eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

AccountDetailEntryCodeType ( token )

Enumerated type that defines the fee/charge and credit transactions that occur on an eBay user's account. These values are returned in the AccountEntry.AccountDetailsEntryType output field of the GetAccount call.

Type that uses AccountDetailEntryCodeType:

Call that uses one or more values of AccountDetailEntryCodeType:

Enumeration Values

Value Description
AccountStateSwitch This enumeration value may be returned to act as a note to indicate that there has been a change in the status of the user's account.
AdFeeExpress This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a Promoted Listing Express fee.
AdFeeExpressCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit applied against a Promoted Listing Express fee.
AdFeePremium This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged for a Advanced Promoted Listing ad on eBay. With Advanced Promoted Listings, the seller uses keywords to promote the listing, and if buyers find the listing based on a keyword defined in the seller's Promoted Listings campaign, the seller is charged a fee each time the ad is clicked. The seller chooses the bid percentage rate for the ad, and this rate is charged for each click on the ad.
AdFeePremiumCredit This enumeration value indicates that a credit was issued toward an Advanced Promoted Listing ad fee.
AllFeesCredit This enumeration value may be returned if eBay is issuing a credit to the seller for multiple listing fees.
AUPostReturnLabelFee This enumeration value indicates that the seller was charged a fee for an Australia Post return shipping label.
AUPostReturnLabelFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the seller received a credit against a fee for an Australia Post return shipping label.
AustraliaGST This enumeration value is deprecated.
AustraliaGSTCredit This enumeration value is deprecated.
AWCredit This value is no longer applicable, and should not be returned.
AWDebit This value is no longer applicable, and should not be returned.
AWMemo This value is no longer applicable, and should not be returned.
BankPayoutFee This enumeration value indicates that the seller was charged a fee for a payout to their bank account.
Note: This fee is for future use, and will initially only apply to sellers based in mainland China if they choose to receive payout funds through a bank account instead of through their Payoneer account.
BankPayoutFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the seller was issued a credit against a fee for a payout to their bank account.
BBAdminCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued administratively.
BBAdminDebit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a charge issued administratively.
BulkUserSuspension This enumeration value may be returned to act as a note to indicate that the user's account has been suspended as part of a bulk suspension initiated by eBay.
BuyItNowCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued by eBay if the seller uses the 'Buy It Now' feature on an auction listing.
BuyItNowFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged by eBay if the seller uses the 'Buy It Now' feature on an auction listing.
CanadaPostLabelFee This enumeration value indicates the invoice charge is for a Canada Post Label fee.
CanadaPostLabelFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that a credit was issued for a Canada Post Label fee charge.
CAPostReturnLabelFee This enumeration value indicates that the seller was charged a fee for a Canadian Post return shipping label.
CAPostReturnLabelFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the seller was issued a credit against a fee for a Canadian Post return shipping label.
CCNotOnFilePerCustReq This enumeration value may be returned as a note that the user's credit card is not with eBay.
CCPaymentRejected This enumeration value may be returned as a note if a user's credit card payment is rejected.
ChargeBack This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a charge back.
ChargeBackReversal This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is the reversal of a charge back.
Chargeoff This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is an eBay write-off of an account charge.
ChargeoffBankruptcy This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is an eBay write-off of the account charges by eBay due to the seller declaring bankruptcy.
ChargeoffDeceased This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is an eBay write-off of the account charges by eBay due to the decease of the seller.
ChargeoffOther This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is an eBay write-off of the account charges by eBay due to the decease of the seller.
ChargeoffRecovery This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is the recovery of an eBay write-off of an acccount charge.
ChargeoffSuspended This enumeration value may be returned as a note that the eBay write-off of an account charge has been suspended.
ChargeoffWacko This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is an eBay write-off of the account charges by eBay due to the wackiness of the seller.
CharityDonation This enumeration value indicates that the seller donated a portion of their sale proceeds to a charitable organization.
CharityDonationCredit This enumeration value indicates that the seller was issued a credit against a donation to a charitable organization.
CoFundingCharge This enumeration value indicates that eBay is billing the seller for a co-funding charge.
CoFundingChargeCredit This enumeration value indicates that eBay is giving credit to the seller for a co-funding charge.
CreditAd This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued toward a Standard Promoted Listing ad fee.
CreditAPACFedExShippingLabel This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit toward a fee charged to the seller for printing out and using an FedEx shipping label from eBay in the Asia-Pacific geographical region. In some cases, this credit may be issued to the seller as a result of an Unpaid Item case that the seller has won against a buyer.
CreditAPACTNTShippingLabel This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit toward a fee charged to the seller for printing out and using an Track & Trace (TNT) shipping label from eBay in the Asia-Pacific geographical region.In some cases, this credit may be issued to the seller as a result of an Unpaid Item case that the seller has won against a buyer.
CreditAuctionEndEarly This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued by eBay to the seller's account if a duplicate auction listing is ended administratively by eBay. A seller is only eligible for this credit if the auction listing had zero bids and was never surfaced in Search.
CreditAUPostShippingLabel This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit toward a fee charged to the seller for printing out and using an Australia Post shipping label from eBay. In some cases, this credit may be issued to the seller as a result of an Unpaid Item case that the seller has won against a buyer.
CreditBold This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit for a Bold title listing upgrade.
CreditCardNotOnFile This enumeration value may be returned if the account entry is a one-time payment made with a user's credit card that is not on file with eBay for automatic monthly payments.
CreditCardOnFile This enumeration value may be returned if the account entry is an automatic monthly charge of the seller's invoice amount made by eBay to a credit card the seller has placed on file.
CreditCategoryFeatured This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit for a listing upgrade fee for featuring the listing on an eBay category page relevant to the item.

Note: This feature is no longer available to most marketplaces and sellers.
CreditCourtesy This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a courtesy credit issued by eBay to the user.
CreditDuplicateListing This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued to the seller for any listing fees for a duplicate listing that was removed by eBay.
CrediteBayMotorsProFeatureFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit towards an eBay Motors Pro fee for a Feature pack. Applies to eBay Motors Pro registered dealers only.
CrediteBayMotorsProFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit towards an eBay Motors Pro fee. Applies to eBay Motors Pro registered dealers only.
CrediteBayPlusSubscription This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit toward an annual subscription fee charged for an eBay Plus subscription.
CrediteBayStores This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit toward the user's eBay Store subscription fee.
CreditEBPReimbursement This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit toward a fee charged for eBay Money Back Guarantee reimbursement.
CreditEquifaxRealtimeFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued to a seller who was charged an Equifax fee.
CreditFeatured This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit for a listing upgrade fee for featuring the listing on an eBay marketplace's home page.

Note: This feature is no longer available to most marketplaces and sellers.
CreditFeaturedGallery This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued by eBay for the Featured Gallery fee charged when the item was listed.
CreditFedExShippingLabel This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued by eBay to reimburse the seller for a FedEx shipping label. In some cases, this credit may be issued to the seller as a result of an Unpaid Item case that the seller has won against a buyer.
CreditFinalValue This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit for a final value fee for a sale on the listing. A final value fee may be credited back to a seller's account if the buyer never pays for the line item, or if the buyer cancels the order.
CreditFinalValueFixedPrice This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit for a final value fee for a sale on the fixed-price listing. A final value fee may be credited back to a seller's account if the buyer never pays for the line item, or if the buyer cancels the order.
CreditFinalValueShipping This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit towards a final value fee for the shipping cost of an order. This fee is charged when a listed item sells, and is a percentage of the shipping cost. The final value fee associated with the final sale price is returned in a FeeFinalValue entry.
CreditGallery This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued by eBay for the Gallery fee charged when the item was listed.
CreditGalleryPlus This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit towards a fee charged by eBay for listing an item with the Gallery Plus feature.
CreditGlobalShippingProgram This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit towards a fee charged by eBay if the seller is using the Global Shipping Program to ship an item internationally.
CreditInsertion This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is an insertion fee credit issued by eBay to the seller.
CreditInsertionFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is an insertion fee credit. If a listed item does not sell or results in an Unpaid Item case, the seller can relist the item with no additional charge.
CreditInsertionFixedPrice This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is an insertion fee credit for a fixed-price listing.
CreditIPIXPhoto This enumeration value is no longer applicable as the iPix photo feature is no longer available on any eBay marketplace.
CreditIPIXSlideShow This enumeration value is no longer applicable as the iPix photo feature is no longer available on any eBay marketplace.
CreditLargePicture This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued by eBay to the seller for a super-sized picture in a listing.
CreditNoSale This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued by eBay to the user due to no sale.
CreditPartialSale This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued by eBay to the user due to a partial sale.
CreditPCGS This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit for a PCGS fee.
CreditPictureShow This enumeration value is no longer applicable since the picture slide show feature is no longer available.
CreditPrivateListing This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee for a private listing. With a private listing, bidders/buyers remain anonymous to other eBay users (besides the seller).
CreditPSA This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit for a PSA payment.
CreditRealEstate30DaysListing This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issue to a seller for a 30-day classified ad listing in a Real Estate category.
CreditReserve This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit refunded to the seller for a reserve price that was set for an auction listing.
CreditReturnRefund This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued to the buyer's account by eBay in a case where the buyer has used the eBay returns process and return shipped the item to the seller, but the seller has not issued a refund to the buyer within seven business days after receiving the returned item. The buyer credit amounts to the total purchase price plus any shipping costs if the item was 'not as described'.
CreditReturnShipping This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit toward a return shipping fee if an item is returned by the buyer.
CreditSchedule This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued by eBay to the seller if the seller needs to be refunded for a scheduled listing. With scheduled listings, the seller schedules a listing to start at some later time (up to 3 weeks after) instead of immediately.
CreditSMBasic This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit for the monthly subscription fee charged for the basic version of Selling Manager. For most eBay marketplaces and sellers, there is no subscription charge to use the basic version of Selling Manager.
CreditSMBasicPro This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit for the monthly subscription fee charged for using the Selling Manager Pro product.
CreditSoftOutage This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued by eBay to the seller if a title search outage of one hour or longer occurs on the site.
CreditStoresSubscriptionEarlyTermination This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit toward a fee charged for early termination of an eBay Stores subscription.
CreditTenDayAuction This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued to a seller for a 10-day auction listing.
CreditTransferFrom This enumeration value may be returned if the account entry is a credit transferred from another account to this account.
CreditUBIShippingLabel This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued by eBay to reimburse the seller for a Universal Business Integration (UBI) shipping label. In some cases, this credit may be issued to the seller as a result of an Unpaid Item case that the seller has won against a buyer.
CreditVehicleSubscription This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit toward a monthly subscription fee charged for a National Vehicle subscription.
CreditVehicleSubscriptionEarlyTermination This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit toward a fee charged for early termination of a National Vehicle subscription.
CustomCode This enumeration value is Reserved for future use.
DebitTransferTo This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a debit transferred from this account to another account.
DepositProcessingFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a Motor Vehicles Deposit processing fee. eBay charges the seller a 2.8 percent processing fee (against the required deposit amount) when they sell their vehicle through a listing that required that the buyer make an initial deposit for the vehicle.
DepositProcessingFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit applied against a Motor Vehicles Deposit processing fee.
DHLPaymentProcessingFee This enumeration value indicates that the seller was charged a fee for DHL processing.
Note: Currently, this fee is only applicable in the German marketplace.
DHLPaymentProcessingFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the seller was issued a credit against a fee charged a fee for DHL processing. Note: Currently, this fee is only applicable in the German marketplace.
DHLReturnLblShippingFee This enumeration value indicates the seller was charged a fee for a DHL return shipping label and any applicable tax. Return shipping labels are subject to tax, which is payable by the seller.
DHLReturnLblShippingFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the seller was issued a credit against a fee for a DHL return shipping label.
DirectDebitNotOnFile This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a one-time payment made by direct debit to the seller's checking account, when the account information is not on file, but is provided for this payment.
DirectDebitOnFile This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a monthly payment made by automatic direct debit to the seller's checking account, when the account information is on file.
DirectDebitReturnedItem This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a reversal of a payment made by direct debit from a seller's checking account when an item is returned by the buyer.
DirectDebitReversal This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a reversal of a payment made by direct debit from the seller's checking account.
Discount This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a seller discount against a final value fee, an insertion fee, a subscription fee, or other fee. See the corresponding Description and/or Memo fields for more information on the type of discount.
eBayCredit This enumeration value may be returned for credits issued by eBay that are manually applied to the user's account, and not necessarily tied to a specific listing/line item.
eBayDebit This enumeration value may be returned for debits issued by eBay that are manually applied to the user's account, and not necessarily tied to a specific listing/line item.
eBayMotorsProFeatureFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is an eBay Motors Pro fee for a Feature pack. Applies to eBay Motors Pro registered dealers only.
eBayMotorsProFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is an eBay Motors Pro fee. Applies to eBay Motors Pro registered dealers only.
EbaySendLabelFee This enumeration value indicates the invoice charge is for eBay having to resend/regenerate a shipping label for a seller. Sellers typically have 24 hours to reprint a shipping label 24 hours after the purchase of the shipping label. If a seller tries to reprint a purchased shipping label after this time, a small fee may apply.
EbaySendLabelFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that a credit was issued for the fee charged by eBay to resend/regenerate a shipping label for the seller.
eBayVISACredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued by eBay to the user's Visa credit card.
EOMRestriction This enumeration value may be returned to act as a note that there is an 'End of the Month' restriction for account activity.
EPRFee This enumeration value indicates that the seller was charged an Eco Participation fee.
EPRFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the seller was issued a credit against an Eco Participation fee.
EquifaxRealtimeFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged to a seller who did not provide a credit card or checking account number to verify identify.
ExpressPayoutFee This enumeration value indicates the fee charged by eBay when a seller requests a payout through a debit card.
ExpressPayoutFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the fee charged to the seller for a direct payout failed and the fee will be credited back to the seller's debit card.
ExtendedDurationFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged to the seller for using an extended listing duration.
ExtendedDurationFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit towards a fee charged to the seller for using an extended listing duration.
FedExCaLabelFee This enumeration value indicates that the seller was charged a fee for a FedEx Canada shipping label.
FedExCaLabelFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the seller received a credit against a fee for a FedEx Canada shipping label.
FedExReturnLabelFee This enumeration value indicates that the seller was charged a fee for a FedEx return shipping label.
FedExReturnLabelFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the seller received a credit against a fee for a FedEx return shipping label.
FeeAd This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged for a Standard Promoted Listing ad on eBay. With Standard Promoted Listings, the seller is charged a fee when a buyer clicks on the ad and then goes on to purchase that same item within 30 days of that click. The seller chooses the bid percentage for the ad, and this rate is applied toward the total purchase price.
FeeAPACFedExShippingLabel This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged to the seller for printing out and using an FedEx shipping label from eBay in the Asia-Pacific geographical region.
FeeAPACTNTShippingLabel This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged to the seller for printing out and using an Track & Trace (TNT) shipping label from eBay in the Asia-Pacific geographical region.
FeeAuctionEndEarly This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged to the seller's account if the seller ends an auction (with bids) early.
FeeAUPostShippingLabel This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged to the seller for printing out and using an Australia Post shipping label from eBay.
FeeBold This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a listing upgrade fee for a listing title in boldface font.
FeeCategoryFeatured This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a listing upgrade fee for featuring the listing on an eBay category page relevant to the item.

Note: This feature is no longer available to most marketplaces and sellers.
FeeeBayPlusSubscription This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is an annual subscription fee charged for an eBay Plus subscription.
FeeEBPReimbursement This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged for eBay Money Back Guarantee reimbursement.
FeeFeatured This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a listing upgrade fee for featuring the listing on an eBay marketplace's home page.

Note: This feature is no longer available to most marketplaces and sellers.
FeeFeaturedGallery This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged by eBay for listing an item in the Featured section at the top of the Picture Gallery page.
FeeFedExShippingLabel This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged to the seller for printing out and using a FedEx shipping label from eBay.
FeeFinalValue This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a final value fee for a sale on the listing. This fee is charged when a listed item sells, and is a percentage of the final sale price. This fee does not take in account any shipping costs. The final value fee associated with shipping costs is returned in FeeFinalValueShipping entry.
FeeFinalValueFixedPrice This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a final value fee for a sale on the fixed-price listing. This fee is charged when a listed item sells, and is a percentage of the final sale price.
FeeFinalValueShipping This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a final value fee for the shipping cost of an order. This fee is charged when a listed item sells, and is a percentage of the shipping cost. The final value fee associated with the final sale price is returned in a FeeFinalValue entry.
FeeGallery This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged by eBay for listing an item in the Picture Gallery. A buyer sees a picture of the item when browsing a category, before moving to the item's listing page.
FeeGalleryPlus This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged by eBay for listing an item with the Gallery Plus feature.
FeeGlobalShippingProgram This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged by eBay if the seller is using the Global Shipping Program to ship an item internationally.
FeeInsertion This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is an insertion fee for a listing.
FeeInsertionFixedPrice This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is an insertion fee for a fixed-price listing.
FeeIPIXPhoto This enumeration value is no longer applicable as the iPix photo feature is no longer available on any eBay marketplace.
FeeIPIXSlideShow This enumeration value is no longer applicable as the iPix photo feature is no longer available on any eBay marketplace.
FeeLargePicture This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged by eBay for a super-sized picture in a listing.
FeeNSFCheck This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged by eBay when the seller's check does not clear due to insufficient funds.
FeePartialSale This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged by eBay for a partial sale.
FeePaymentIntermediationChargeback This enumeration value indicates the credit is a seller reimbursement for an eBay payment intermediation fee.
FeePaymentIntermediationChargebackRVI This enumeration value indicates the invoice credit is a seller reimbursement for an eBay payment intermediation fee.
FeePaymentIntermediationRVI This enumeration value indicates that the charge is a payment processing fee for the order. This fee is only applied at the order level, and the amount of the fee will be the same, regardless of how many line items are in the order or on the total cost of the order. Typically, this fee is $0.30.
FeeRealEstate30DaysListing This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged for a 30-day classified ad listing in a Real Estate category.
FeeRedepositCheck This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged by eBay when a check must be redeposited to collect funds.
FeeReserve This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged by eBay when the seller sets a reserve price for an auction listing.
FeeReturnCheckClose This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged by eBay when the seller's check does not clear because the account has been closed.
FeeReturnedCheck This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged by eBay for a returned check.
FeeReturnRefund This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged to the seller's account if eBay refunds the buyer in a case where the buyer has used the eBay returns process and return shipped the item to the seller, but the seller has not issued a refund to the buyer within seven business days after receiving the returned item.
FeeReturnShipping This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a return shipping fee if an item is returned by the buyer.
FeeSchedule This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged by eBay if the seller uses the scheduled listing feature for a listing. With scheduled listings, the seller schedules a listing to start at some later time (up to 3 weeks after) instead of immediately.
FeeStoresSubscriptionEarlyTermination This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged for early termination of an eBay Stores subscription.
FeeTenDayAuction A fee charged for listing an item for 10 days, rather than one, three, five, or seven days.
FeeUBIShippingLabel This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged to the seller for printing out and using a Universal Business Integration (UBI) shipping label from eBay.
FeeVehicleSubscription This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a monthly subscription fee charged for a National Vehicle subscription.
FeeVehicleSubscriptionEarlyTermination This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged for early termination of a National Vehicle subscription.
FinalEntry This enumeration value indicates the account entry is the final entry in a user's account before it is closed or merged with another account.
FinalValueFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a final value fee, which is a fee that is calculated as a percentage of the total amount of the order, including the purchase price and any shipping and handling charges. This fee is always deducted directly from the seller payout associated with the order.

For more information about how transaction fees are handled, see the Selling fees help page.
FinalValueFeeBelowStandard This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is an additional final value fee for a Below Standard seller. Typically, this fee will be an additional 5 percent (on top of standard final value fee) of the total amount of the order, including the purchase price and any shipping and handling charges. It is possible that this fee may also be charged to an Above Standard or Top-rated seller if that seller is having an issue with 'item not as described' return requests. This fee is always deducted directly from the seller payout associated with the order.

Note: For more information about this additional final value fee for sellers, see the Selling fees help page.
FinalValueFeeBelowStandardCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit against an additional final value fee for a Below Standard seller.
FinalValueFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit towards a final value fee calculated for an order. The seller may get this credit for different reasons, including if the buyer cancels the order, or the buyer doesn't pay for the order and the seller files and wins an Unpaid Item case.
FinalValueFeeFixedFeePerOrder This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a payment processing fee, which is a fixed fee that is charged for all orders. This fixed fee may vary by country, but it is currently $0.30 in the US. This fee is always deducted directly from the seller payout associated with the order.

Note: For more information about how transaction fees are handled, see the Selling fees help page.
FinalValueFeeFixedFeePerOrderCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit against a payment processing fee. Except for perhaps a very unlikely and unusual situation, the payment processing fee will generally not be refunded to the seller.
FinanceCharge This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a finance charge to the user's account. A finance charge may be applicable if the user's monthly invoice balance is not paid in full by the due date.
FinanceChargeReversal This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a reversal of the finance charge to the user's account. A finance charge may be applicable if the user's monthly invoice balance is not paid in full by the due date.
FixedPriceDurationCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued by eBay to the seller for creating a fixed-price listing with a 10-day duration.

Note: The 10-day duration fee is only applicable to motor vehicle listings on eBay Motors, eBay Canada (English and French versions), eBay UK, and eBay Italy. For all non-motor vehicle categories, the only available listing duration is 'GTC', or 'Good 'til Cancelled'.
FixedPriceDurationFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged by eBay for creating a fixed-price listing with a 10-day duration.

Note: This charge may only be applicable to motor vehicle listings on eBay Motors, eBay Canada (English and French versions), eBay UK, and eBay Italy. For all non-motor vehicle categories, the only available listing duration is 'GTC', or 'Good 'til Cancelled'.
FlagDDDDPending This enumeration value acts as a note to indicate that a direct debit payment is pending.
FlagDDPaymentConfirmed This enumeration value acts as a note to indicate that a direct debit payment is confirmed.
ForeignFundsCheckReversal This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a reversal of a check payment made with foreign funds.
ForeignFundsConvert This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged for currency conversion.
FVFCreditReversal This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a reversal of a Final Value Fee credit, resulting in the fee again being charged to the seller.
FVFCreditReversalAutomatic This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is an automatic reversal of a Final Value Fee credit.
HermesReturnLabelFee This enumeration value indicates that the seller was charged a fee for a Hermes return shipping label.
HermesReturnLabelFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the seller was issued a credit against a fee for a Hermes return shipping label.
HermesReturnLblSellerPaidShpFee This enumeration value indicates the seller was charged a fee for a Hermes return shipping label and any applicable tax. Return shipping labels are subject to tax, which is payable by the seller.
HermesReturnLblSellerPaidShpFeeCr This enumeration value indicates that the seller was issued a credit against a fee for a Hermes return shipping label.
HighlineSearchFee This enumeration value indicates the invoice charge is for a 'Highline Search' fee, which is a capability that allows sellers to advertise multiple products at the same time, with ads appearing prominently on top of eBay's search results.
HighlineSearchFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates the invoice credit is for a 'Highline Search' fee that was charged to the seller's account. The 'Highline Search' capability allows sellers to advertise multiple products at the same time, with ads appearing prominently on top of eBay's search results.
HubbedReturnLabelFee This enumeration value indicates that the seller was charged a fee for a Hubbed return shipping label.
HubbedReturnLabelFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the seller received a credit against a fee for a Hubbed return shipping label.
InternationalFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is an international fee, which is a fee that is calculated as a percentage of the total amount of the order, and is applicable for international buyers. This fee is always deducted directly from the seller payout associated with the order.

Note: For more information about this international fee, see the Selling fees help page.
InternationalFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit towards an international fee calculated for an order. The seller may get this credit for different reasons, including if the buyer cancels the order, or the buyer doesn't pay for the order and the seller files and wins an Unpaid Item case.
InternationalListingCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit towards a 'cross-border trade' fee, where the seller pays an additional listing fee to have his/her listing surface in the search on another eBay marketplace.
InternationalListingFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a 'cross-border trade' fee, where the seller pays an additional listing fee to have his/her listing surface in the search on another eBay marketplace.
InvoiceCreditBalance This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit balance for an account's invoice period, meaning that the seller should not pay.
Invoiced This enumeration value indicates that the user has been invoiced.
InvoicedCreditCard This enumeration value indicates that the user has been invoiced and that the balance will be charged to the credit card on file on the due date.
ItemMoveFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee for moving the item.
MarketplaceResearchBasicSubscriptionFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee for a Terapeak Research basic subscription.
MarketplaceResearchBasicSubscriptionFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit towards a fee for a Terapeak Research basic subscription.
MarketplaceResearchExpiredSubscriptionFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee for an expired Terapeak Research subscription.
MarketplaceResearchExpiredSubscriptionFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit towards a fee for an expired Terapeak Research subscription.
MarketplaceResearchProSubscriptionFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee for a Terapeak Research pro subscription.
MarketplaceResearchProSubscriptionFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit towards a fee for a Terapeak Research pro subscription.
Memo This enumeration value may be returned if the account entry is just a memo/note, or if the account entry cannot be properly classified. The corresponding Description field may provide more details, and the corresponding GrossDetailAmount field will indicate whether the transaction was a charge or a credit (indicate with a negative dollar value).
Merged This enumeration value may be returned to act as a note to indicate that the user's two accounts (same owner, but different user IDs) have been merged into one account.
NewZealandGST This enumeration value is deprecated.
NewZealandGSTCredit This enumeration value is deprecated.
OffsiteAdsFee This enumeration value indicates that the seller was charged a fee for offsite ad clicks for a Promoted Listing Advanced campaign.
OffsiteAdsFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the seller was issued a credit against a fee for offsite ad clicks for a Promoted Listing Advanced campaign.
OutageCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit that may be issued by eBay when listings are not available due to system downtime. The downtime can be a title search outage or a hard outage.
ParcelForcePostReturnLabelFee This enumeration value indicates that the seller was charged a fee for a Parcel Force Post return shipping label.
ParcelForcePostReturnLabelFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the seller received a credit against a fee for a Parcel Force Post return shipping label.
PaymentAdjustmentCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit made by eBay to the seller's account when a payment needs to be adjusted.
PaymentAdjustmentDebit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a debit (deduction) made by eBay to the seller's account when a payment needs to be adjusted.
PaymentCash This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a cash payment made on the user's account.
PaymentCC This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a payment by credit card made by a user to eBay.
PaymentCCOnce This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a one-time payment made by a credit card.
PaymentCheck This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a payment by check made by a user to eBay.
PaymentDirectDebit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a payment made by direct debit from the seller's checking account when the seller has requested automatic monthly invoice payments.
PaymentElectronicTransfer This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a one-time payment made to the account by electronic transfer.
PaymentElectronicTransferReversal This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a reversal of an electronic transfer payment.
PaymentEquifaxCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued by eBay to the seller for a payment made on an Equifax fee.
PaymentEquifaxDebit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a payment made by the seller for an Equifax fee.
PaymentGiftCertificate This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a payment made to the account by a gift certificate.
PaymentHomeBanking This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a payment made to the account through home bank.
PaymentIntermediationFee This enumeration value indicates that the charge is a payment processing fee for the order. This fee is only applied at the order level, and the amount of the fee will be the same, regardless of how many line items are in the order or on the total cost of the order. Typically, this fee is $0.30.
PaymentIntermediationFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the credit is for a payment processing fee for the order.
PaymentMoneyOrder This enumeration value may be returned if the account entry is a payment made to the account by money order.
PaymentWireTransfer This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a payment made to the account by wire transfer.
PerListingPaymentsFee This enumeration value is no longer applicable, and should not be returned. Instead, the payment processing fee for all orders is represented with the FinalValueFeeFixedFeePerOrder value.
PerListingPaymentsFeeCredit This enumeration value is no longer applicable, and should not be returned. Instead, any credit for a payment processing fee is represented with the FinalValueFeeFixedFeePerOrderCredit value.
PrivateListing This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee for a private listing. With a private listing, bidders/buyers remain anonymous to other eBay users (besides the seller).
PromotedDisplayFee This enumeration value indicates that the seller was charged a fee for Promoted Display.
PromotedDisplayFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the seller was issued a credit against a fee for Promoted Display.
PromotionalCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a promotional credit issued by eBay.
ProPackBundleFee This enumeration value indicates the account entry is a fee charged to the seller for using the Pro Pack Bundle feature pack (currently available to US and Canada eBay motor vehicle sellers).
ProPackBundleFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates the account entry is a credit towards the fee charged to the seller for using the Pro Pack Bundle feature pack (currently available to US and Canada eBay motor vehicle sellers).
ProPackPlusBundleFee This enumeration value indicates the account entry is a fee charged by eBay to the seller for using the Pro Pack Plus Bundle feature pack.
ProPackPlusBundleFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates the account entry is a credit towards the fee charged by eBay to the seller for using the Pro Pack Plus Bundle feature pack.
ReferrerCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued by eBay to a Store owner who has promoted items outside of eBay.
ReferrerDebit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a charge issued by eBay to a Store owner who has promoted items outside of eBay.
RefundCC This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a refund to a user's credit card issued by eBay.
RefundCheck This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a refund check to a user issued by eBay.
RegulatoryOperatingFee This enumeration value indicates that a fee is charged by eBay to cover the costs associated with complying with regulatory requirements in specific marketplaces.
Note: Currently, this fee is only applicable in the following marketplaces: United Kingdom, Italy, France, Spain, Austria, Belgium (Dutch), Belgium (French), Poland, Ireland, and Switzerland.
RegulatoryOperatingFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that a credit against a fee to cover the costs associated with complying with regulatory requirements in specific marketplaces was issued.
Note: Currently, this fee is only applicable in the following marketplaces: United Kingdom, Italy, France, Spain, Austria, Belgium (Dutch), Belgium (French), Poland, Ireland, and Switzerland.
RevertUserState This enumeration value may be returned to act as a note to indicate that the state of the user's account has been reverted.
RoyalMailReturnLabelFee This enumeration value indicates that the seller was charged a fee for a Royal Mail return shipping label.
RoyalMailReturnLabelFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the seller received a credit against a fee for a Royal Mail return shipping label.
SalesReportsPlusCredit This enumeration value indicates the account entry is a credit to the seller applied towards the monthly subscription fee charged for Sales Reports Plus.
SalesReportsPlusFee This enumeration value indicates the account entry is a monthly subscription fee charged for Sales Reports Plus.
SendLabelFee This enumeration value indicates the invoice charge is for a Send Label fee.
SendLabelFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that a credit was issued for a Send Label fee charge.
SetOnHold This enumeration value may be returned to act as a note that the user's account is on hold.
ShippingInsuranceFee This enumeration value indicates that eBay is billing the seller for shipping insurance (such as ShipCover through USPS) that was purchased through the seller's eBay account.
ShippingInsuranceFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that eBay is giving a credit to the seller for shipping insurance (such as ShipCover through USPS) that was purchased through the seller's eBay account.
SnadOutlierFinalValueFee This enumeration value indicates the invoice charge is a Final Value Fee (for item cost) charged to the seller's account after a buyer creates and wins a 'significantly not as described' (SNAD) case against the seller.
SnadOutlierFinalValueFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates the invoice credit is for a Final Value Fee (for item cost) that was charged to the seller's account after a buyer created a 'significantly not as described' (SNAD) case against the seller, but the seller won the case.
SnadOutlierFinalValueFeeOnShipping This enumeration value indicates the invoice charge is a Final Value Fee (for shipping cost) charged to the seller's account after a buyer creates and wins a 'significantly not as described' (SNAD) case against the seller.
SnadOutlierFinalValueFeeOnShippingCredit This enumeration value indicates the invoice credit is for a Final Value Fee (for shipping cost) that was charged to the seller's account after a buyer created a 'significantly not as described' (SNAD) case against the seller, but the seller won the case.
StoresGTCCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit issued by eBay to refund the seller for a 'Good 'til Cancelled' listing renewal/insertion fee. 'GTC' listings automatically renew each, and these renewed listings may incur insertion fees unless the seller has 'zero insertion fee' credits. eBay sellers with stores get more 'zero insertion fee' credits than other sellers.
StoresGTCFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a fee charged to the seller when a 'Good 'til Cancelled', fixed-price listing automatically renews after each month (as long as inventory is still available or 'out-of-stock' feature is on). This fee is similar to an insertion fee when a listing is first created. 'GTC' listings automatically renew each month, and these renewed listings may incur insertion fees unless the seller has 'zero insertion fee' credits. eBay sellers with stores get more 'zero insertion fee' credits than other sellers.
SubscriptioneBayStores This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a monthly subscription fee charged for the user's eBay Store.
SubscriptionSMBasic This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is the monthly subscription fee charged for the basic version of Selling Manager. For most eBay marketplaces and sellers, there is no subscription charge to use the basic version of Selling Manager.
SubscriptionSMBasicPro This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is the monthly subscription fee charged for using the Selling Manager Pro product.
SubtitleFee This enumeration value indicates the account entry is a fee charged to the seller for adding a subtitle to a listing. Subtitles allow sellers to provide more keywords and/or descriptive information, and may increase buyers' interest.
SubtitleFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates the account entry is a credit issued from eBay to compensate the seller for a subtitle fee charged to their account.
SwitchCurrency This enumeration value may be returned as a note about switching from one billing currency to another.
TemporaryCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a temporary credit from eBay to the user.
TemporaryCreditReversal This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is the reversal of a temporary credit from eBay to the user.
Unknown This enumeration value indicates that the account transaction type is unknown. Sometimes this value will get returned, but the corresponding Description field may provide more details, and the corresponding GrossDetailAmount field will indicate whether the transaction was a charge or a credit (indicated with a negative dollar value).
UpsCaLabelFee This enumeration value indicates that the seller was charged a fee for a UPS Canada shipping label.
UpsCaLabelFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the seller received a credit against a fee for a UPS Canada shipping label.
UpsLabelFee This enumeration value indicates the invoice charge is for a UPS Label fee.
UpsLabelFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that a credit was issued for a UPS Label fee charge.
USInternetSalesTax This enumeration value is deprecated.
USInternetSalesTaxCredit This enumeration value is deprecated.
UspsLabelFee This enumeration value indicates that eBay is billing the seller for a USPS shipping label that was purchased through the seller's eBay account.
UspsLabelFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that eBay is giving a credit to the seller for a USPS shipping label that was purchased through the seller's eBay account.
UspsShortpaidFee This enumeration value indicates that eBay is billing the seller for underpayment for a USPS shipping label that was purchased through the seller's eBay account. Underpayment may occur if the seller paid for a shipping label based on specific package weight and dimensions, but either or both package weight and dimensions were not accurate, hence the seller owes more money to USPS for postage.
UspsShortpaidFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that eBay is giving credit to the seller for underpayment for a USPS shipping label that was purchased through the seller's eBay account. Underpayment may occur if the seller paid for a shipping label based on specific package weight and dimensions, but either or both package weight and dimensions were not accurate, hence the seller owes more money to USPS for postage.
USWHTFederal This enumeration value indicates that US Federal tax was witheld and deducted from the seller's payout funds.
USWHTFederalCredit This enumeration value indicates that the seller was issued a credit against US Federal tax that was witheld and deducted from the seller's payout funds.
USWHTState This enumeration value indicates that US State tax was witheld and deducted from the seller's payout funds.
USWHTStateCredit This enumeration value indicates that the seller was issued a credit against US State tax that was witheld and deducted from the seller's payout funds.
ValuePackBundleFee This enumeration value indicates the account entry is a fee charged by eBay to the seller for using the Value Pack Bundle feature pack.
ValuePackBundleFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates the account entry is a credit towards the fee charged to the seller for using the Value Pack Bundle feature pack.
VATCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit to the seller's account for Value-Added Tax (VAT) previously paid by the seller.
VATDebit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a debit to the seller's account for a Value-Added Tax (VAT) charge.
VATStatusChange_Denied This enumeration value acts as a note to indicate that a VAT status change to the seller's account was denied.
VATStatusChangeApproved This enumeration value acts as a note to indicate that a VAT status change to the seller's account is approved.
VATStatusChangePending This enumeration value acts as a note to indicate that a VAT status change to the seller's account is pending.
VATStatusDeletedByCSR This enumeration value acts as a note to indicate that a VAT status change to the seller's account was cancelled by an eBay customer support representative.
VATStatusDeletedByUser This enumeration value acts as a note to indicate that a VAT status change to the seller's account was cancelled by the user.
VehicleLocalFinalValueFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a final value fee for the sale of a motor vehicle through a Motors local listing.
VehicleLocalFinalValueFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is credit towards a final value fee for the sale of a motor vehicle through a Motors local listing.
VehicleLocalGTCFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a 'GTC' duration listing fee for a Motors local listing.
VehicleLocalGTCFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit towards a 'GTC' duration listing fee for a Motors local listing.
VehicleLocalInsertionFee This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is an insertion fee for a Motors local listing.
VehicleLocalInsertionFeeCredit This enumeration value indicates that the account entry is a credit towards an insertion fee for a Motors local listing.
VehicleLocalSubscriptionFee This enumeration value is no longer applicable as there are no longer any subscription fees to sell motor vehicles through Motors local listings.
VehicleLocalSubscriptionFeeCredit This enumeration value is no longer applicable as there are no longer any subscription fees to sell motor vehicles through Motors local listings.
VehiclesListingBasicPackageCredit This enumeration value indicates that a credit was issued for a Vehicles Listing Basic Package fee charge.
VehiclesListingBasicPackageFee This enumeration value indicates the invoice charge is for a Vehicles Listing Basic Package fee.
VehiclesListingPlusPackageCredit This enumeration value indicates that a credit was issued for a Vehicles Listing Plus Package fee charge.
VehiclesListingPlusPackageFee This enumeration value indicates the invoice charge is for a Vehicles Listing Plus Package fee.
VehiclesListingPremiumPackageCredit This enumeration value indicates that a credit was issued for a Vehicles Listing Premium Package fee charge.
VehiclesListingPremiumPackageFee This enumeration value indicates the invoice charge is for a Vehicles Listing Premium Package fee.
  * See the Enumeration Index to see exact use of each enumeration value in the API.