eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

PricingTreatmentCodeType ( token )

This enumerated type defines the available discount price treatments that can be set up by eligible sellers.

Type that uses PricingTreatmentCodeType:

Calls that use one or more values of PricingTreatmentCodeType:

Enumeration Values

Value Description
CustomCode Reserved for future use.
MAP This enumeration value indicates that Minimum Advertised Pricing is enabled for the order line item. If this value is returned, the minimum advertised price is found in the MinimumAdvertisedPrice field.
MFO This enumeration value indicates that Made For Outlet Comparison Pricing is enabled for the order line item. If this value is returned, the Made For Outlet Comparison price is found in the MadeForOutletComparisonPrice field.
None This enumeration value indicates that neither Strikethrough Pricing or Minimum Advertised Pricing is enabled for the order line item.
STP This enumeration value indicates that Strikethrough Pricing is enabled for the order line item. If this value is returned, the price in the OriginalRetailPrice field will be crossed out in the View Item page.
  * See the Enumeration Index to see exact use of each enumeration value in the API.