eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

GetDescriptionTemplatesRequestType ( AbstractRequestType )

This is the base request type for the GetDescriptionTemplates call. This call retrieves detailed information on the Listing Designer templates that are available for use by the seller.

Call that uses GetDescriptionTemplatesRequestType:


CategoryID ( string ) [0..1]
A CategoryID value can be specified if the seller would like to only see the Listing Designer templates that are available for that eBay category. This field will be ignored if the MotorVehicles boolean field is also included in the call request and set to true.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use CategoryID.

LastModifiedTime ( dateTime ) [0..1]
This dateTime filter can be included and used if the user only wants to check for recently-added Listing Designer templates. If this filter is used, only the Listing Designer templates that have been added/modified after the specified timestamp will be returned in the response.

Typically, you will pass in the timestamp value that was returned the last time you refreshed the list of Listing Designer templates.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use LastModifiedTime.

MotorVehicles ( boolean ) [0..1]
This boolean field should be included and set to true if the user would only like to see the Listing Designer templates that are available for motor vehicle categories. This field will override any CategoryID value that is specified in the call request.

Note: Motor vehicle-related Listing Designer templates are only available for eBay Motors on the US and Canada (English) marketplaces. To retrieve eBay US Motors Listing Designer templates, the SITEID HTTP header value must be set to 100, which is the identifier of the eBay US Motors vertical (ebay.com/motors).
See the Field Index to learn which calls use MotorVehicles.