eBay Post-Order APIVersion 2.7.8


The base reponse type of the POST /post-order/v2/inquiry/check_eligibility method, which is used to see if a buyer is eligible to create an INR inquiry.

Call that uses CheckInquiryEligibilityResponse:


earliestPossibleFilingDate ( DateTime ) [0..?]
The timestamp in this container indicates the earliest possible date that the buyer can file an inquiry against the specified order line item. This field will not be returned if the value of the inquiryEligibilityStatus field is INELIGIBLE.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use earliestPossibleFilingDate.

errors ( array of EligibilityResponseError ) [0..?]
This container is an array of one or more error messages regarding the buyer's eligibility to file an INR inquiry for a particular order line item. This container is generally returned if the value of the inquiryEligibilityStatus field is INELIGIBLE. However, based on the error(s) that appear here, it is possible that the buyer can address and resolve these errors/issues and become eligible to file an INR inquiry against the order line item.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use errors.

estimatedDeliveryDate ( DateTime ) [0..?]
The timestamp in this container indicates the estimated delivery date of the order line item associated with this INR inquiry. This container is returned if available.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use estimatedDeliveryDate.

inquiryEligibilityStatus ( InquiryEligibilityStatusEnum ) [0..?]
The enumeration value returned here indicates the eligibility of the buyer to file an INR inquiry against the order line item.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use inquiryEligibilityStatus.

inquiryId ( string ) [0..?]
The unique identifier of an INR inquiry that was filed against the order line item that was specified in the request. This field is only returned if an existing INR inquiry request already exists for the order line item, and if an INR inquiry already exists for the order line item, another INR inquiry cannot be created
See the Field Index to learn which calls use inquiryId.

latestPossibleFilingDate ( DateTime ) [0..?]
The timestamp in this container indicates the latest possible date that the buyer can file an INR inquiry against the specified order line item. This field will not be returned if the value of the inquiryEligibilityStatus field is INELIGIBLE.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use latestPossibleFilingDate.

nonOverridableErrors ( array of EligibilityResponseError ) [0..?]
This container is an array of one or more error messages regarding the buyer's eligibility to file an INR inquiry for a particular order line item. This container is generally returned if the value of the inquiryEligibilityStatus field is INELIGIBLE. These errors/issues cannot be addressed and resolved by the buyer, and the buyer will not be eligible to file an INR inquiry against the order line item.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use nonOverridableErrors.

paypalReasonToDenyRequestFiling ( string ) [0..?]
See the Field Index to learn which calls use paypalReasonToDenyRequestFiling.

returnFilingDate ( DateTime ) [0..?]
The timestamp in this container specifies the latest possible date that the buyer can create a return request for an order line item. This field is only applicable if the buyer has received and wants to return an item.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use returnFilingDate.

returnId ( string ) [0..?]
This string value is the unique identifier of a return request. This field is only returned if the buyer filed a return request against the order line item associated with the INR inquiry.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use returnId.

warnings ( array of EligibilityResponseError ) [0..?]
This container is an array of one or more warning messages regarding the buyer's eligibility to file an INR inquiry for a particular order line item. This container is generally returned if the value of the inquiryEligibilityStatus field is ELIGIBLE_TO_FILE_WITH_WARNING. The buyer may need to address these warnings prior to filing an INR inquiry against the order line item.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use warnings.