eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

ValueTypeCodeType ( token )

This enumeration type is used by the order management calls (like GetOrders), and indicates the type of tax ID used in the BuyerTaxIdentifier container..

Type that uses ValueTypeCodeType:

Calls that use one or more values of ValueTypeCodeType:

Enumeration Values

Value Description
CEDULA This value indicates that the tax ID in the ID field is a Cedula number, which is an identifier used by the Chilean, Columbian, and Dominican Republic governments to identify taxpayers in those countries. This ID is sometimes referred to as a 'Cedula de Identidad'.
CNPJ This value indicates that the tax ID in the ID field is a CNPJ number, which is an identifier used by the Brazilian government to identify taxpayers in Brazil. In Portuguese, this ID is known as the 'Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Juridica'.
CodiceFiscale This value indicates that the tax ID in the ID field is a Codice Fiscale ID, which is an identifier used by the Italian government to identify taxpayers in Italy.
CPFTaxID This value indicates that the tax ID in the ID field is a Tax Registration Number, which is an identifier used by the Brazilian government to identify taxpayers in Brazil. In Portuguese, this ID is known as the 'Cadastro de Pessoas Fisicas', or 'CPF'.
CustomCode Reserved for future use.
DNI This value indicates that the tax ID in the ID field is a Spanish National Identity Number, which is one identifier used by the Spanish government to identify taxpayers in Spain. In Spanish, this ID is known as the 'Documento nacional de identidad'. The other tax identifier for Spanish residents is the NIE number, or 'Numero de Identidad de Extranjero'.
DriverLicense This value indicates that the identifier in the ID field is a driver's license number.
NIE This value indicates that the tax ID in the ID field is a NIE Number, which is one identifier used by the Spanish government to identify taxpayers in Spain. 'NIE' stands for 'Numero de Identidad de Extranjero'. The other tax identifier for Spanish residents is the DNI number, or 'Documento nacional de identidad'. Spanish residents can also be identified by their Spanish VAT (Value-Added Tax) number, which is also called the 'Numero de Identificacion Fiscal' or NIF.
NIF This value indicates that the ID in the ID field is an NIF Number, which is also known as their Spanish VAT (Value-Added Tax) number. 'NIF' stands for 'Numero de Identificacion Fiscal'. Spanish residents can also be identified by their DNI ('Documento nacional de identidad') number or their NIE ('Numero de Identidad de Extranjero') number.
NIT This value indicates that the tax ID in the ID field is a NIT number, which is an identifier used by the Guatemalan government to identify taxpayers in Guatemala. In Spanish, this ID is known as the 'Numero de identificacion tributaria'.
RussianPassport This value indicates that the tax ID in the ID field is a Russian Passport number.
TurkeyID This value indicates that the tax ID in the ID field is a Turkish Identification Number, which is an identifier used by the Turkish government to identify taxpayers in Turkey. In Turkish, this ID is known as the 'Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Kimlik Numarasi', often abbreviated as T.C. Kimlik No.
VATIN This value indicates that the tax ID in the ID field is a VAT Identification Number for the buyer.
  * See the Enumeration Index to see exact use of each enumeration value in the API.