eBay Post-Order APIVersion 2.7.8


This type is used to describe whether or not the order is eligible to be cancelled.

Type that uses OrderEligibilityResult:

Calls that use OrderEligibilityResult:


eligible ( boolean ) [0..?]
If this value is returned as true, the specified order is eligible to be cancelled. If this value is returned as false, the order is not eligible to be cancelled. One or more reasons why an order may not be eligible for cancellation will be shown in the failureReason array.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use eligible.

eligibleCancelReason ( array of string ) [0..?]
A list of one or more reasons that a buyer or seller can give for cancelling this order. This field is returned only if the value of the eligible field is true.

Supported enumeration values representing buyer and seller order cancellation reasons can be found in the CancelReasonEnum type definition.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use eligibleCancelReason.

failureReason ( array of string ) [0..?]
A list of one or more reasons why this order has been found to be ineligible for cancellation. This field is returned only if the value of the eligible field is false.

The full list of reasons why an order may not be eligible for cancellation can be found in the EligibilityFailureReasonEnum type definition.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use failureReason.

itemEligibilityResult ( array of ItemEligibilityResult ) [0..?]
A list of all line items in the order and whether or not each line item is eligible to be cancelled. Because only full-order cancellations are supported at this time, if the orderEligibilityResult.eligible value is returned as true, the itemEligibilityResult.eligible value for all line items within the order will also be returned as true.

Note it's possible for the orderEligibilityResult.eligible value to be returned as false while one or more itemEligibilityResult.eligible values may be returned as true.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use itemEligibilityResult.

legacyOrderId ( string ) [0..?]
A unique eBay-assigned ID for the order being considered for cancellation.

Note: The unique identifier of an order changes as the order goes from unpaid to paid, so the IDs for both unpaid and paid orders may be returned in this field based on payment status.

See the Field Index to learn which calls use legacyOrderId.