eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

Special Offer and Listing Call Index

This Call Reference describes the elements and attributes for each Special Offer and Listing call below.

The details in this Call Reference apply if you are developing applications with the Trading WSDL or Trading Schema (XSD) file, or if you are using one of the eBay SDKs. If you are using an SDK, note that there can be differences between the calls outlined in this reference and the calls in the SDK. For details, see eBay SDKs.

For the original alphabetical Call Index page, go here.

Second Chance Item Calls | Best Offer Calls | Miscellaneous Special Listing Calls |

Call Summary Samples

Second Chance Item Calls

AddSecondChanceItem Creates a new Second Chance Offer (that is, an offer for an unsold item) for one of that item's non-winning bidders. view
VerifyAddSecondChanceItem Simulates the creation of a new Second Chance Offer listing of an item without actually creating a listing. view

Best Offer Calls

GetBestOffers Retrieves best offers. view
RespondToBestOffer This call enables the seller to accept or decline a buyer's Best Offer on an item, or make a counter offer to the buyer's Best Offer. Guide only

Miscellaneous Special Listing Calls

PlaceOffer Enables the authenticated user to to make a bid, a Best Offer, or a purchase on the item specified by the ItemID input field. view
GetAdFormatLeads Retrieves sales lead information for a lead generation listing. view