eBay Post-Order API Version 2.7.8

Post-Order API Release Notes

Just getting started with the Post-Order API? The navigation bar contains links to the API Reference, the User Guide, and more.

See the following for a general introduction to the Post-Order API, and other resources offered by the eBay Developers Program:

API Releases

The following table lists the official releases for the Post-Order API, Version 2:

Release Version Release Date Description of Release  
Version 2.7.8 2025-01-27 Support added to enhance return experience
Version 2.7.7 2024-03-18 Support added to highlight donation refund amount including a new error code; Values indicating reasons to escalate return requests changed; Miscellaneous document corrections and updates
Version 2.7.6 2023-11-14 Support added for items put on hold due to a violation of eBay Policy; New error codes added
Version 2.7.5 2023-03-01 New error code added  
Version 2.7.4 2022-12-12 Three new return reasons  
Version 2.7.3 2022-10-19 EU and UK Payments regulations update: Digital Signatures  
Version 2.7.2 2022-06-15 New error code added  
Version 2.7.1 2020-12-07 Improvement/enhancement of existing errors  
Version 2.7 2020-08-17 Fields added to support currency conversion for managed payments sellers selling internationally, and containers added to show net charge amount and fee credits for cancelled/returned orders  
Version 2.6 2020-05-13 eBay managed payments info added for buyer refunds  
Version 2.5 2019-10-21 Updates to Cancellation resource.  
Version 2.4 2019-06-12 Added ability to auto-relist an item when refund is issued.  
Version 2.3 2019-01-01 Added ability for sellers to provide return instructions.  
Version 2.2 2015-09-28 Added seller shipping label functionality.  
Version 2.1 2015-08-24 Added order inquiry and order escalation functionality.  
Version 2.0 2015-06-29 Initial Version 2 Release  


Post-Order API – version 2.7.8

Support added to enhance return experience

Enumerated values were added/updated to enhance the return experience.

Values indicating changes

The following enumerated value was updated in the CloseReturnReasonEnum.

The following enumerated values were added to the EscalateReasonEnum type.

The following enumerated values were added/updated to the ActivityOptionEnum type.

The following enumerated values were updated in the ret:MoneyMovementTypeEnum type.

Schema Changes

Name Part of Schema Type of Change
CloseReturnReasonEnum Type Modified
EscalateReasonEnum Type Modified
ActivityOptionEnum Type Modified
ret:MoneyMovementTypeEnum Type Modified

Post-Order API – version 2.7.7

Support added to highlight donation refund amount

Support was added to highlight donation amounts being credited.

Values indicating reasons to escalate return requests changed

The following enumerated values were updated in the EscalateReasonEnum type.

  • RECEIVED_EMPTY_BOX* (Added): This value can be used by the seller if the buyer returned an empty box.
  • RESOLVED_WITH_BUYER** (Added): This value can be used by the seller if the return case was resolved with the buyer.
  • BUYER_NORESPONSE: Deprecated

* Available to the Get Return and the Escalate Return calls
** Available to the Get Return call

Schema Changes

Name Part of Schema Type of Change
donationAmount Field New
EscalateReasonEnum Type Modified

Changed Methods

New error code added

The following error codes were added with this release:

  • 292060: Your refund couldn't be processed. Please review the amount and try again.
  • 1771: RMA not applicable for linked account return.

Post-Order API – version 2.7.6

Support added for items put on hold due to a violation of eBay Policy

Post transaction related content, such as images submitted as proofs or documents related to inquiries/returns/cases, can be placed on hold. Indication that the content is returned or not has been added through the following fields.

Schema Changes

Name Part of Schema Type of Change
caseContentOnHold Field New
returnContentOnHold Field New
inquiryContentOnHold Field New
itemOnHold Field New

Changed Methods

New error codes added

The following error codes were added with this release:

  • 292061: We are having trouble verifying your credit card. Please ensure the billing address on your payment instrument matches the address on your card, or change your payment option below and try refunding again.
  • 292062: The country of the credit card issuer is different from the country of your registration account. Please select a different payment option and try refunding again or contact us for further assistance.
  • 292063: You have exceeded the number of credit cards for selling costs allowed on your account. Please select a different payment option and try refunding again or contact us for further assistance.
  • 292064: You have exceeded the number of credit cards for selling costs allowed on your account. Please select a different payment option and try refunding again or contact us for further assistance.
  • 292065: We are having trouble verifying your credit card. Please ensure all card details are up to date or select a different payment option and try refunding again.
  • 292066: The refund could not be completed because there is an issue with buyer's payment option. We will work with them to resolve it and no further action is required from you.
  • 292067: Your payment option does not have a sufficient balance for this refund. Please work with your payment provider or select a different option and try refunding again
  • 292068: We were unable to charge your payment instrument. Please update your payment instrument and try again.
  • 292069: Your refund could not go through. Please select a different payment option and try refunding again.

Post-Order API – version 2.7.5

New error code added

The following error code was added with this release:

  • 292058: Charge balance is less than requested balance amount. Please try again later or contact us.

Post-Order API – version 2.7.4

Three new return reasons

The following three return reasons were added:

  • DOES_NOT_FIT: This enumeration value indicates that a Parts & Accessory item is being returned by a buyer because the item does not fit the buyer's vehicle. If this return reason is returned, the buyer will be eligible for a free return shipping label provided by eBay, but the seller must use the Process Return Request method to provide a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number before eBay will generate and provide the free return shipping label to the buyer.
  • MISCATEGORIZED: This enumeration value indicates that the item is being returned to the seller after the authentication partner deemed that the item was miscategorized, and is not actually eligible as an Authenticity Guarantee item.
  • CUSTOMIZED: This enumeration value indicates that the item is being returned to the seller after the authentication partner deemed that the item has been customized, and customized items are not eligible for the Authenticity Guarantee program.

Post-Order API – version 2.7.3

EU and UK Payments regulations update: Digital Signatures

Due to EU and UK Payments regulatory requirements, an additional security verification via Digital Signatures is required for certain API calls that are made by EU/UK sellers. Refer to Digital Signatures for APIs for information about creating signatures to be included in the HTTP payload.

Post-Order API – version 2.7.2

New error code added

The following error code was added with this release:

  • 292057: You've exceeded the default payment method's limit. Please use a different payment option or try again later.

Post-Order API – version 2.7.1

New error codes added; description updates

The following error codes were added or updated with this release:

  • 1754: Your refund did not go through. Please use a different payment option and try again.
  • 1755: Your refund did not go through. Please add a payment option to refund the buyer.
  • 1764: Your refund did not go through. Please try again later or contact us.
  • 292054: Your refund did not go through. Please use a different payment option and try again.

Post-Order API – version 2.7

Schema Changes

Name Part of Schema Type of Change
AppealDetails.appealRefundAmount Field New
Amount.exchangeRate Field New
ActualRefund.feeCreditAmount Field New
RefundAmounts.feeCreditAmount Field New
ActualRefundDetail.netChargeAmount Field New
CaseDetails.refundChargeAmount Field New
InquiryDetails.refundChargeAmount Field New

Changed Methods

Fields added to support currency conversion for managed payments sellers selling internationally

Currency conversion will be performed by eBay for managed payments sellers selling internationally. Currency conversion comes into play when a buyer is refunded.

To support this new capability, the following containers/fields were added:

  • Amount.exchangeRate: exchangeRate field added to Amount type. This field is populated whenever currency conversion is necessary, such as in the case when a buyer refund occurs for an international order where the listing site's currency is different than the seller's default currency.
  • actualRefund.feeCreditAmount: this container is returned in the 'Get Cancellation' method if a buyer refund for an eBay managed payments order was issued, and provides the amount of any selling fee credits due back to the seller per eBay policy.
  • caseDetails.refundAmounts.feeCreditAmount: this container is returned in the 'Get Case' method if a buyer refund for an eBay managed payments order was issued, and provides the amount of any selling fee credits due back to the seller per eBay policy.
  • inquiryDetails.refundAmounts.feeCreditAmount: this container is returned in the 'Get Inquiry' method if a buyer refund for an eBay managed payments order was issued, and provides the amount of any selling fee credits due back to the seller per eBay policy.
  • actualRefund.feeCreditAmount: this container is returned in the 'Get Return' method if a buyer refund for an eBay managed payments order was issued, and provides the amount of any selling fee credits due back to the seller per eBay policy.
  • actualRefundDetail.netChargeAmount: this container is returned in the 'Get Cancellation' method if a buyer refund for an eBay managed payments order was issued, and provides the 'net' charge to the seller for the buyer refund. The 'net' charge is calculated by subtracting any selling fee credits due back to the seller from the total amount of the refund. In the case of an international order refund where the the listing site's currency is different than the seller's default currency, the amount in both currencies are shown, as well as the exchange rate used to perform the currency conversion.
  • caseDetails.refundChargeAmount: this container is returned in the 'Get Case' method if a buyer refund for an eBay managed payments order was issued, and provides the charge to the seller for the buyer refund. In the case of an international order refund where the the listing site's currency is different than the seller's default currency, the amount in both currencies are shown, as well as the exchange rate used to perform the currency conversion.
  • inquiryDetails.refundChargeAmount: this container is returned in the 'Get Inquiry' method if a buyer refund for an eBay managed payments order was issued, and provides the charge to the seller for the buyer refund. In the case of an international order refund where the the listing site's currency is different than the seller's default currency, the amount in both currencies are shown, as well as the exchange rate used to perform the currency conversion.
  • actualRefundDetail.netChargeAmount: this container is returned in the 'Get Return' method if a buyer refund for an eBay managed payments order was issued, and provides the 'net' charge to the seller for the buyer refund. The 'net' charge is calculated by subtracting any selling fee credits due back to the seller from the total amount of the refund. In the case of an international order refund where the the listing site's currency is different than the seller's default currency, the amount in both currencies are shown, as well as the exchange rate used to perform the currency conversion.
  • appealDetails.appealRefundAmount: this container is returned in the 'Get Case' method if a seller appeals a case decision, wins the appeal, and is awarded a seller credit.
  • appealDetails.appealRefundAmount: this container is returned in the 'Get Inquiry' method if a seller appeals a case decision, wins the appeal, and is awarded a seller credit.

Post-Order API – version 2.6

Schema Changes

Name Part of Schema Type of Change
ActualRefund Type New
ActualRefundDetail Type New
FundingMethodBrandEnum Type New
FundingMethodTypeEnum Type New
FundingSource Type New
FundingSourceType Type New
FundingStatusEnum Type New
RefundInfo Type New
RefundFundingType Type New
ActualRefundDetailType.fundings Field New
ActualRefundDetailType.outstandingAmount Field New
CancelDetail.refundInfo Field New
MoneyMovementEntry.fundingSource Field New
MoneyMovementEntry.fundingStatus Field New
CancelCloseReasonEnum.FULL_REFUNDED_AS_PAYOUT Enum New
CancelCloseReasonEnum.PAYOUT_FAILED Enum New
CancelCloseReasonEnum.SELLER_CANCEL_UNPAID Enum New
RefundPaymentTypeEnum.INTERMEDIATED_REFUND Enum New

Changed Methods

New eBay managed payments schema added for buyer refunds

New eBay managed payments schema added to four 'Get' calls to indicate the seller payment source that is being used to fund a buyer refund. This new schema is only applicable in the case of a buyer refund coming from a seller who is opted in to eBay managed payments. eBay managed payments is currently only available to some sellers on the eBay US and eBay Germany marketplaces, and this capability is scheduled to roll out to sellers on the eBay UK, eBay Canada, and eBay Australia marketplaces in July 2020.

The new containers and fields are summarized below

  • cancelDetail.refundInfo: this container is returned in the 'Get a Cancellation Request' method if a buyer refund for an eBay managed payment was issued, or is scheduled to be issued for a cancelled order.
  • moneyMovementEntryList.fundingSource: this container is returned in the 'Get Case' method if a buyer refund for an eBay managed payment was issued, and provides details about the seller's funding source to issue the refund.
  • moneyMovementEntryList.fundingStatus: this field is returned in the 'Get Case' method if a buyer refund for an eBay managed payment was issued, and provides the status of the refund.
  • moneyMovementEntryList.fundingSource: this container is returned in the 'Get Inquiry' method if a buyer refund for an eBay managed payment was issued, and provides details about the seller's funding source to issue the refund.
  • moneyMovementEntryList.fundingStatus: this field is returned in the 'Get Inquiry' method if a buyer refund for an eBay managed payment was issued, and provides the status of the refund.
  • actualRefundDetail.fundings: this array is returned in the 'Get Return' method if a buyer refund for an eBay managed payment was issued, and provides details about the seller's funding source to issue the refund.
  • actualRefundDetail.fundings: this field is returned in the 'Get Return' method if a buyer refund for an eBay managed payment was issued, and provides the amount still due to the buyer (if any) for a buyer refund.

Four new error codes added

The following four error codes were added with this release:

  • 292050: The tracking number cannot exceed {0} characters.
  • 292051: Refund failure due to insufficient funds awaiting payout. Please add a payment instrument and try again.
  • 292052: We were unable to charge your payment instrument. Please update your payment instrument and try again.
  • 292053: We couldn't process your refund. Please try again or contact us for help.

Post-Order API – version 2.5

This release updates the Cancellation and Return services in Post-Order API, Version 2.5

Note that this release does not introduce any new methods to the Post-Order API.

Cancellation schema updates

There are three types of updates to the Cancellation schema: new schema objects, updated object types, and updated values supported in enumeration types. Please see the Post-Order API Reference for details on these new and updated types.

New Cancellation object types

This update introduces the following new complex object and enumeration types in the Cancellation resource:

Updated Cancellation object types

  • The search request has a new query parameter, role.
  • The cancelDetail object has the following new response fields: buyerLoginName, cancelState, cancelStatus, moneyMovementInfo, partialOrderType, payoutRecoupInfo, sellerLoginName
  • The cancelSummary object has the following new response fields: buyerLoginName, cancelState, cancelStatus, partialOrderType, payoutRecoupInfo, sellerLoginName
  • The CreateCancelRequest object has the following new input field: relistLineItem
  • The CreateCancelResponse object has the following new response field: warnings
  • The ItemEligibilityResult object has the following new response field: cancelQuanity

Updated values in Cancellation enumeration types

The following enumeration types have updated values, please see the documentation for details:

  • CancelActivityTypeEnum
  • CancelCloseReasonEnum
  • CancelReasonEnum
  • EligibilityFailureReasonEnum
  • PaymentStatusEnum
    New values: ONLINE_PAID

Return schema updates

There are three types of updates to the Return schema: new schema objects, updated object types, and updated values supported in enumeration types. Please see the Post-Order API Reference for details on these new and updated types.

New Return object types

This update introduces the following new complex object and enumeration types in the Return resource:

Updated Return object types

The following object types have been updated in this release:

Updated values in Return enumeration types

The following enumeration types have updated values, please see the documentation for details:

  • ActivityOptionEnum
  • BuyerCloseReturnReasonEnum
    New values: CHARGE_BACK_OPENED
  • CloseReturnReasonEnum
  • EligibilityCheckTypeEnum
  • EscalateReasonEnum
  • FilePurposeEnum
    New values: REFUND_RELATED
  • MoneyMovementStatusEnum
    New values: REVERSED, TIMEDOUT
  • MoneyMovementTypeEnum
  • RefundFeeTypeEnum
  • ReturnCountFilterEnum
  • ReturnStateEnum
  • ShippingCarrierEnum
  • StatusType
    New values: WARNING

Return Rules schema updates

All the methods and types defined for the RULES resource have been deprecated and removed from the schema and documentation.

The functionality for return rules continues to be supported and updated in Seller Hub, where sellers can establish and maintain the rules by which they want to handle order returns.

Documentation changes and errata

The following method response fields in the Cancellation resource have been removed from the Post-Order API Reference documentation:

  • cancelDetail.itemId
  • cancelDetail.state (use cancelState instead)
  • cancelDetail.status (use cancelStatus instead)
  • cancelDetail.transactionId
  • cancelSummary.state (use cancelState instead)
  • cancelSummary.status (use cancelStatus instead)

Post-Order API – version 2.4

This Post-Order API, Version 2 feature update gives sellers the ability to automatically relist an item when they issue a refund.

New features

Auto-relist an item when a refund is issued for a return

Sellers now have the ability to request that an item be automatically relisted when the seller issues a refund for a returned item.

The new Boolean relistItem field in the POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/issue_refund call lets sellers indicate that they want eBay to automatically relist the returned item when the seller issues the refund for the return.

Sellers can check the eligibility for an item to be relisted by calling Get Return. In the response, check the itemDetail.relistStatus field for eligibility. This field will also show the status of a relist request as either SUCCESS (the relist succeeded) or FAILED (the relist request did not succeed).

If the relist request succeeds, call Get Return and check the itemDetail.relistedItemId to get the listing ID of the newly relisted item (the ID should match the ID of the original item listing).

Index of Changed Calls

This release adds new fields to the following two operations in order returns:

Schema Changes

This release has the following schema updates:

Post-Order API – version 2.3

This Post-Order API, Version 2 feature update gives sellers the ability to add return instructions for buyers.

New features

Sellers can add return instructions for buyers

Seller can specify return instructions using the comments.content field of the POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/decide call. Added comments are displayed on the Return Details page when the buyer visits the page to retrieve their return shipping label.

Note that the content field is not new, but the functionality to display the comments to the buyer has been added starting in January 2019.

Documentation changes and errata

The Processing return requests section of the Features Guide has been updated to clarify the API flows for item returns. Please review the new flows if you (the seller) provide your own shipping labels or if you use eBay-supplied labels.

Post-Order API – version 2.2

This is a feature update for the Post-Order API, Version 2.

Index of Changed Calls

This release adds new upload seller shipping label functionality to the Post-Order API.

New Calls


Changed Calls

Schema Changes

NamePart of SchemaType of Change
LabelActionEnum Enumerated type New
NoSellerUploadLabelReasonEnum Enumerated type New
ProvideLabelRequest.forwardShippingLabelProvided Element New
ProvideLabelRequest.labelAction Element New
ProvideLabelRequest.noLabelReason Element New
ReturnHoldInfoType.holdTransactionId Element New

New Features

Sellers Can Provide Own Shipping Labels to Buyers

The POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/add_shipping_label call was enhanced to enable the seller to provide their own shipping labels to buyers for return shipping. To do this, the seller first uses the POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/file/upload call to upload a scanned image of the seller's shipping label to the return request. Then, the seller uses the POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/add_shipping_label call to make this shipping label available to the buyer. See the POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/add_shipping_label sample to find out more about how this is done.

Other Enhancements to "add_shipping_label" Call

In addition to being able to provide a seller-generated shipping label to the buyer, the new labelAction field in the POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/add_shipping_label call allows the seller to perform the following actions:

  • Inform the buyer to use the eBay return shipping label
  • Inform the buyer that the seller-generated shipping label has already been sent
  • Inform the buyer that no shipping label is available (and state the reason through the noLabelReason field
  • Instruct the buyer to purchase their own shipping label, but the seller will reimburse them for the return shipping cost

New holdTransactionId Field

New holdTransactionId field is conditionally returned in the POST /post-order/v2/return and GET /post-order/v2/return/{returnId} calls if a return request has been placed in hold status.

Documentation Changes and Errata

Shipping Returns Section of Features Guide Updated

The Shipping returns section of the Features Guide was updated to account for the new upload seller shipping label functionality.

Return Call Samples Updated

The POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/file/upload and POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/add_shipping_label call samples have been updated to account for the new upload seller shipping label functionality.

Various Documentation Updates

The API Reference, the User Guide, and the Post-Order content of the eBay Features Guide have been revised and extended for clarity and accuracy as of December 3, 2015. Existing code should still behave the same.

Post-Order API – version 2.1

This is a feature update for the Post-Order API, Version 2.

Index of Changed Calls

This release adds new operations for order inquiries (/inquiry)and order escalations (/casemanagement) to the Post-Order API.

New Calls

New Features

This release contains several new operations that offer flows for order inquiries and escalations.
See the New Calls section for a complete list of the new operations, and the Usage Guide for details on the newly supported use cases.

Documentation Changes and Errata

The documentation has been updated to support the new inquiry and escalation operations and use cases.


Initial Version 2 Release – version 2.0

This is the initial release of the Post-Order API, Version 2.

Index of Changed Calls

The following /return and /cancellation operations are included in this initial release of the Post-Order API, Version 2.

New Calls