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The eDelivery International Shipping (eDIS) API allows Greater-China based eBay sellers to create, manage, and track shipments.

Technical overview

The eDIS API has methods in the following resources: 

  • actual_costs: Retrieve the actual weight and costs for one or more packages.

  • address_preference: Create and/or retrieve an address on a user's eDIS account.

  • agent: Retrieve EU Authorized Representative agents associated with a user's eDIS account.

  • battery_qualifications: Retrieve battery qualification details associated with a user's eDIS account.

  • complaint: Create a shipping complaint.

  • consign_preference: Create and/or retrieve a consign address associated with a user's eDIS account.

  • dropoff_sites: Retrieve all drop-off site locations associated with a user's eDIS account.

  • handover_sheet: Retrieve the handover sheet for one or more packages in a pickup request.

  • labels: Retrieve shipping labels for one or more packages.

  • packages: Create, cancel, delete, retrieve, or clone a shipping package.

  • services: Retrieve shipping service metadata for available shipping services.

  • tracking:  Retrieve tracking event details for a package.

Business use cases

Below are the high-level use cases addressed by the eDIS API:

  • Create and retrieve ship-from and ship-to address preferences on a seller's eDIS account

  • File a shipping complaint

  • Retrieve handover sheets and shipping labels for a package

  • Create, cancel, delete, retrieve, or clone a shipping package

  • Track the status and location of packages

Requirements and restrictions

This section outlines the restrictions for use of the eBay eDIS API.

eDIS account

The methods in this API are only available for Greater-China based sellers with an active eDIS account. For more information, see eDelivery International Shipping.