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The following table provides definitions for the fields in the delete inventory feed.

Sample feed files:

Note: The fields in the table below are ordered according to their order in the CSV feed file. The parent is provided for XML fields in order to make it easier to locate that field in the XML feed file.

Field name



XML: delete.SKU

Required. The product's Stock Keeping Unit (SKU). The SKU must be unique across your entire inventory.

Type: string

Maximum length: 50 characters

CSV: Action

XML: delete.action

Required. The specified delete action with one of the following valid values:

  • DeleteListing: Deletes one or more listings from the specified eBay marketplace/sales channel. The SKUs and associated information remain in MIP.

  • DeleteInventory: Deletes one or more listings from all eBay marketplaces/sales channels. SKUs and associated information are removed from MIP.

When the DeleteInventory action deletes a SKU, if the SKU is in an active single-variation listing, the delete action ends the listing.

If the SKU is in a multiple-variation listing, it won’t end that listing, but it will remove the variation represented by the SKU.

Therefore, DeleteListing should be used if the SKU is part of an active listing, and DeleteInventory should be used if the SKU is not part of an active listing.

Type: string

Channel ID


Conditionally required, when using the DeleteListing action to specify sales channels. Because the DeleteInventory action deletes listings from all channels, specifying a channel with this option has no effect.

The unique identifier of the eBay marketplace/sales channel, such as EBAY_US, EBAY_GB, or EBAY_DE, and others. See Marketplace enumerated values for full list. This is where the seller is listing the item.

Type: string

CSV: Format

XML: delete.format

Optional. The listing format.

A string with this valid value:



Type: string

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