eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

RespondToBestOfferResponseType ( AbstractResponseType )

This is the base response type for the RespondToBestOffer call. Along with the standard output fields for Trading API calls, this type contains a RespondToBestOffer container that indicates whether or not the action specified in the call request (accept, decline, or counter offer) was successful.

Call that uses RespondToBestOfferResponseType:


RespondToBestOffer ( BestOfferArrayType ) [0..1]
The BestOffer.CallStatus value returned in this container will indicate whether or not the action specified in the call request (accept, decline, or counter offer) was successful. The accept and counter offer actions can only be applied toward a single Best Offer. However, multiple Best Offers on a listing can be declined with one call. All Best Offers must be successfully declined with the RespondToBestOffer call for the BestOffer.CallStatus value to be Success.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use RespondToBestOffer.