eBay Trading APIVersion 1379


Contains information about a country where a specified seller is eligible to offer eBay Plus on listings, as well as the seller's opt-in status and listing preference for that country.

eBay Plus is a premium account option for buyers, which provides benefits such as fast free domestic shipping and free returns on selected items. Top Rated eBay sellers must opt in to eBay Plus to be able offer the program on qualifying listings. Sellers must commit to next-day delivery of those items.

Note: Currently, eBay Plus is available only to buyers in Germany and Australia. In Australia, the seller has no control/responsibility over setting the eBay Plus feature for a listing. Instead, eBay will evaluate/determine whether a listing is eligible for eBay Plus. For more details about eBay Plus, see eBay Plus.

Type that uses EBayPLUSPreferenceType:

Call that uses EBayPLUSPreferenceType:


Country ( CountryCodeType ) [0..1]
An ISO 3166 standard two-letter code that identifies a country where the seller is eligible to offer eBay Plus on fixed price listings.

Note: Currently, eBay Plus is available only to buyers in Germany and Australia.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Country.

ListingPreference ( boolean ) [0..1]
A value of true indicates that if OptInStatus is also true, the seller will offer eBay Plus by default for new listings in the specified country. If this field's value is false (and OptInStatus is true), the seller will offer eBay Plus on a listing by listing basis in the specified country.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ListingPreference.

OptInStatus ( boolean ) [0..1]
A value of true indicates that the seller has opted in to eBay Plus for listings in the specified country.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use OptInStatus.