eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

GetItemRequestType ( AbstractRequestType )

The GetItem call returns listing data such as title, description, price information, user information, and so on, for the specified ItemID.

Call that uses GetItemRequestType:


IncludeItemCompatibilityList ( boolean ) [0..1]
This field is used to specify whether or not to retrieve Parts Compatiblity information for a motor part or accessory listing. If this field is included and set to true, the Item.ItemCompatibilityList container will be returned if a Parts Compatibility list exists for the listing. A Parts Compatibility list is a list of motor vehicles that are compatible with the listed motor part or accesory item. If a Parts Compatibility list does not exist for the listing, this field will have no effect if it is included, regardless of its value (true or false).

If this field is included and set to false or omitted, but a Parts Compatibility list does exist for the listing, the Item.ItemCompatibilityList container will not be returned, but the Item.ItemCompatibilityCount field will be returned, and this field will simply indicate the quantity of motor vehicles that are compatible with the the listed motor part or accesory item.

Parts Compatibility lists are only applicable to motor parts and accessory categories on the sites that support eBay Motors - US, CA, UK, and DE.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use IncludeItemCompatibilityList.

IncludeItemSpecifics ( boolean ) [0..1]
If this field is included and set to true, the call response includes the ItemSpecifics container if Item Specifics are defined for the listing.

An Item Specific is any aspect that helps define/classify the item. Many eBay categories mandate including specific Item Specifics, so it is always a good idea to make a call to the getItemAspectsForCategory method of the Taxonomy API to see what Item Specifics are required and which ones are recommended.

Including this field and setting it to true will also return the UnitInfo container if applicable. The UnitInfo container will provide information about the weight, volume or other quantity measurement of a listed item. The European Union requires listings for certain types of products to include the price per unit so buyers can accurately compare prices. eBay uses the UnitType and UnitQuantity values and the item's listed price to calculate and display the per-unit price on eBay EU sites.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use IncludeItemSpecifics.

IncludeTaxTable ( boolean ) [0..1]
The seller will include this field and set its value to true if the seller wishes to view the defined sales tax rates for the various jurisdictions in the country (generally, states and provinces). Information for each defined sales tax rate will be returned in the TaxTable container in the response.

Even if this field is included and set to true, no TaxTable container will be returned If no sales tax rates are defined for any tax jurisdiction in the seller's sales tax table.

Sales tax tables are only available for eBay US and Canada marketplaces. Sales tax rates can be added/modified in My eBay, through the SetTaxTable and GetTaxTable calls of the Trading API, or through the Sales Tax calls of the Account API.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use IncludeTaxTable.

IncludeWatchCount ( boolean ) [0..1]
The seller can include this field and set its value to true if that seller wants to see how many prospective bidders/buyers currently have the item added to their Watch Lists. The Watch count is returned in the WatchCount field in the response.

This field will only be returnd to the seller of the item.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use IncludeWatchCount.

ItemID ( ItemIDType (string) ) [0..1]
This field is used to identify the eBay listing by Item ID value.

ItemID is a required input in most cases. SKU can be used instead in certain cases (see the description of SKU). If both ItemID and SKU are specified for items where the inventory tracking method is ItemID, ItemID takes precedence.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ItemID.

SKU ( SKUType (string) ) [0..1]
Retrieves an item that was listed by the user identified in AuthToken and that is being tracked by this SKU.

A SKU (stock keeping unit) is an identifier defined by a seller. Some sellers use SKUs to track complex flows of products and information on the client side. eBay preserves the SKU on the item, enabling you to obtain it before and after an order line item is created. (SKU is recommended as an alternative to ApplicationData.)

In GetItem, SKU can only be used to retrieve one of your own items, where you listed the item by using AddFixedPriceItem or RelistFixedPriceItem, and you set Item.InventoryTrackingMethod to SKU at the time the item was listed. (These criteria are necessary to uniquely identify the listing by a SKU.)

Either ItemID or SKU is required in the request. If both are passed, they must refer to the same item, and that item must have InventoryTrackingMethod set to SKU.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use SKU.

TransactionID ( string ) [0..1]
A unique identifier for an order line item. An order line item is created when a buyer commits to purchasing an item.

Since you can change active multiple-quantity fixed-price listings even after one of the items has been purchased, the TransactionID is associated with a snapshot of the item data at the time of the purchase.

After one item in a multi-quantity listing has been sold, sellers can not change the values in the Title, Primary Category, Secondary Category, Listing Duration, and Listing Type fields. However, all other fields are editable.

Specifying a TransactionID in the GetItem request allows you to retrieve a snapshot of the listing as it was when the order line item was created.

The TransactionID value for auction listings is always 0 since there can be only one winning bidder/one sale for an auction listing.

Note: Beginning in July 2024, non-zero transaction IDs will start being returned for auction listings. If necessary, update code to handle non-zero transaction IDs for auction transactions before this time.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use TransactionID.

VariationSKU ( SKUType (string) ) [0..1]
Variation-level SKU that uniquely identifes a Variation within the listing identified by ItemID. Only applicable when the seller listed the item with Variation-level SKU (Variation.SKU) values. Retrieves all the usual Item fields, but limits the Variations content to the specified Variation. If not specified, the response includes all Variations.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use VariationSKU.

VariationSpecifics ( NameValueListArrayType ) [0..1]
Name-value pairs that identify one or more Variations within the listing identified by ItemID. Only applicable when the seller listed the item with Variations. Retrieves all the usual Item fields, but limits the Variations content to the specified Variation(s). If the specified pairs do not match any Variation, eBay returns all Variations.

To retrieve only one variation, specify the full set of name/value pairs that match all the name-value pairs of one Variation.

To retrieve multiple variations (using a wildcard), specify one or more name/value pairs that partially match the desired variations. For example, if the listing contains Variations for shirts in different colors and sizes, specify Color as Red (and no other name/value pairs) to retrieve all the red shirts in all sizes (but no other colors).
See the Field Index to learn which calls use VariationSpecifics.