eBay Trading APIVersion 1379


Contains information pertaining to an offer made on an item listing and the current bidding or purchase state of the listing.

Types that use OfferType:

Calls that use OfferType:


Indicates the type of offer being made on the specified listing. If the item is Best Offer-enabled and the buyer makes a Best Offer (or a counter offer), then after the PlaceOffer call, the buyer can get the status of the Best Offer (and a seller-counter-offer, etc.) using the GetBestOffers call. See Best Offer for information about Best Offer-enabled listings and about GetBestOffers.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Action.

BestOfferID ( BestOfferIDType (string) ) [0..1]
The unique identifier of a Best Offer on an item. This value must be specified as input to PlaceOffer if a buyer is performing any action against a Best Offer or Counter Offer.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use BestOfferID.

BidCount ( int ) [0..1]
Not used by any call.

This field is deprecated.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use BidCount.

ConvertedPrice ( AmountType (double) ) [0..1]
Dollar amount of the bid in the user's currency. This field is always returned but its amount will be the same as the value in the MaxBid field, unless currency conversion was actually performed.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ConvertedPrice.

Currency ( CurrencyCodeType ) [0..1]
Three-digit currency code for the currency used for the auction. Valid values can be viewed in the CurrencyCodeType code list.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Currency.

HighestBid ( AmountType (double) ) [0..1]
This amount indicates the highest bid that the corresponding bidder has made on the auction item. If that specific bidder has only made one bid on the auction listing, this value will be the same value as in the MaxBid field, but if the bidder has made multiple bids on the auction item, the HighestBid will show the highest of the bidder's bids, but MaxBid will show the value of the corresponding bid.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use HighestBid.

ItemID ( ItemIDType (string) ) [0..1]
Not used by any call.

The unique identifier of an eBay listing item listed on the eBay site. Returned by eBay when the item is created.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ItemID.

MaxBid ( AmountType (double) ) [0..1]
Amount of the offer placed. For auction listings, the amount bid on the item (subject to outbid by other buyers). For fixed-price listings, the fixed sale price at which the item is purchased. For auction listings with an active Buy It Now option, this amount will be either the Buy It Now price for purchase or the amount of a bid, depending on the offer type (as specified in Action). For PlaceOffer, the CurrencyID attribute is ignored if provided. Regarding Value-Added Tax (VAT): Even if VAT applies, you do not need to add VAT to the MaxBid value. If VAT applies to the listing, the seller can specify a VAT percent value when they list the item.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use MaxBid.

Message ( string ) [0..1]
A message from the buyer to the seller. Applies if the buyer is using PlaceOffer to perform a Best Offer-related action (Best Offer, Counter Offer, etc.).
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Message.

MyMaxBid ( AmountType (double) ) [0..1]
The maximum bid placed by the user making the call. This field is only returned if the corresponding bid was made by the user making the call.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use MyMaxBid.

Quantity ( int ) [0..1]
Specifies the quantity of items from the specified listing that the user tendering the offer intends to purchase, bid on, or make a Best Offer on. For auctions, the value is always 1 . For multiple-quantity listings, this value must be greater than zero but not exceeding the quantity available for sale in the listing.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Quantity.

SecondChanceEnabled ( boolean ) [0..1]
Indicates the user's preference to accept second chance offers. If true, the user is willing to be the recipient of second chance offers.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use SecondChanceEnabled.

SiteCurrency ( CurrencyCodeType ) [0..1]
Unique ID identifying the currency in which the localized offer amounts are expressed.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use SiteCurrency.

TimeBid ( dateTime ) [0..1]
Timestamp indicating the date and time that the bid was placed.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use TimeBid.

TransactionID ( string ) [0..1]
Not used by any call.

The unique identifier of the order line item (transaction). An order line item is created when a winning bidder commits to purchasing an item.

The TransactionID value for auction listings is always 0 since there can be only one winning bidder/one sale for an auction listing.

Note: Beginning in July 2024, non-zero transaction IDs will start being returned for auction listings. If necessary, update code to handle non-zero transaction IDs for auction transactions before this time.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use TransactionID.

User ( UserType ) [0..1]
This container consists of detailed information on the user that made the bid. Some information in this container will be masked unless the call is made by the owner of the listing.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use User.

UserConsent ( boolean ) [0..1]
If true, confirms that the bidder read and agrees to eBay's privacy policy. Applies if the subject item is in a category that requires user consent. If user consent, which is confirmation that a bidder read and agrees to eBay's privacy policy, is required for a category that the subject item is in, this value must be true for a bid to occur.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use UserConsent.