eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

GetMemberMessagesRequestType ( AbstractRequestType )

Retrieves a list of the messages buyers have posted about your active item listings.

Call that uses GetMemberMessagesRequestType:


DisplayToPublic ( boolean ) [0..1]
If included in the request and set to true, only public messages (viewable in the Item listing) are returned. If omitted or set to false in the request, all messages (that match other filters in the request) are returned in the response.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use DisplayToPublic.

EndCreationTime ( dateTime ) [0..1]
Used as end of date range filter. If specified, filters the returned messages to only those with a creation date less than or equal to the specified date and time.

For Contact eBay Member (CEM) messages, StartCreationTime and EndCreationTime must be provided.

For Ask Seller a Question (ASQ) messages, either the ItemID, or a date range (specified with StartCreationTime and EndCreationTime), or both must be included.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use EndCreationTime.

ItemID ( ItemIDType (string) ) [0..1]
The unique identifier of the eBay listing for which you wish to retrieve member messages.

For Ask Seller Question messages, the ItemID and/or a date range (specified with StartCreationTime and EndCreationTime fields), are required, or the call will fail.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ItemID.

MailMessageType ( MessageTypeCodeType ) [0..1]
This required field indicates the type of member message to retrieve. Only the following two enumeration values are allowed. The call will fail if this field is not included in the request.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use MailMessageType.

MemberMessageID ( string ) [0..1]
An ID that uniquely identifies the message for a given user to be retrieved. Used for the AskSellerQuestion notification only.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use MemberMessageID.

MessageStatus ( MessageStatusTypeCodeType ) [0..1]
This field allows you to retrieve only unanswered member messages or answered member messages. If this field is omitted, both answered and unanswered member messages are retrieved.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use MessageStatus.

Pagination ( PaginationType ) [0..1]
Standard pagination argument used to reduce response.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Pagination.

SenderID ( UserIDType (string) ) [0..1]
An eBay ID that uniquely identifies a user. For GetMemberMessages, this is the sender of the message. If included in the request, returns only messages from the specified sender.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use SenderID.

StartCreationTime ( dateTime ) [0..1]
Used as beginning of date range filter. If specified, filters the returned messages to only those with a creation date greater than or equal to the specified date and time.

For Contact eBay Member (CEM) messages, StartCreationTime and EndCreationTime must be provided.

For Ask Seller a Question (ASQ) messages, either the ItemID, or a date range (specified with StartCreationTime and EndCreationTime), or both must be included.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use StartCreationTime.