eBay Trading APIVersion 1379


This type is used by the BidderNoticePreferences container, which consists of the seller's preference for receiving contact information for unsuccessful bidders in auction listings.

Types that use BidderNoticePreferencesType:

Calls that use BidderNoticePreferencesType:


UnsuccessfulBidderNoticeIncludeMyItems ( boolean ) [0..1]
This boolean field should be set to true in a SetUserPreferences call if the seller wishes to receive contact information for bidders who have bid on a seller's auction item, but did not win. This might be helpful to a seller if that seller wishes to proposed Second Chance Offers to these unsuccessful bidders if the seller has multiple, identical items, or if the winning bidder does not pay for the original auction item.

This field is always returned with BidderNoticePreferences container in the GetUserPreferences response.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use UnsuccessfulBidderNoticeIncludeMyItems.