eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

ItemTypeCodeType ( token )

Enumerated type containing values that provide more information on the type of filtering the buyer used when setting up a Saved Search in My eBay.

Type that uses ItemTypeCodeType:

Call that uses one or more values of ItemTypeCodeType:

Enumeration Values

Value Description
AllItems When setting up filtering for the Saved Search, the buyer was looking for all items closely associated with the search term, so selected all buying formats (Auction, Buy It Now, and Classified Ads). All items are retrieved for the buyer, including auction items (with or without the Buy It Now option), fixed-price items, and classified ad listings.
AuctionItemsOnly When setting up filtering for the Saved Search, the buyer was only looking for auction items (with or without the Buy It Now option), so only selected the Auction checkbox in the Format dialog box. When this filter is used in a Saved Search, fixed-price items and classified ad listings are not retrieved for the buyer.
ClassifiedItemsOnly When setting up filtering for the Saved Search, the buyer was only looking for classified ad listings, so only selected the Classified ads checkbox in the Format dialog box. When this filter is used in a Saved Search, auction (with or without the Buy It Now option) and fixed-price items are not retrieved for the buyer.
CustomCode Reserved for internal or future use.
FixedPricedItem When setting up filtering for the Saved Search, the buyer was looking for all fixed-price items and auction items with Buy It Now available, so only selected the Buy It Now checkbox in the Format dialog box. When this filter is used in a Saved Search, auction items (without the Buy It Now option) and classified ad listings are not retrieved for the buyer.
StoreInventoryOnly When setting up filtering for the Saved Search, the buyer was only looking for items sold by sellers with eBay stores, so selected the Sellers with eBay stores checkbox in the Seller dialog box. When this filter is used in a Saved Search, only items for sale in an eBay store are retrieved for the buyer.
  * See the Enumeration Index to see exact use of each enumeration value in the API.