eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

GetAdFormatLeadsRequestType ( AbstractRequestType )

Retrieves sales lead information for a lead generation listing.

Call that uses GetAdFormatLeadsRequestType:


EndCreationTime ( dateTime ) [0..1]
Used with StartCreationTime to limit the returned leads for a user to only those with a creation date less than or equal to the specified date and time.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use EndCreationTime.

IncludeMemberMessages ( boolean ) [0..1]
Boolean which indicates whether to return mail messages for this lead in a MemberMessage node.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use IncludeMemberMessages.

ItemID ( ItemIDType (string) ) [0..1]
The unique identifier of an item listed on the eBay site. Returned by eBay when the item is created. This ID must correspond to an ad format item.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ItemID.

StartCreationTime ( dateTime ) [0..1]
Used with EndCreationTime to limit the returned leads for a user to only those with a creation date greater than or equal to the specified date and time.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use StartCreationTime.

Filters the leads based on their status.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Status.