eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

AccountHistorySelectionCodeType ( token )

This enumerated type contains the suppported values that may be used in the AccountHistorySelection field to control the account entries that are returned in a GetAccount response.

Type that uses AccountHistorySelectionCodeType:

Call that uses one or more values of AccountHistorySelectionCodeType:

Enumeration Values

Value Description
BetweenSpecifiedDates This value should be used if the eBay user wants to see account entries for a customized date range that can overlap multiple formal eBay invoices. If this value is used, then you also must specify BeginDate and EndDate to set the date range for which to retrieve account entries. If this value is used, then InvoiceDate is no longer applicable and will be ignored if it is included in the call request.
CustomCode Reserved for internal or future use.
LastInvoice This value should be used if the eBay user wants to see the account entries posted to the last invoice that was sent to the user by eBay. If this value is used, the InvoiceDate, BeginDate, and EndDate fields of the GetAccount request are no longer applicable and will be ignored if they are included in the call request.
OrderId This value should be used if the eBay user wants to see the account entries related to a specific eBay order. If this value is used, the user must also include the OrderID field and sets its value to the identifier of the order for which they wish to retrieve account entries.
  * See the Enumeration Index to see exact use of each enumeration value in the API.