This method allows the seller to expedite the creation of a priority strategy campaign.
Sellers only need to provide basic campaign information, such as the user-defined campaign name, the start date (and optionally the end date) of the campaign, the daily budget amount of the campaign, and the eBay marketplace where the campaign will be hosted. The seller must also identify the items they want to place in the campaign by adding the listing id of each item in the listingIds array of the request.
Using the provided listingIds, eBay creates ad groups for the campaign and organizes the listings into the appropriate ad group. eBay then adds keywords to each ad group and assigns each keyword a suggested bid.
By default, campaigns created using setupQuickCampaign utilize a FIXED
keyword bidding strategy which means that a seller manually assigns and adjusts keyword bids for their CPC campaign.
Alternatively, once the campaign has been created, sellers may opt to utilize a DYNAMIC
bidding strategy which means that eBay will manage a campaign's keyword bids and automatically update them daily to the suggested bid.
For additional information about FIXED
bidding strategies, refer to updateBiddingStrategy.
Campaigns created using this method will be in DRAFT
status upon creation.
The location response header returned contains the getCampaign URI to retrieve the newly created campaign that is in draft status. Sellers should make this call to review and approve the campaign before they use the launchCampaign method to start the campaign.
Note: General strategy ad campaigns are not supported.
Resource URI
This method is supported in Sandbox environment. To access the endpoint, just replace the
root URI with
URI parameters
This method has no URI parameters.
HTTP request headers
All requests made to eBay REST operations require you to provide the Authorization
HTTP header for authentication authorization.
The table below shows additional HTTP request headers that are either required, conditionally required, or strongly recommended for this method. Other standard HTTP request headers- opens rest request components page (not in this table) can also be used, but they are optional.
Header | Type | Description |
Content-Type | string | This header indicates the format of the request body provided by the client. Its value should be set to application/json. For more information, refer to HTTP request headers. Occurrence: Required |
OAuth scope
This request requires an access token created with the authorization code grant flow, using one or more scopes from the following list (please check your Application Keys page for a list of OAuth scopes available to your application):
See OAuth access tokens for more information.
Request payload
Copy complete valid JSON to clipboardRequest fields
Input container/field | Type | Description |
budget | CampaignBudgetRequest | The allocated daily budget for a Promoted Listings campaign that uses the Cost Per Click (CPC) funding model. Occurrence: Required |
budget.daily | BudgetRequest | The daily budget limit for a CPC Promoted Listings campaign. Occurrence: Conditional |
budget.daily.amount | Amount | The allocated budget amount for a CPC Promoted Listings campaign. Both the currency and value must be specified. Occurrence: Required |
budget.daily.amount.currency | CurrencyCodeEnum | The base currency applied to the value field to establish a monetary amount. Occurrence: Conditional |
budget.daily.amount.value | string | The monetary amount in the specified currency. Occurrence: Conditional |
campaignName | string | The seller-defined name for the campaign. This value must be unique for the seller. Occurrence: Required |
endDate | string | The date and time the campaign is scheduled to end, in UTC format ( Occurrence: Optional |
listingIds | array of string | This array includes the listing Ids of the items that are to be associated with the priority strategy campaign. eBay will create ad groups and keywords for these listings and add them to the campaign. Occurrence: Required |
marketplaceId | MarketplaceIdEnum | The Id of the marketplace where the campaign is hosted. See the MarkeplaceIdEnum type for more details. Occurrence: Required |
startDate | string | The date and time the campaign is scheduled to start, in UTC format ( Occurrence: Required |
HTTP response headers
See HTTP response headers for details.
Header | Meaning |
Location | The location response header contains the getCampaign URI to the newly created quick setup campaign. The URL includes the eBay-assigned campaignId , which you can use to reference the campaign. |
Response payload
This call has no payload.
Response fields
This call has no field definitions.
HTTP status codes
This call can return one of the following HTTP status codes. For an overview of the status codes, see HTTP status codes in Using eBay RESTful APIs.
Status | Meaning |
201 | Created |
400 | Bad Request |
409 | Business error |
500 | Internal Server error |
Error codes
For more on errors, plus the codes of other common errors, see Handling errors.
Code | Domain | Category | Meaning |
35001 | API_MARKETING | APPLICATION | There was a problem with an eBay internal system or process. Contact eBay Developer Technical Support for assistance. |
35002 | API_MARKETING | APPLICATION | Internal error. Please wait a few minutes and try the call again. |
35006 | API_MARKETING | REQUEST | 'fundingStrategy' is required for this call. |
35014 | API_MARKETING | REQUEST | The listing Id is required for this call. |
35017 | API_MARKETING | REQUEST | 'currency' is not valid or missing. |
35019 | API_MARKETING | REQUEST | Campaign name is required for this call. |
35020 | API_MARKETING | REQUEST | The campaign name cannot be more than {maxCampaignNameLength} characters. |
35021 | API_MARKETING | REQUEST | A campaign with the name of {campaignName} already exists. Please provide a different name. |
35023 | API_MARKETING | REQUEST | The request contains invalid characters. {notAllowedCharacters} are not allowed. |
35024 | API_MARKETING | REQUEST | The campaign start date {startDate} cannot be after the end date {endDate}. |
35025 | API_MARKETING | REQUEST | A campaign start date is required. |
35026 | API_MARKETING | REQUEST | A campaign start or end date {date} cannot be in the past. |
35037 | API_MARKETING | REQUEST | The listing associated with listing Id {listingId} has ended. |
35038 | API_MARKETING | REQUEST | The funding model is required. Valid values for 'fundingModel' are: {fundingModelValues}. |
35041 | API_MARKETING | REQUEST | The 'marketplaceId' is required. |
35051 | API_MARKETING | BUSINESS | 'marketplaceId' {marketplaceId} is not supported. Promoted Listings is supported only on these marketplaces: {supportedMarketplaces}. |
35052 | API_MARKETING | BUSINESS | The category {categoryId} is not supported by the Promoted Listing service for multi-quantity listings. |
35054 | API_MARKETING | BUSINESS | The listing Id {listingId} was created on a different marketplace than the campaign. The listing and campaign must reside on the same marketplace. |
35057 | API_MARKETING | BUSINESS | The listing Id {listingId} does not belong to the seller making this call. |
35058 | API_MARKETING | BUSINESS | The listing Id {listingId} is not a fixed price item. This is a requirement for a promoted listing. |
36152 | API_MARKETING | BUSINESS | The 'bidPercentage' is not supported for CPC funding model. |
36153 | API_MARKETING | BUSINESS | The daily budget currency {currency} is not supported for {fieldName}. The supported currency for the {marketplaceId} marketplace is {supportedCurrencyCode}. |
36154 | API_MARKETING | BUSINESS | The daily budget below minimum allowed {minAllowed}. |
36155 | API_MARKETING | BUSINESS | The daily budget above maximum allowed {maxAllowed}. |
36157 | API_MARKETING | BUSINESS | The daily budget is required for campaigns with CPC funding model. |
36158 | API_MARKETING | BUSINESS | The daily budget value format {dailyBudgetValue} cannot have more than 2 decimal places. |
36159 | API_MARKETING | BUSINESS | 'marketplaceId' {marketPlaceId} is not supported. Promoted Listings with CPC funding model is supported only on these marketplaces: {supportedMarketplaces}. |
36160 | API_MARKETING | REQUEST | This functionality is only supported for CPC funding model. |
36363 | API_MARKETING | BUSINESS | Quick setup is unavailable for the selected listings. Please check the listings and submit the call again. |
For more on warnings, plus the codes of other common warnings, see Handling errors.
Code | Domain | Category | Meaning |
36362 | API_MARKETING | BUSINESS | Quick setup is unavailable for the {count} of the selected listings. |
36365 | API_MARKETING | BUSINESS | The category is not supported by the Promoted Listing service for multi-quantity listings. |
36366 | API_MARKETING | BUSINESS | The listing id was created on a different marketplace than the campaign. The listing and campaign must reside on the same marketplace. |
36367 | API_MARKETING | BUSINESS | The listing id does not belong to the seller making this call. |
36368 | API_MARKETING | BUSINESS | The listing id is not a fixed price item. This is a requirement for a promoted listing. |
36369 | API_MARKETING | REQUEST | The listing id is invalid or has ended. |
New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.
Note: Identifiers, such as order IDs or user IDs, and personal data in these samples might be anonymized or may no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, substitute current, relevant eBay data in your requests.
Sample 1: Create a Quick Setup Campaign
This sample creates a quick setup priority strategy campaign named "Spring Sale." This campaign uses the CPC funding model and has a specified start and end date. A single listing is associated with this campaign.
The inputs for this sample are campaignName, startDate, endDate, marketplaceId, budget, and listingIds.
If the call is successful, HTTP status code 201 Created is returned and the campaign is created in DRAFT
status. Sellers can then use the launchCampaign method to start, or schedule to start, the campaign.
In addition, the response contains a location response header that contains the getCampaign URI to the newly created campaign. This method has no response payload.