eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

GetNotificationsUsageRequestType ( AbstractRequestType )

Retrieves usage information about platform notifications for a given application. You can use this notification information to troubleshoot issues with platform notifications. You can call this up to 50 times per hour for a given application.

Call that uses GetNotificationsUsageRequestType:


EndTime ( dateTime ) [0..1]
Specifies the end date and time for which notification information will be retrieved. EndTime is optional.

If no EndTime is specified, the current time (the time the call is made) is used. If no EndTime is specified or if an invalid EndTime is specified, date range errors are returned in the response. For an EndTime to be valid, it must be no more than 72 hours before the time the of the call, it cannot be before the StartTime, and it cannot be later than the time of the call. If an invalid EndTime is specified, the current time is used.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use EndTime.

ItemID ( ItemIDType (string) ) [0..1]
Specifies an item ID for which detailed notification information will be retrieved.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ItemID.

StartTime ( dateTime ) [0..1]
Specifies the start date and time for which notification information will be retrieved. StartTime is optional. If no StartTime is specified, the default value of 24 hours prior to the call time is used. If no StartTime is specified or if an invalid StartTime is specified, date range errors are returned in the response. For a StartTime to be valid, it must be no more than 72 hours before the time of the call, it cannot be more recent than the EndTime, and it cannot be later than the time of the call. If an invalid StartTime is specified, the default value is used.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use StartTime.