, ISBNEnabled, and UPCEnabled fields added to the response and are returned as empty elements if 'EANEnabled', 'ISBNEnabled', and/or 'UPCEnabled' are included in the request as FeatureID values, or if no FeatureID values are used. The existing EANIdentifierEnabled, ISBNIdentifierEnabled, and UPCIdentifierEnabled fields have been marked for deprecation and are expected to be deprecated with Version 923.
  • SiteDefaultsType (modified): EANEnabled, ISBNEnabled, and UPCEnabled fields added to the response and are returned as boolean elements to indicate whether or not the specified site supports the capability of identifying products through EAN, ISBN, or UPC values. The existing EANIdentifierEnabled, ISBNIdentifierEnabled, and UPCIdentifierEnabled fields have been marked for deprecation and are expected to be deprecated with Version 923.
  • ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType (added): New type that contains the values that may be returned in the EANEnabled, ISBNEnabled, and UPCEnabled fields at the site level (SiteDefaults container) and category level (Category nodes) to indicate which sites and categories support, require, or do not support the use of product identifiers to help create a listing.
  • BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType (modified): 'QIWI' added as enumeration value. This payment method can only be specified on the US site and is only applicable to Russian buyers.
  • FeatureIDCodeType (modified): PickupDropOffEnabled added as a new enumeration value. Passing this value in the FeatureID field will indicate whether the specified site, or a category on the site supports the "Click and Collect" logistics type.
  • Category.PickupDropOffEnabled (added): Boolean that will indicate whether or not the category supports the "Click and Collect" logistics type.
  • FeatureDefinitions.PickupDropOffEnabled (added): This field is returned as an empty element if 'PickupDropOffEnabled' is included in the request as a FeatureID value, or if no FeatureID values are used.
  • SiteDefaults.PickupDropOffEnabled (added): Boolean that will indicate whether or not the specified site supports the "Click and Collect" logistics type.
  • Category.PaymentMethod, FeatureDefinitions.PaymentMethod, SiteDefaults.PaymentMethod (modified): 'CreditCard' and 'DirectDebit' added as acceptable buyer payment methods. These two values should only be used for eBay Now-enabled listings.
  • FeatureID (modified): AdditionalCompatibilityEnabled added as a new enumeration value. The Boats Parts Compatibility feature will be rolled out to boats parts and accessories categories in versions 821 and 823.
  • Category.AdditionalCompatibilityEnabled (added): If true, parts compatibility name-value pairs for boats can be added to an item listed in the specified category. The Boats Parts Compatibility feature will be rolled out to boats parts and accessories categories in versions 821 and 823.
  • FeatureDefinitions.AdditionalCompatibilityEnabled (added): This field is returned as an empty element. The Boats Parts Compatibility feature will be rolled out to boats parts and accessories categories in versions 821 and 823.
  • SiteDefaults.AdditionalCompatibilityEnabled (added): If true, boats parts compatibility name-value pairs are supported on the specified site for all/most eBay categories. The Boats Parts Compatibility feature will be rolled out to boats parts and accessories categories in versions 821 and 823.
  • FeatureID (modified): GlobalShippingEnabled added as a new enumeration value.
  • Category.GlobalShippingEnabled (added): If true, items in the specified category can be shipped using the Global Shipping Program.
  • FeatureDefinitions.GlobalShippingEnabled (added): This field is returned as an empty element if the Global Shipping Program is enabled for the current site, and for any category specified in the CategoryID input field.
  • SiteDefaults.GlobalShippingEnabled (added): If true, items listed on the current site can be shipped using the Global Shipping Program.
  • ProfileCategoryGroupDefinitionType (added): Complex type that indicates if the category supports Business Policies profiles.
  • ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType (added): Enumerated type that defines the category groups of Business Policies.
  • CategoryFeatureType.PaymentProfileCategoryGroup (added): This field is returned in the GetCategoryFeature response if the Business Policies Payment profile applies to the category.
  • CategoryFeatureType.ReturnPolicyProfileCategoryGroup (added): This field is returned in the GetCategoryFeature response if the Business Policies Return Policy profile applies to the category.
  • CategoryFeatureType.ShippingProfileCategoryGroup (added): This field is returned in the GetCategoryFeature response if the Business Policies Shipping profile applies to the category.
  • FeatureDefinitionsType.PaymentProfileCategoryGroup (added): This field is returned in the GetCategoryFeature response if the Business Policies Payment profile applies to the category.
  • FeatureDefinitionsType.ReturnPolicyProfileCategoryGroup (added): This field is returned in the GetCategoryFeature response if the Business Policies Return Policy profile applies to the category.
  • FeatureDefinitionsType.ShippingProfileCategoryGroup (added): This field is returned in the GetCategoryFeature response if the Business Policies Shipping profile applies to the category.
  • FeatureIDCodeType.PaymentProfileCategoryGroup (added): This value is passed into the FeatureID field of the GetCategoryFeatures request to see if the Business Policies Payment profile applies to the category.
  • FeatureIDCodeType.ReturnPolicyProfileCategoryGroup (added): This value is passed into the FeatureID field of the GetCategoryFeatures request to see if the Business Policies Return Policy profile applies to the category.
  • FeatureIDCodeType.ShippingProfileCategoryGroup (added): This value is passed into the FeatureID field of the GetCategoryFeatures request to see if the Business Policies Shipping profile applies to the category.
  • SiteDefaultsType.PaymentProfileCategoryGroup (added): Specifies the category group that the Business Policies Payment profile is applicable to.
  • SiteDefaultsType.ReturnPolicyProfileCategoryGroup (added): Specifies the category group that the Business Policies Return Policy profile is applicable to.
  • SiteDefaultsType.ShippingProfileCategoryGroup (added): Specifies the category group that the Business Policies Shipping profile is applicable to.
  • CompatibleVehicleType (added): For categories that support parts compatibility by application, identifies the type of vehicles, Cars and Trucks vs. Motorcycles, for which compatibilities can be specified.
  • MaxGranularFitmentCount (added): For categories that support parts compatibility by application, identifies the maximum number of item compatibilities at the lowest level of granularity that can be applied to a listing.
  • Category.BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled (added): The return of this field indicates that Brand and MPN values can be specified in listing calls for the specific category.
  • Category.EANIdentifierEnabled (added): The return of this field indicates that an EAN value can be specified in listing calls for the specific category.
  • Category.ISBNIdentifierEnabled (added): The return of this field indicates that an ISBN value can be specified in listing calls for the specific category.
  • Category.UPCIdentifierEnabled (added): The return of this field indicates that a UPC value can be specified in listing calls for the specific category.
  • FeatureDefinitions.BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled (added): This field defines the Brand/Manufacturer Part Number listing feature.
  • FeatureDefinitions.EANIdentifierEnabled (added): This field defines the EAN listing feature.
  • FeatureDefinitions.ISBNIdentifierEnabled (added): This field defines the ISBN listing feature.
  • FeatureDefinitions.UPCIdentifierEnabled (added): This field defines the UPC listing feature.
  • SiteDefaults.BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled (added): The return of this field indicates that Brand and MPN values can be specified in listing calls for most site categories.
  • SiteDefaults.EANIdentifierEnabled (added): The return of this field indicates that an EAN value can be specified in listing calls for most site categories.
  • SiteDefaults.ISBNIdentifierEnabled (added): The return of this field indicates that an ISBN value can be specified in listing calls for most site categories.
  • SiteDefaults.UPCIdentifierEnabled (added): The return of this field indicates that a UPC value can be specified in listing calls for most site categories.
  • FeatureID (modified): BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled, EANNIdentifierEnabled, ISBNIdentifierEnabled, and UPCIdentifierEnabled added as enumeration values.
  • ProductCreationEnabled (added): Identifies categories for which products may be added to the associated catalog (i.e., product creation), as well as categories that require sellers to list with a product.
  • ValueCategory (added): If true, the category has been designated as a value category. (For AddItem and related calls, this means items in this category cannot be listed in two categories).
  • ConditionEnabled, ConditionValues (added): A new item condition model is supported in the Sandbox for a few categories. Starting in May 2010, it will be functional in production for most categories. The Category, FeatureDefinitions, and SiteDefaults nodes support corresponding new elements. FeatureID supports corresponding new enumeration values.
  • AllFeaturesForCategory (modified): If AllFeaturesForCategory is set to true, eBay returns the feature settings for the specified features, regardless of the site defaults. Before this change, eBay returned only the features that overrode the site defaults.
  • ItemCompatibilityEnabled, MaxItemCompatibility, MinItemCompatibility (added): Identifies categories that support parts compatibility (structured data for describing compatibilities between a part/item (e.g., tire or headlight) and one or more assemblies (e..g, specific vehicle).
  • FeatureID.AttributeConversionEnabled (doc change): Not operational. Use ItemSpecificsEnabled FeatureID input filter instead.
  • AllFeaturesForCategory (added): Adds a switch to view all the site overrides for a specific category.
  • Various (added): Used for determining if free, automatic upgrades for Gallery Plus and Picture Pack are supported for a category.
  • VariationsEnabled (added): Identifies categories that support multi-variation listings.
  • (modified) A seller can now offer PayPal as a payment method for Adult Only items if the seller's registration site ID and registration address are in the US. A buyer can complete a transaction for an Adult Only listing with PayPal if the buyer's registration site ID and registration address are in the US.
  • Category.PaymentMethod.IntegratedMerchantCreditCard (added): This payment method can apply if a seller has a payment gateway account.
  • In SiteDefaults: MaxFlatShippingCost, Group1MaxFlatShippingCost, Group2MaxFlatShippingCost, Group3MaxFlatShippingCost, MaxFlatShippingCostCBTExempt. Similar in Category, FeatureDefinitions and FeatureIDs. (added): Several elements have been added or modified related to the Maximum Flat Rate Shipping Cost feature. See Shipping documentation and Release Notes.
  • Various (added): New elements in CategoryFeatureType, FeatureDefinitionsType, etc., to enable you to use GetCategoryFeatures to determine the available payment methods for a site or category.
  • CategoryFeatureType.MaxFlatShippingCost, SiteDefaultsType.MaxFlatShippingCostCBTExempt, SiteDefaultsType.MaxFlatShippingCost (added): A maximum flat rate shipping cost is imposed for US listings starting in October. The mechanism will be available for testing with version 585. NOTE: Do not use (do not code against) SiteDefaultsType.MaxFlatShippingCost for this element will be renamed on 585. For details, see the Release Notes and Maximum Flat Rate Shipping Cost.
  • PayPalRequiredForStoreOwner (added): Indicates whether Store Owner listings must must include PayPal as a payment method for the site or category.
  • ReviseQuantityAllowed (added): Indicates for the site or category whether item quantity ifor fixed price listings cna be revised when the listing is in a semi or fully restricted mode.
  • RevisePriceAllowed (added): Indicates for the site or category whether start prices for fixed price listings cna be revised when the listing is in a semi or fully restricted mode.
  • StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsEnabled, StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurations (added): Indicates whether the site or category supports extended listing durations for Store Owners and what extended durations are available.
  • HandlingTimeEnabled (added): Indicates whether the site or category requires a handling time (dispatch time).
  • CombinedFixedPriceTreatment (modified): Combined Fixed Price has been expanded beyond Italy to numerous other sites.
  • GalleryFeaturedDurations (modified): Featured Gallery Duration has been expanded beyond Italy to numerous other sites.
  • Category.DigitalDeliveryEnabled, FeatureDefinitions.DigitalDeliveryEnabled, SiteDefaults.DigitalDeliveryEnabled, and related value in FeatureIDCodeType (deprecated): The digital delivery feature is disabled as of March 28, 2008. Digitally delivered items must be listed in the Classified Ad Format in the Everything Else>Information Products category only.
  • INEscrowWorkflowTimelineDefinitionType, INEscrowWorkflowTimelineCodeType, FeatureIDCodeType.INEscrowWorkflowTimeline, CategoryFeatureType.INEscrowWorkflowTimeline, FeatureDefinitionsType.INEscrowWorkflowTimeline, SiteDefaultsType.INEscrowWorkflowTimeline (added): Used to determine the escrow workflow version (either Default, WorkflowA or WorkflowB) that applies to a PaisaPayFullEscrow category on the India site (site ID 203).
  • Various (added): New elements in CategoryFeatureType, FeatureDefinitionsType, SiteDefaultsType, FeatureIDCodeType, (and corresponding new types) that allow eBay to return more contact information, subscription information, accept, decline, and format preferences in the response data for the GetCategoryFeatures call.
  • Various (added): New elements for determining if listings must include PayPal as a payment method.
  • Various (added): New elements relating to the feature that enables sellers to specify the duration for Gallery Featured items. Starting in early June 2008, on the Italy site, sellers can specify the duration for Gallery Featured items.
  • Various (added): New elements relating to treatment of Store Inventory Format (StoresFixedPrice) items as basic fixed price (FixedPriceItem) items. Starting in early June 2008, on the Italy site, Store Inventory Format (StoresFixedPrice) items will be treated as basic fixed price (FixedPriceItem) items.
  • Various (added): New elements relating to the feature that enables PayPal Buyer Protection on the Australia site. On the Australia site, by early June 2008, you can use GetCategoryFeatures to determine if a category supports PayPal Buyer Protection.
  • Various (added): New elements relating to the feature that enables you to specify that a listing is displayed in default search results of another eBay site.
  • PaisaPayFullEscrowEnabledDefinitionType, CategoryFeatureType.PaisaPayFullEscrowEnabled, FeatureDefinitionsType.PaisaPayFullEscrowEnabled, SiteDefaultsType.PaisaPayFullEscrowEnabled, FeatureIDCodeType.PaisaPayFullEscrowEnabled (added): Used for determining if PaisaPayFullEscrow is supported for a category.
  • BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabledDefinitionType, ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabledDefinitionType, CategoryFeatureType.BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabled, CategoryFeatureType.ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled, FeatureDefinitionsType.BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabled, FeatureDefinitionsType.ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled, SiteDefaultsType.BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabled, SiteDefaultsType.ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled, FeatureIDCodeType.BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabled, FeatureIDCodeType.ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled (added): Used for determining if BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice is supported for a category.
  • FeatureID.ItemSpecificsEnabled, Category.ItemSpecificsEnabled, FeatureDefinitions.ItemSpecificsEnabled, SiteDefaults.ItemSpecificsEnabled (added): eBay supports a new way to fill in custom Item Specifics in certain categories.
  • Category.ClassifiedAdPayPerLeadEnabled, FeatureDefinitions.ClassifiedAdPayPerLeadEnabled, SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdPayPerLeadEnabled, and related values in FeatureIDCodeType (added): Added for the pay-per-lead feature, applicable in upcoming months on the US site.
  • FeatureID.SafePaymentRequired, Category.SafePaymentRequired, FeatureDefinitions.SafePaymentRequired, SiteDefaults.SafePaymentRequired (added): Specify FeatureID.SafePaymentRequired to determine whether a category requires the seller to add a safe payment method.
  • FeatureID.ClassifiedAdAutoDeclineEnabled, FeatureID.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled, FeatureID.ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabled, FeatureID.ClassifiedAdContactByPhoneEnabled, FeatureID.ClassifiedAdCounterOfferEnabled, FeatureID.ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabled, FeatureID.ClassifiedAdShippingMethodEnabled, and related Category, FeatureDefinitions, and SiteDefaults output fields to support Classified Ad format listings (added): Specify these added fields to determine whether a category supports Best Offer features, seller contact methods, shipping methods, or payment methods for Classified Ad format listings.
  • FeatureID, related fields for Skype feature (modified): You can use this call to determine category and site support for adding Skype buttons to listings.
  • FeatureID.LocalListingDistances, related output fields for Local Market listing distances (modified): Specify FeatureID.LocalListingDistances to retrieve the local listing distances supported by a given site, category, and Local Market subscription level.
  • FeatureID, FeatureDefinitions (added): New enumeration, HomePageFeaturedEnabled