eBay Post-Order APIVersion 2.7.8

Provide Case Shipment Info

POST /post-order/v2/casemanagement/{caseId}/provide_shipment_info

This method is used to provide shipment tracking information for an item that is involved in case.

This method is not supported in the Sandbox environment.


See also Samples.

Resource URI (production)

POST https://api.ebay.com/post-order/v2/casemanagement/{caseId}/provide_shipment_info

URI parameters

Parameter Type Required? Meaning
caseId string Required The unique identifier of a case. This URI parameter is required in order to identify the case for which shipment tracking information is being provided. The case ID value is passed in as part of the method URI.

HTTP request headers

All requests made to eBay REST operations require you to provide the authorization HTTP header for authentication.
See HTTP request headers for details.


This call uses standard authorization tokens. See Making a Call for details.

Payload model

The following lists all fields that could be included in the request.

{ /* ProvideShipmentInfoRequest */
"shippingCarrierName": string,
"trackingNumber": string

Request field descriptions

Input Container/Field Type Occurrence Meaning
shippingCarrierName string Required The shipping carrier enumeration value is passed into this field, and represents the shipping carrier being used to return the item.

A list of shipping carrier enumeration values can be found in the ShippingCarrierEnum type definition.
trackingNumber string Required The shipment tracking number is passed into this field. This value should be passed in without hyphens or spaces. The seller is responsible for the accuracy of this value, as eBay can only validate that the format is consistent with the format that is used by the specified shipping carrier.


See also Samples.

Payload model

This call has no response payload.



New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Some item IDs, user IDs, or other data in these samples might no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, you can substitute current eBay data in your requests.

Sample: Basic Call

Buyer provides return shipment information to the seller.


Now that the return request has been escalated to a case, the seller has finally agreed to issue a full refund upon receiving the returned item from the buyer. With this call, the buyer is providing the shipment tracking information to the seller.


The buyer passes in the case ID value as a path parameter to identify the case for which shipment tracking details are being provided to the seller. The shippingCarriername field is used to provide the name of the shipping carrier and the trackingNumber field is used to provide the tracking number for the shipment.

URL format. See also the non-wrapped version of this URL.

POST https://api.ebay.com/post-order/v2/casemanagement/5********3/provide_shipment_info
"shippingCarrierName": "FedEx",
"trackingNumber": "1*********7"


There is no output payload with this response. A successful call contains an HTTP status code of 200.

JSON format.

Change History

Change Date Description