This type specifies the shipping service information.
Type that uses ServiceInfoResponses
Call that uses ServiceInfoResponses
array of DirectionsResponses
This array lists includes all Ship From/Ship To combinations that the service supports. It also includes the type of batteries that may be shipping using the shipping service.
The incoterm information associated with the the shipping service.
Supported values:
Supported values:
This value indicates the maximum length (in centimeters) of the shipping package that the shipping service allows.
Note: This field is always returned, but will show as null or have an empty value if not defined/applicable.
Note: This field is always returned, but will show as null or have an empty value if not defined/applicable.
This value indicates the total maximum value of the length, width, and height of the package.
Note: This field is always returned, but will show as null or have an empty value if not defined/applicable.
Note: This field is always returned, but will show as null or have an empty value if not defined/applicable.
This value indicates the maximum weight (in grams) of the shipping package that the shipping service allows.
Note: This field is always returned, but will show as null or have an empty value if not defined/applicable.
Note: This field is always returned, but will show as null or have an empty value if not defined/applicable.
The unique identifier of the shipping service being retrieved.
This value can be input in the shippingServiceId field when creating a package through the the createPackage method.
This value can be input in the shippingServiceId field when creating a package through the the createPackage method.