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Important! Due to EU & UK Payments regulatory requirements, an additional security verification via Digital Signatures is required for certain API calls that are made on behalf of EU/UK sellers, including all Finances API methods. Please refer to Digital Signatures for APIs to learn more on the impacted APIs and the process to create signatures to be included in the HTTP payload.

The getTransactions method allows a seller to retrieve information about one or more of their monetary transactions.

Note: For a complete list of transaction types, refer to TransactionTypeEnum.
Numerous input filters are available which can be used individually or combined to refine the data that are returned. For example:
  • SALE transactions for August 15, 2022;
  • RETURN transactions for the month of January, 2021;
  • Transactions currently in a transactionStatus equal to FUNDS_ON_HOLD.
Refer to the filter field for additional information about each filter and its use.

Pagination and sort query parameters are also provided that allow users to further control how monetary transactions are displayed in the response.

If no monetary transactions match the input criteria, an http status code of 204 No Content is returned with no response payload.


Resource URI


This method is supported in Sandbox environment. To access the endpoint, just replace the root URI with

URI parameters

limitintegerThe number of monetary transactions to return per page of the result set. Use this parameter in conjunction with the offset parameter to control the pagination of the output.

For example, if offset is set to 10 and limit is set to 10, the method retrieves monetary transactions 11 thru 20 from the result set.

Note: This feature employs a zero-based list, where the first item in the list has an offset of 0.

Maximum: 1000
Default: 20

Occurrence: Optional

offsetintegerThis integer value indicates the actual position that the first monetary transaction returned on the current page has in the results set. So, if you wanted to view the 11th monetary transaction of the result set, you would set the offset value in the request to 10.

In the request, you can use the offset parameter in conjunction with the limit parameter to control the pagination of the output. For example, if offset is set to 30 and limit is set to 10, the method retrieves transactions 31 thru 40 from the resulting collection of transactions.

To avoid poor response time, use offset values of less than 5000.

Note: This feature employs a zero-based list, where the first item in the list has an offset of 0.
Default: 0 (zero)

Occurrence: Optional

filterarray of FilterFieldNumerous filters are available for the getTransactions method, and these filters are discussed below. One or more of these filter types can be used. If none of these filters are used, all previous monetary transactions are returned:
  • transactionDate: search for monetary transactions that occurred within a specific range of dates.

    Note: All dates must be input using UTC format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ) and should be adjusted accordingly for the local timezone of the user.
    Below is the proper syntax to use if filtering by a date range:[2018-10-23T00:00:01.000Z..2018-11-09T00:00:01.000Z]

    Alternatively, the user could omit the ending date, and the date range would include the starting date and up to 90 days past that date, or the current date if the starting date is less than 90 days in the past.
  • transactionType: search for a specific type of monetary transaction. For supported transactionType values, see TransactionTypeEnum.

    Below is the proper syntax to use if filtering by a monetary transaction type:{SALE}
  • transactionStatus: this filter type is only applicable for sales orders, and allows the user to filter seller payouts in a particular state. For supported transactionStatus values, see TransactionStatusEnum.

    Below is the proper syntax to use if filtering by transaction status:{PAYOUT}
  • buyerUsername: the eBay user ID of the buyer involved in the monetary transaction. Only monetary transactions involving this buyer are returned. Below is the proper syntax to use if filtering by a specific eBay buyer:{buyer1234}
  • salesRecordReference: the unique Selling Manager identifier of the order involved in the monetary transaction. Only monetary transactions involving this Selling Manager Sales Record ID are returned. Below is the proper syntax to use if filtering by a specific Selling Manager Sales Record ID:{123}

    Note: For all orders originating after February 1, 2020, a value of 0 will be returned in the salesRecordReference field. So, this filter will only be useful to retrieve orders than occurred before this date.
  • payoutId: the unique identifier of a seller payout. This value is auto-generated by eBay once the seller payout is set to be processed. Only monetary transactions involving this Payout ID are returned. Below is the proper syntax to use if filtering by a specific Payout ID:{5********8}
  • transactionId: use this field transactionId and also transactionType to filter for a unique identifier of a monetary transaction, or an error will occur. For a sales order, the orderId filter should be used instead. Only the monetary transaction defined by the identifier is returned.

    Note: This filter cannot be used alone; the transactionType must also be specified when filtering by transaction ID.
    Below is the proper syntax to use if filtering by a specific transaction ID:{0*-0***0-3***3}&filter=transactionType:{SALE}
  • orderId: the unique identifier of a sales order. Only monetary transaction(s) associated with this orderId value are returned.

    For any other monetary transaction, the transactionId filter should be used instead.

    Below is the proper syntax to use if filtering by a specific order ID:{0*-0***0-3***3}
  • payoutReference: returns the monetary transactions associated with the payoutReference. By using this ID as a filter parameter, the user will be able to track all monetary transactions associated with both sibling payouts, including sales and refunds, if any. This filter is only supported for sellers in Mainland China. Below is the proper syntax to use if filtering by payoutReference:{5*******3}

Occurrence: Optional

sortarray of SortFieldBy default, monetary transactions that match the input criteria are sorted in descending order according to the transaction date (i.e, most recent transactions returned first).

To view transactions in ascending order instead (i.e., oldest transactions first), you would include the sort query parameter and set its value to transactionDate. Below is the proper syntax to use if filtering by a transaction date range in ascending order:[2023-10-01T00:00:01.000Z..2023-10-12T00:00:01.000Z]&sort=transactionDate

Transactions can only be sorted according to transaction date.

Occurrence: Optional

HTTP request headers

All requests made to eBay REST operations require you to provide the Authorization HTTP header for authentication authorization.

The table below shows additional HTTP request headers that are either required, conditionally required, or strongly recommended for this method. Other standard HTTP request headers- opens rest request components page (not in this table) can also be used, but they are optional.

X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-IDstringThis header identifies the seller's eBay marketplace.

See HTTP request headers for the marketplace ID values.

Note: If a marketplace ID value is not provided, the default value of EBAY_US is used.

Occurrence: Required

OAuth scope

This request requires an access token created with the authorization code grant flow, using one or more scopes from the following list (please check your Application Keys page for a list of OAuth scopes available to your application):

See OAuth access tokens for more information.

Request payload

This call has no payload.

Request fields

This call has no field definitions.


HTTP response headers

This call has no response headers.

Response payload

{ /* Transactions */
"href" : "string",
"limit" : "integer",
"next" : "string",
"prev" : "string",
"total" : "integer",
"transactions" : [
{ /* Transaction */
"buyer" :
{ /* Buyer */ },
"orderLineItems" : [
{ /* OrderLineItem */ }

Response fields

Output container/fieldTypeDescription

The URI of the getTransactions method request that produced the current page of the result set.

Occurrence: Always


The maximum number of monetary transactions that may be returned per page of the result set. The limit value can be passed in as a query parameter, or if omitted, its value defaults to 20.

Note: If this is the last or only page of the result set, the page may contain fewer monetary transactions than the limit value. To determine the number of pages in a result set, divide the total value (total number of monetary transactions matching input criteria) by this limit value, and then round up to the next integer. For example, if the total value was 120 (120 total monetary transactions) and the limit value was 50 (show 50 monetary transactions per page), the total number of pages in the result set is three, so the seller would have to make three separate getTransactions calls to view all monetary transactions matching the input criteria.

Maximum: 200
Default: 20

Occurrence: Always


The getTransactions method URI to use if you wish to view the next page of the result set.

This field is only returned if there is a next page of results to view based on the current input criteria.

Occurrence: Conditional


This integer value indicates the actual position that the first monetary transaction returned on the current page has in the results set. So, if you wanted to view the 11th monetary transaction of the result set, you would set the offset value in the request to 10.

In the request, you can use the offset parameter in conjunction with the limit parameter to control the pagination of the output. For example, if offset is set to 30 and limit is set to 10, the method retrieves monetary transactions 31 thru 40 from the resulting collection of monetary transactions.

Note: This feature employs a zero-based list, where the first item in the list has an offset of 0.

Default: 0 (zero)

Occurrence: Always


The getTransactions method URI to use if you wish to view the previous page of the result set.

This field is only returned if there is a previous page of results to view based on the current input criteria.

Occurrence: Conditional


This integer value is the total amount of monetary transactions in the result set based on the current input criteria. Based on the total number of monetary transactions that match the criteria, and on the limit and offset values, there may be additional pages in the results set.

Occurrence: Always

transactionsarray of Transaction

An array of one or more monetary transactions that match the input criteria. Details for each monetary transaction may include the unique identifier of the order associated with the monetary transaction, the status of the transaction, the amount of the order, the order's buyer, and the unique identifier of the payout (if a payout has been initiated/issued for the order).

Occurrence: Always


This container shows the dollar value and currency type of the monetary transaction. This field is always returned even when eBay has yet to initiate a payout for the order.

Occurrence: Always


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is the pre-conversion currency.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is the pre-conversion amount. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


Note: This field is only applicable for Mainland China sellers with an available CNY Bank payment instrument. This response can only have a value of CNY.The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedToValue field.

This field is only returned for payouts to bank accounts when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


Note: This field is only applicable for Mainland China sellers with an available CNY Bank payment instrument. This response only returns value in CNY.The monetary value after any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedToCurrency field. This value is the converted amount.

The field is only returned for payouts to bank accounts when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The exchange rate used for the monetary conversion. This field shows the exchange rate used to convert the dollar value in the value field from the dollar value in the convertedFromValue field.

For sellers in mainland China, this field shows shows the exchange rate to convert the dollar value in the value field to the CNY value in the convertedToValue field.

This field is only returned when eBay does a currency version, and a currency conversion is generally needed if the buyer is viewing, or has purchased an item on an international site.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

Occurrence: Conditional


The enumeration value returned in this field indicates if the monetary transaction amount is a (CREDIT) or a (DEBIT) to the seller's account. Typically, the SALE and CREDIT transaction types are credits to the seller's account, and the REFUND, DISPUTE, SHIPPING_LABEL, and TRANSFER transaction types are debits to the seller's account.

Occurrence: Always


This is the unique eBay user ID for the buyer who purchased the order. This field is not returned for TRANSFER monetary transaction types.

Occurrence: Conditional


The eBay user ID of the order's buyer.

Occurrence: Always


This is the amount of sales tax that has been collected by eBay for an order.

Note: Sales tax applies only to SALE and REFUND transactions (transactionType).

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is the pre-conversion currency.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is the pre-conversion amount. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


Note: This field is only applicable for Mainland China sellers with an available CNY Bank payment instrument. This response can only have a value of CNY.The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedToValue field.

This field is only returned for payouts to bank accounts when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


Note: This field is only applicable for Mainland China sellers with an available CNY Bank payment instrument. This response only returns value in CNY.The monetary value after any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedToCurrency field. This value is the converted amount.

The field is only returned for payouts to bank accounts when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The exchange rate used for the monetary conversion. This field shows the exchange rate used to convert the dollar value in the value field from the dollar value in the convertedFromValue field.

For sellers in mainland China, this field shows shows the exchange rate to convert the dollar value in the value field to the CNY value in the convertedToValue field.

This field is only returned when eBay does a currency version, and a currency conversion is generally needed if the buyer is viewing, or has purchased an item on an international site.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

Occurrence: Conditional


This container stores information about region-specific fees that are charged to sellers.

This is returned for fees (i.e., FeeTypeEnum values,) that are mandated by a seller's governing jurisdiction.

For example:


Occurrence: Conditional


String value that indicates the name of the region to which a region-specific fee applies.

The set of valid regionName values that may be returned is determined by the regionType value.

Note: Currently, supported regionName values that may be returned are standard two-character country or state codes.

Typical examples include:

  • MX [Mexico]
  • IN [India]
  • US [United States]
  • CA [California]
  • VT [Vermont]
  • ME [Maine]

Occurrence: Conditional


The enumeration value returned here indicates the type of region that is collecting the corresponding fee.

Occurrence: Conditional


The enumeration value returned in this field indicates the type of fee that was deducted from the seller payout.

Occurrence: Conditional


The unique identifier of the eBay order associated with the monetary transaction.

Occurrence: Conditional

transactions.orderLineItemsarray of OrderLineItem

This array either shows the order line item transactional fees related to a SALE transaction and deducted from the payout associated with that order, or it shows the transactional fee credits going back to the seller in the case of a REFUND transaction.

Note: In certain circumstances, transactional fees like FINAL_VALUE_FEE and FINAL_VALUE_FEE_FIXED_PER_ORDER are not deducted from a seller payout, but instead they are billed to the seller's account as "non-sale charges". When this happens, the SALE transaction entity will not have these fees under the orderLineItems array, but they will appear as separate NON_SALE_CHARGE transactions. When this happens, and you want to see those transactional fees for the order, one thing you can do is make another call to getTransactions and filter against the orderId. In the response, you will see the SALE transaction and the NON_SALE_CHARGE transactions applied against the order. See Sample 6: Get transactional fees for an order and Sample 10: Get non-sale charges for an order for examples.

Occurrence: Conditional

transactions.orderLineItems.donationsarray of Fee

The list of donations applied to the line item.

Note: Currently, this array is only returned if the seller chooses to donate a percentage of the sales proceeds to a charitable organization registered with the eBay for Charity program.

Occurrence: Conditional


The amount of the fee.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is the pre-conversion currency.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is the pre-conversion amount. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


Note: This field is only applicable for Mainland China sellers with an available CNY Bank payment instrument. This response can only have a value of CNY.The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedToValue field.

This field is only returned for payouts to bank accounts when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


Note: This field is only applicable for Mainland China sellers with an available CNY Bank payment instrument. This response only returns value in CNY.The monetary value after any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedToCurrency field. This value is the converted amount.

The field is only returned for payouts to bank accounts when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The exchange rate used for the monetary conversion. This field shows the exchange rate used to convert the dollar value in the value field from the dollar value in the convertedFromValue field.

For sellers in mainland China, this field shows shows the exchange rate to convert the dollar value in the value field to the CNY value in the convertedToValue field.

This field is only returned when eBay does a currency version, and a currency conversion is generally needed if the buyer is viewing, or has purchased an item on an international site.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

Occurrence: Conditional


Indicates the specific jurisdiction for the fee that has been deducted from the seller payout.

Occurrence: Conditional


String value that indicates the name of the region to which a region-specific fee applies.

The set of valid regionName values that may be returned is determined by the regionType value.

Note: Currently, supported regionName values that may be returned are standard two-character country or state codes.

Typical examples include:

  • MX [Mexico]
  • IN [India]
  • US [United States]
  • CA [California]
  • VT [Vermont]
  • ME [Maine]

Occurrence: Conditional


The enumeration value returned here indicates the type of region that is collecting the corresponding fee.

Occurrence: Conditional


A description of the fee that was deducted from the seller payout.

Occurrence: Conditional


The enumeration value returned here indicates the type of fee that was deducted from the seller payout.

Occurrence: Conditional


This amount is the order's total amount and equals what the buyer has paid. This value includes transactions.amount, totalFeeAmount, eBayCollectedTaxAmount, and shipping charges (if any).

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is the pre-conversion currency.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is the pre-conversion amount. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


Note: This field is only applicable for Mainland China sellers with an available CNY Bank payment instrument. This response can only have a value of CNY.The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedToValue field.

This field is only returned for payouts to bank accounts when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


Note: This field is only applicable for Mainland China sellers with an available CNY Bank payment instrument. This response only returns value in CNY.The monetary value after any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedToCurrency field. This value is the converted amount.

The field is only returned for payouts to bank accounts when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The exchange rate used for the monetary conversion. This field shows the exchange rate used to convert the dollar value in the value field from the dollar value in the convertedFromValue field.

For sellers in mainland China, this field shows shows the exchange rate to convert the dollar value in the value field to the CNY value in the convertedToValue field.

This field is only returned when eBay does a currency version, and a currency conversion is generally needed if the buyer is viewing, or has purchased an item on an international site.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

Occurrence: Conditional


The unique identifier of an order line item.

Occurrence: Conditional

transactions.orderLineItems.marketplaceFeesarray of Fee

An array of all fees accrued for the order line item and deducted from a seller payout.

Occurrence: Conditional


The amount of the fee.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is the pre-conversion currency.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is the pre-conversion amount. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


Note: This field is only applicable for Mainland China sellers with an available CNY Bank payment instrument. This response can only have a value of CNY.The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedToValue field.

This field is only returned for payouts to bank accounts when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


Note: This field is only applicable for Mainland China sellers with an available CNY Bank payment instrument. This response only returns value in CNY.The monetary value after any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedToCurrency field. This value is the converted amount.

The field is only returned for payouts to bank accounts when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The exchange rate used for the monetary conversion. This field shows the exchange rate used to convert the dollar value in the value field from the dollar value in the convertedFromValue field.

For sellers in mainland China, this field shows shows the exchange rate to convert the dollar value in the value field to the CNY value in the convertedToValue field.

This field is only returned when eBay does a currency version, and a currency conversion is generally needed if the buyer is viewing, or has purchased an item on an international site.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

Occurrence: Conditional


Indicates the specific jurisdiction for the fee that has been deducted from the seller payout.

Occurrence: Conditional


String value that indicates the name of the region to which a region-specific fee applies.

The set of valid regionName values that may be returned is determined by the regionType value.

Note: Currently, supported regionName values that may be returned are standard two-character country or state codes.

Typical examples include:

  • MX [Mexico]
  • IN [India]
  • US [United States]
  • CA [California]
  • VT [Vermont]
  • ME [Maine]

Occurrence: Conditional


The enumeration value returned here indicates the type of region that is collecting the corresponding fee.

Occurrence: Conditional


A description of the fee that was deducted from the seller payout.

Occurrence: Conditional


The enumeration value returned here indicates the type of fee that was deducted from the seller payout.

Occurrence: Conditional


This string value indicates the entity that is processing the payment.

Occurrence: Conditional


This container provides the payout details for a split-payout case. This container is only returned for split-payout use cases.

Occurrence: Conditional

transactions.payoutDetails.payoutIdsarray of string

This array indicates the list of true(actual) payout ids associated with a split payout. These values can be used as a path parameter for the getPayout method to retrieve details on the associated payouts.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field contains the unique identifier for the Payout Reference. In split-payout cases, this is the unique identifier reference (not true payout). This field is only returned and will show the associated true(actual) payout id(s) when sellers in Mainland China enable split payouts between a Payoneer account and/or a bank account. This value can be used by the filter query parameter of the getPayouts method to get the monetary details of each true(actual) payout associated with the payoutReference.

Note:Split-payout functionality will only be available to mainland China sellers.

Occurrence: Conditional


The unique identifier of the seller payout associated with the monetary transaction. This identifier is generated once eBay begins processing the payout for the corresponding order. This field will not be returned if eBay has not yet begun processing the payout for an order.

This value can be used by the filter query parameter to get monetary transactions associated with the true(actual) payout associated with the PayoutId.

Note: In case of a split payout, always pick the first true(actual) payout id.

Occurrence: Conditional

transactions.referencesarray of Reference

This field contains reference information for the transaction fee. This includes an ID and the type of ID provided (such as item ID).

Occurrence: Conditional


The identifier of the transaction as specified by the referenceType. For example, with a referenceType of item_id, the referenceId refers to a unique item. This item may have several NON_SALE_CHARGE transactions.

Occurrence: Conditional


An enumeration value that identifies the reference type associated with the referenceId.

Occurrence: Conditional


The Sales Record Number associated with a sales order. Sales Record Numbers are Selling Manager/Selling Manager Pro identifiers that are created at order checkout.

Note: For all orders originating after February 1, 2020, a value of 0 will be returned in this field. The Sales Record Number field has also been removed from Seller Hub. Instead of salesRecordReference, depend on orderId instead as the identifier of the order. The salesRecordReference field has been scheduled for deprecation, and a date for when this field will no longer be returned at all will be announced soon.

Occurrence: Always

transactions.taxesarray of Tax

This array shows the tax type and amount applicable to the transaction.

Note: Currently, this array is only returned for tax charged against a purchased eBay shipping label.

Occurrence: Conditional


The enumeration value returned here indicates the type of tax.

Occurrence: Conditional


Amount of tax.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is the pre-conversion currency.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is the pre-conversion amount. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


Note: This field is only applicable for Mainland China sellers with an available CNY Bank payment instrument. This response can only have a value of CNY.The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedToValue field.

This field is only returned for payouts to bank accounts when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


Note: This field is only applicable for Mainland China sellers with an available CNY Bank payment instrument. This response only returns value in CNY.The monetary value after any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedToCurrency field. This value is the converted amount.

The field is only returned for payouts to bank accounts when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The exchange rate used for the monetary conversion. This field shows the exchange rate used to convert the dollar value in the value field from the dollar value in the convertedFromValue field.

For sellers in mainland China, this field shows shows the exchange rate to convert the dollar value in the value field to the CNY value in the convertedToValue field.

This field is only returned when eBay does a currency version, and a currency conversion is generally needed if the buyer is viewing, or has purchased an item on an international site.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

Occurrence: Conditional


This amount is the total amount of selling fees paid for order. A breakdown of fees for each order line item can be found in the orderLineItems array.

This field is even returned if it is 0.0 (no fees deducted from seller payout).

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is the pre-conversion currency.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is the pre-conversion amount. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


Note: This field is only applicable for Mainland China sellers with an available CNY Bank payment instrument. This response can only have a value of CNY.The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedToValue field.

This field is only returned for payouts to bank accounts when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


Note: This field is only applicable for Mainland China sellers with an available CNY Bank payment instrument. This response only returns value in CNY.The monetary value after any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedToCurrency field. This value is the converted amount.

The field is only returned for payouts to bank accounts when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The exchange rate used for the monetary conversion. This field shows the exchange rate used to convert the dollar value in the value field from the dollar value in the convertedFromValue field.

For sellers in mainland China, this field shows shows the exchange rate to convert the dollar value in the value field to the CNY value in the convertedToValue field.

This field is only returned when eBay does a currency version, and a currency conversion is generally needed if the buyer is viewing, or has purchased an item on an international site.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

Occurrence: Conditional


This amount is the total amount for the order before selling fees are deducted from the seller payout associated with the order.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is the pre-conversion currency.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is the pre-conversion amount. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


Note: This field is only applicable for Mainland China sellers with an available CNY Bank payment instrument. This response can only have a value of CNY.The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedToValue field.

This field is only returned for payouts to bank accounts when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


Note: This field is only applicable for Mainland China sellers with an available CNY Bank payment instrument. This response only returns value in CNY.The monetary value after any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedToCurrency field. This value is the converted amount.

The field is only returned for payouts to bank accounts when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The exchange rate used for the monetary conversion. This field shows the exchange rate used to convert the dollar value in the value field from the dollar value in the convertedFromValue field.

For sellers in mainland China, this field shows shows the exchange rate to convert the dollar value in the value field to the CNY value in the convertedToValue field.

This field is only returned when eBay does a currency version, and a currency conversion is generally needed if the buyer is viewing, or has purchased an item on an international site.

This field is only returned if/when currency conversion was applied by eBay.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

Occurrence: Conditional


This timestamp indicates when the monetary transaction (order purchase, buyer refund, seller credit) occurred. The following (UTC) format is used: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ. For example, 2015-08-04T19:09:02.768Z.

Occurrence: Always


This field, when combined with the transactionType field, provide a unique identifier of the monetary transaction. A monetary transaction can be a sales order, an order refund to the buyer, a credit to the seller's account, a debit to the seller for the purchase of a shipping label, or a transaction where eBay recouped money from the seller if the seller lost a buyer-initiated payment dispute.

Occurrence: Always


This field applies to shipping label transactions, sales transactions where payout is on hold, and non-sale charge fees. The following are examples of how the field is used for each transaction type:

  • Shipping label purchase: the transactionMemo field gives details about a purchase, a refund, or a price adjustment to the cost of the shipping label.
  • Sales transactions with funds on hold: the transactionMemo field provides information on the reason for the hold or when the hold will be released (e.g., "Funds on hold. Estimated release on Jun 1").
  • Non-sale charge fees: the transactionMemo field will provide the type of fee that was charged, such as Promoted Offsite Fee.
This field is only returned if applicable/available.

Occurrence: Conditional


This enumeration value indicates the current status of the seller payout associated with the monetary transaction. See the TransactionStatusEnum type for more information on the different states.

Occurrence: Always


This enumeration value indicates the type of monetary transaction. Examples of monetary transactions include a buyer's payment for an order, a refund to the buyer for a returned item or cancelled order, or a credit issued by eBay to the seller's account. For a complete list of monetary transaction types within the Finances API, see the TransactionTypeEnum type.

Occurrence: Always

HTTP status codes

This call can return one of the following HTTP status codes. For an overview of the status codes, see HTTP status codes in Using eBay RESTful APIs.

204No Content
400Bad Request
500Internal Server Error

Error codes

For more on errors, plus the codes of other common errors, see Handling errors.

135000API_FINANCESAPPLICATIONThere was a problem with an eBay internal system or process. Contact eBay developer support for assistance.
135003API_FINANCESREQUESTThe value of pagination is invalid.
135005API_FINANCESREQUESTThe value of sorting is invalid.
135006API_FINANCESREQUESTThe value of transaction type filter is invalid.
135007API_FINANCESREQUESTThe value of transaction status filter is invalid.
135008API_FINANCESREQUESTThe value of transaction date filter is invalid.
135009API_FINANCESREQUESTTransaction type filter is missing.


This call has no warnings.


New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Identifiers, such as order IDs or user IDs, and personal data in these samples might be anonymized or may no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, substitute current, relevant eBay data in your requests.

Sample 1: Get All Transactions

This call sample retrieves all recent monetary transactions. No filters, no sorting, and no pagination parameters are used.


Only the GET HTTP method and the endpoint are used. No filter parameters, no sorting, and no pagination query parameters are used.



The output returns details on 20 recent monetary transactions. Unless a sort query parameter is used, monetary transactions in a getTransactions response are sorted according to sale date in descending order (most recent sale first). Since no pagination query parameters were used, the limit value defaults to 20 (up to 20 payouts per page of the result set) and the offset value defaults to 0 (the first payout in the result set is shown first). Since the next field appears in the response, there are actually more than 20 monetary transactions to view, but the current page is only showing 20 since the limit value is 20. The next field contains the full call URI to use to retrieve the next page of the result set.

Each monetary transaction is identified with its transactionId value. This transactionId value is auto-generated by eBay as soon as a buyer purchases an item, or if there is a commitment to buy (e.g., a winning bidder of an auction). The transactionType value will either be SALE, REFUND, CREDIT, or TRANSFER. This particular response does not include any seller credits. If a payout has already been issued for a sale, the transactionStatus value will show PAYOUT, and the payoutId value will identify the payout. If the transactionStatus value shows FUNDS_ON_HOLD or FUNDS_PROCESSING for a sale, you will not see a payoutId field for that sale. If the transactionStatus value shows FUNDS_ON_HOLD, the transactionMemo provides information on the reason for the hold and/or when the hold will be released (e.g., "Funds on hold. Estimated release on Jun 1").

Sample 2: Get Sales Within a Date Range

This call sample retrieves sales within a date range. Two filter parameters are used and configured to return sales within a stated date range.


For this sample, two filter query parameters are used - one to filter by the transaction type of SALE, and one to filter within a date range. In this sample, the date range is between October 23 and November 9, 2018.

Below is the syntax to use for a non-date filter:


The syntax to use for a date range filter is slightly different, and is shown below. Notice the date range filter uses square brackets instead of curly brackets.




The output returns details on 16 sales that occurred within the specified date range. Since no pagination query parameters were used, the limit value defaults to 20 (up to 20 transactions per page of the result set) and the offset value defaults to 0 (the first transaction in the result set is shown first). Since only 16 successful sales transactions are returned, this response is showing all sales that occurred within the date range.

Each sales transaction is identified with its transactionId value. This transactionId value is auto-generated by eBay as soon as a buyer purchases an item, or if there is a commitment to buy (e.g., a winning bidder of an auction). For many of the sales transactions in this response, payouts have already been issued (the transactionStatus value shows PAYOUT, and the payoutId value identifies the payout. For other sales transactions, the transactionStatus value shows FUNDS_ON_HOLD or FUNDS_PROCESSING, which means the payout associated with the sales transaction has yet to occur. If the transactionStatus value shows FUNDS_ON_HOLD, the transactionMemo provides information on the reason for the hold or when the hold will be released (e.g., "Funds on hold. Estimated release on Jun 1").

Sample 3: Get Sales With Payment Holds

This call sample retrieves sales with payment holds. Two filter parameters are used and configured to return sales with payment holds.


For this sample, two filter query parameters are used - one to filter by the transaction type of SALE, and one to filter by the transaction status of FUNDS_ON_HOLD

Below is the syntax to use for a non-date filter:




The output indicates that there are only two sales transactions where payout funds are on hold. The transactionMemo field gives more details on the reason for the hold or when the hold will be released. To get more information on payment holds, including the expected fund release date, the user can call getOrder.

Sample 4: Get Refunds for Specific Buyer

This call sample gets refunds for a specific buyer. Two filter parameters are used and configured to return refunds issued to a specific buyer.


For this sample, two filter query parameters are used: one to filter by the transaction type of REFUND, and one to filter by the buyer's eBay user ID. For this particular call sample, the buyer's eBay user ID is r********2, so all refunds issued to this buyer by the are returned.

Below is the syntax to use for a non-date filter:




A total of four refunds to the buyer are part of the result set, as indicated by a value of 4 in the total field. The seller has already been paid out for two of the sales transactions where the buyer will receive a refund, but the seller is still waiting for the payouts for the two other sales transactions.

Sample 5: Shipping Label Transactions

This call sample shows shipping label transactions, including a purchase of a shipping label, a refund for a shipping label, and a price adjustment for cost of shipping label.

Note: eBay SHIPPING_LABEL transactions paid through PayPal are not currently supported by the Finances API, and will not be returned in the response.


For this sample, a transactionType filter is used to retrieve only shipping label transactions. The value of the transactionType filter is set to SHIPPING_LABEL.

Below is the syntax to use for a non-date filter:




A total of five shipping label transactions are part of the result set, as indicated by a value of 5 in the total field. The transactionMemo field gives more details on each shipping label transaction, and the bookingEntry field value indicates whether it is charge (debit) or credit to the seller.

Sample 6: Get transactional fees for an order

This call sample shows transactional fees including the final value fees for a specific order. An orderId value is used as a filter, so only transactions related to that sales order are returned. Sometimes transactional fees are deducted from payouts (this example) and sometimes they are billed to the seller as non-sale charge transactions (see Sample 10: Get non-sale charges for an order).


For this sample, orderId is include as a filter, and the seller wishes to retrieve all transactions related to the order ID 03-00011-61743.



Only one SALE transaction is returned for the order. The totalFeeBasisAmount is the total amount of the order used to calculate the seller's final value fees for the order. The total amount of seller fees deducted from a seller payout associated with the order is shown in the totalFeeAmount field. Line item-level information about seller fees are returned in the orderLineItems array. This particular order contains just one line item.

Sample 7: Get Transactions associated with Split Payout

This call sample retrieves all recent monetary transactions for a seller associated with a split payout. Split payout is only available to sellers in mainland China.


Only the GET HTTP method and the endpoint are used. The payoutReference filter is used in this sample to return information on every monetary transaction associated with the specified split payout.



One transaction is returned as part of the result set, as indicated by the value of 1 in the total field. In addition to the usual information returned in a getTransactions call, calls made by sellers in mainland China using split payout return the payoutDetails container. This container includes the payoutIds and the payoutReference associated with a transaction. The payoutReference is the unique identifier associated with the true(actual) payout ids. The payoutIds array indicates the list of true(actual) payout ids associated with a split payout.

Sample 8: Get charitable donations against a sale

This call sample retrieves charitable donations against a sale.


If the transaction has charitable donation against a sale, it is returned.



The output returns the amount of charitable donations against a sale.

The sales transaction returned in the response is identified with its transactionId value. As indicated in the donations array, an amount of $10 went toward a charitable donation, and this amount was deducted from the seller's total payout from this sale.

Sample 9: Get shipping label transactions with tax

This call sample retrieves transactions to show shipping label transactions with tax.


If the transaction has shipping label with tax, it is returned.



The output returns details of transactions to show tax that is applied to purchased shipping labels.

The shipping label transaction in the response shows that $0.87 tax was charged against the purchase of the shipping label.

Sample 10: Get non-sale charges for an order

This call sample shows transactional fees including the final value fees for non-sale charges in a specific order. An orderId value is used as a filter, so only transactions related to that sales order are returned. Sometimes transactional fees are deducted from payouts (see Sample 6: Get transactional fees for an order) and sometimes they are billed to the seller as non-sale charge transactions (this example).


For this sample, orderId is include as a filter, and the seller wishes to retrieve all transactions related to the order ID 1*-1***9-0***8.



Only one SALE transaction and two NON_SALE_CHARGE transactions with the same ORDER_ID are returned for the filtered orderId.