eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

GetUserPreferencesRequestType ( AbstractRequestType )

Retrieves the specified user preferences for the authenticated caller.

Call that uses GetUserPreferencesRequestType:


ShowBidderNoticePreferences ( boolean ) [1]
If included and set to true, the seller's preference for receiving contact information for unsuccessful bidders is returned in the response.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowBidderNoticePreferences.

ShowCombinedPaymentPreferences ( boolean ) [1]
If included and set to true, the seller's combined invoice preferences are returned in the response. These preferences are used to allow Combined Invoice orders.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowCombinedPaymentPreferences.

ShowDispatchCutoffTimePreferences ( boolean ) [0..1]
If included and set to true, the seller's same-day handling cutoff time is returned in DispatchCutoffTimePreference.CutoffTime.

Note: For sellers opted in to the feature that supports different order cutoff times for each business day, the order cutoff time returned in the response may not be accurate. In order for the seller to confirm the actual order cutoff time for same-day handling, that seller should view Shipping Preferences in My eBay.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowDispatchCutoffTimePreferences.

ShoweBayPLUSPreference ( boolean ) [0..1]
To determine whether a seller can offer eBay Plus in qualified listings, include this field and set it to true.

eBay Plus is a premium account option for buyers, which provides benefits such as fast free domestic shipping and free returns on selected items. Top Rated eBay sellers must opt in to eBay Plus, and can offer the program on a per-listing basis.

The eBayPLUSPreference container is returned in the response with information about each country where the seller is eligible to offer eBay Plus on listings (one eBayPLUSPreference container per country), as well as the seller's opt-in status and listing preference for each country.

Note: Currently, eBay Plus is available only to buyers in Germany and Australia. In Australia, the seller has no control/responsibility over setting the eBay Plus feature for a listing. Instead, eBay will evaluate/determine whether a listing is eligible for eBay Plus.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShoweBayPLUSPreference.

ShowEmailShipmentTrackingNumberPreference ( boolean ) [0..1]
If included and set to true, the seller's preference for sending an email to the buyer with the shipping tracking number is returned in the response.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowEmailShipmentTrackingNumberPreference.

ShowEndOfAuctionEmailPreferences ( boolean ) [0..1]
If included and set to true, the seller's preferences for the end-of-auction email sent to the winning bidder is returned in the response. These preferences are only applicable for auction listings.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowEndOfAuctionEmailPreferences.

ShowGlobalShippingProgramListingPreference ( boolean ) [0..1]
If included and set to true, the GlobalShippingProgramListingPreference field is returned. A returned value of true indicates that the seller's new listings will enable the Global Shipping Program by default.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowGlobalShippingProgramListingPreference.

ShowGlobalShippingProgramPreference ( boolean ) [0..1]
If this flag is included and set to true, the seller's preference for offering the Global Shipping Program to international buyers will be returned in OfferGlobalShippingProgramPreference.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowGlobalShippingProgramPreference.

ShowOutOfStockControlPreference ( boolean ) [0..1]
If included and set to true, the seller's preferences related to the Out-of-Stock feature will be returned. This feature is set using the SetUserPreferences call.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowOutOfStockControlPreference.

ShowOverrideGSPServiceWithIntlServicePreference ( boolean ) [0..1]
If included and set to true, the OverrideGSPServiceWithIntlServicePreference field is returned. A returned value of true indicates that for the seller's listings that specify an international shipping service for any Global Shipping-eligible country, the specified service will take precedence and be the listing's default international shipping option for buyers in that country, rather than the Global Shipping Program.

A returned value of false indicates that the Global Shipping program will take precedence over any international shipping service as the default option in Global Shipping-eligible listings for shipping to any Global Shipping-eligible country.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowOverrideGSPServiceWithIntlServicePreference.

ShowPickupDropoffPreferences ( boolean ) [0..1]
If included and set to true, the PickupDropoffSellerPreference field is returned. A returned value of true indicates that the seller's new listings will by default be eligible to be evaluated for the Click and Collect feature.

With the Click and Collect feature, a buyer can purchase certain items on eBay and collect them at a local store. Buyers are notified by eBay once their items are available. The Click and Collect feature is only available to large merchants on the eBay UK (site ID 3), eBay Australia (Site ID 15), and eBay Germany (Site ID 77) sites.

Note: The Click and Collect program no longer allows sellers to set the Click and Collect preference at the listing level.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowPickupDropoffPreferences.

ShowPurchaseReminderEmailPreferences ( boolean ) [0..1]
If included and set to true, the seller's preference for sending a purchase reminder email to buyers is returned in the response.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowPurchaseReminderEmailPreferences.

ShowRequiredShipPhoneNumberPreference ( boolean ) [0..1]
If included and set to true, the seller's preference for requiring that the buyer supply a shipping phone number upon checkout is returned in the response. Some shipping carriers require the receiver's phone number.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowRequiredShipPhoneNumberPreference.

ShowSellerExcludeShipToLocationPreference ( boolean ) [0..1]
If included and set to true, all of the seller's excluded shipping locations are returned in the response. The returned list mirrors the seller's current Exclude shipping locations list in My eBay's Shipping Preferences. An excluded shipping location in My eBay can be an entire geographical region (such as Middle East) or only an individual country (such as Iraq). Sellers can override these default settings for an individual listing by using the Item.ShippingDetails.ExcludeShipToLocation field in the AddItem family of calls.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowSellerExcludeShipToLocationPreference.

ShowSellerFavoriteItemPreferences ( boolean ) [0..1]
If included and set to true, the seller's favorite item preferences are returned in the response.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowSellerFavoriteItemPreferences.

ShowSellerPaymentPreferences ( boolean ) [1]
If included and set to true, the seller's payment preferences are returned in the response.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowSellerPaymentPreferences.

ShowSellerProfilePreferences ( boolean ) [1]
If this flag is included and set to true, the seller's Business Policies profile information is returned in the response. This information includes a flag that indicates whether or not the seller has opted into Business Policies, as well as Business Policies profiles (payment, shipping, and return policy) active on the seller's account.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowSellerProfilePreferences.

ShowSellerReturnPreferences ( boolean ) [0..1]
If this flag is included and set to true, the SellerReturnPreferences container is returned in the response and indicates whether or not the seller has opted in to eBay Managed Returns.

eBay Managed Returns are currently only available on the US, UK, DE, AU, and CA (English and French) sites.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowSellerReturnPreferences.

ShowUnpaidItemAssistanceExclusionList ( boolean ) [0..1]
If included and set to true, the list of eBay user IDs on the Unpaid Item preferences Excluded User list is returned through the UnpaidItemAssistancePreferences.ExcludedUser field in the response.

For excluded users, an Unpaid Item is not automatically cancelled. The Excluded User list is managed through the SetUserPreferences call.

Note: To return the list of buyers excluded from the Unpaid Item preferences, the ShowUnpaidItemAssistancePreference field must also be included and set to true in the request.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowUnpaidItemAssistanceExclusionList.

ShowUnpaidItemAssistancePreference ( boolean ) [0..1]
If included and set to true, the seller's Unpaid Item preferences are returned in the response. The Unpaid Item preferences can be used to automatically cancel an unpaid order and relist the item on the behalf of the seller.

Note: To return the list of buyers excluded from the Unpaid Item preferences, the ShowUnpaidItemAssistanceExclusionList field must also be included and set to true in the request. Excluded buyers can be viewed in the UnpaidItemAssistancePreferences.ExcludedUser field.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShowUnpaidItemAssistancePreference.