eBay Post-Order APIVersion 2.7.8


The base response type for the GET /post-order/v2/return/search method, which is used to search for return requests.

Call that uses GetSummaryResponse:


countSummary ( array of CountSummaryType ) [0..?]
This array holds a count of return requests in different states. A separate count and type pair is returned for each return request state, such as ALL_OPEN, RETURN_STARTED, or ITEM_DELIVERED. The return request states that are returned depend on the use of the return_state query parameter in the request. If this query parameter is omitted in the request, the count for every return request state is returned. However, if this query parameter is used, only the count for the specified return request state will be returned.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use countSummary.

members ( array of ReturnSummaryType ) [0..?]
This array provides information on one or more return requests that match the filter criteria in the request.

This array is returned as empty if no return requests match the filter criteria in the request.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use members.

paginationOutput ( PaginationOutput ) [0..?]
This container consists of metadata related to the current page of results. It shows the total number of return requests that match the filter criteria, the total number of return requests to show per page of results, and the total number of pages in the results set.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use paginationOutput.

total ( integer ) [0..?]
This field is not currently used. The total number of return requests and the number of return requests on the current page are shown in the paginationOutput container.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use total.